Call for Nominations
for MacEwan University Academic Governance Council Committees
To: All faculty members
From:Teresa Costouros, Chair, Nominations Committee of Academic Governance Council
Date:February 7, 2014
As we look forward to the upcoming academic year, the Nominations Committee of Academic Governance Council (AGC) invites MacEwan University faculty to consider making a contribution to academic governance at the University.
The attached Nomination Form lists the AGC committee vacancies for the 2014-2015 academic year. According to our Terms of Reference, Nominations Committee will strive towards providing diverse and balanced representation for AGC committees. This means that we need faculty from across the different areas of MacEwan University with diverse experiences. Nominations Committee will employ an evaluative process that utilizes a rubric (a sample is attached).
To volunteer or to nominate another person, please download, type directly into, save, and return the attached Nomination Form by 12:00 p.m. Noon on Wednesday, March 5, 2014.
When submitting your own nomination form via email, your handwritten signature is not required (your email acts as your signature).Nominations Committee requests that only typed nomination forms be submitted for consideration.
All information provided on the nomination form is taken into consideration when making recommendations to AGC. Please fill out the following pages as completely as possible.The nominations form is also on the AGC website under the Committee Participation tab, at
Further information on the Academic Governance Council and its committees is available on
the AGC website or by contacting the Academic Governance Secretariat (Kim Warkentine, Secretary to AGC, , or Donna Harbeck, Executive Assistant II, ).
Nominations Committee of Academic Governance Council
Teresa CostourosCommittee Chair; Curriculum Coordinator, Insurance Risk Management
Rose GintherChair, Arts Cultural Management
Chris HancockVice-Chair, AGC (Instructor, Business Management)
Margaret MilnerInstructor, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Ryan RothVice-President Academic, Students’ Association ofMacEwan University
Denise RoyDean, Faculty of Fine Arts Communications
-Nomination Form
-Nomination Rubric (to be filled out by Nominations Committee)
All information provided on the nomination form is taken into consideration when making
recommendations to AGC. Please fill out the following pages as completely as possible.
Nomination Form and Information Sheet
Name of Candidate:______
Department/Program: ______Faculty/School: ______
Phone: ______Email: ______
Candidate Information
Note: The following information assists the Nominations Committee in finding candidates for committees.
Employment Status:
Year you joined MacEwan University: ______Chair designation: ______
[Are you a Program or Committee Chair?]
Faculty: __Full-Time Continuing __Probationary __Part-Time Continuing
__Full-Time Limited Term __ Sessional Extended __ Sessional (formerly Term)
Please indicate your committee preferences in rank order(1 being most preferred):
AGC Standing Committees__ / Academic Policies Committee / 1 Faculty Member
(any Faculty/School) / 2 years / Meets monthly
Sept. to June.
2014-15 schedule
not yet set.
Develops and reviews all academic policies and other policies impacting the academic enterprise.
__ / Admissions & Selections Committee / 1 Faculty Memberwho is a Program Chair
(any Faculty/School ) / 3 years / Meets monthly
Sept. to June.
2014-15 schedule
not yet set.
Develops and reviews Admissions policy C5010: reviews and recommends program-specific admission criteria regarding admissions issues.
__ / Research Council+ / 6 Faculty Members
- 4 fromall Faculties/Schools;
- 1 FAS (Science preferred, excluding Psychology);
- 1 PRF.
___I am willing to serve as Chair / 2 years / Meets monthly Sept. to June and to adjudicate internal grants in November, March, and April.
2014-15 schedule not yet set.
Advises the University community on research policy, and supports faculty in making a contribution to their disciplines and the wider world, informing teaching and learning.
__ / Research Ethics Board+ / 6 Faculty Members
with background in one of:research or ethics:
- 2 FHCS (1 CYC or Social Work preferred);
- 4FAS (2 Psychology preferred).
___I am willing to serve as Chair / 2 years / Meets monthly Sept. to June .Attendance is required.
2014-15 schedule not yet set.
Approves, rejects, proposes modifications to, or terminates any proposed or ongoing research which falls under the scope of Policy C5052 - Ethical Review of Research with Human Participants.
… continued on the next page …
__ / Student Services Policy Committee / 1Professional Resource Faculty Member / 2 years / Meets monthlySept. to June.
2014-15 schedule
not yet set.
Develops, revises, and renews institutional and Student Services "E" policies to ensure that they are contemporary, effective, reflective of institutional values, and built upon broad-based consultation.
AGC Advisory Committees
__ / Faculty Evaluation Committee / 2 Faculty Members
(any Faculty/ School) / 2 years / Meets monthly
Sept. to June.
2014-15 schedule
not yet set.
Reviews faculty evaluation processes for teaching faculty members at the University. Responsible for providing advice, support, and recommendations on the implementation of the instructional aspects of Policy C5065.
__ / Student Success Committee / 1 Faculty Member
(1SOB) / 3 years / Meets monthly
Sept. to June.
2014-15 schedule
not yet set.
Identifies, plans, develops, implements, and evaluates student success strategies.
+NOTE: Members cannot serve concurrently on any of the following committees: Research Council,
Research Ethics Board, and Animal Research Ethics Board.
What interests you about the Committee(s) you wish to serve on?How will your academic and/or professional background contribute to the Committee(s)? Include additional sheet(s), if required.
I am willing to serve on the University Rank and Title Appeals Committee (Fall 2014).
Please consider me for any AGC committee vacancies as they occur.
Please provide your committee experience on the next page.
All information provided on the nomination form is taken into consideration when making recommendations to AGC. Please fill out the following page as completely as possible.
Committee Experience
Please list any committees you have served on include the length of term(s) served for each committee.
University-Wide Committees
Department/Program Committees
External Committees
Please provide any additional information that you consider relevant. Include additional sheet(s), if required.
*When submitting your own nomination form via email, your handwritten signature is not required
(your email acts as your signature).
Signature of the nominee / DateBy signing this form (or if submitting via email), I acknowledge and agree that, for the purpose of considering my qualifications for appointment to a committee, any information disclosed within this form will be disclosed to the Nominations Committee and may be disclosed to AGC generally in the event an election is required during an AGC meeting.