Executive Director
John P. Murtha Institute for Homeland Security
IndianaUniversity of Pennsylvania
Indiana, Pennsylvania
Dr. Jeffrey Crane is a senior university administrator and currently oversees all activities for the research and training institute for emergency management and homeland security. The John P. Murtha Institute for Homeland Security consists of six centers and several academic programs in domestic preparedness and weapons of mass destruction (WMD), emergency response, cyber-security, environmental training, and cryptology and software development for National Guard CSTs. These include, but are not limited to: Weapons of Mass Destruction and Domestic Preparedness Program; National Emergency and Disaster Information Center; National Security Agency Center for Academic Excellence in Information Assurance; The National Environmental Education Training Center; Advanced Behavioral Intelligence Analysis Program; Proactive Intelligence; The Civil Support Team Information Management System; The Critical Asset Protection Services program; and the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s WMD Leadership Graduate Certificate.
Dr. Crane holds an adjunct associate professor appointment with the University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine, where he conducts lectures on topics such as pandemic influenza recognition, treatment and hospital surge capacity, preparedness, and emergency operations to the medical students and faculty. Dr. Crane also has current adjunct and visiting faculty appointments with WesternCarolinaUniversity and the University of South Florida, instructing online in the areas of bioterrorism, emergency management, and public health preparedness. He has provided services to the U.S. Department of State as a terrorism and physical security expert, conducting workshops for the U.S. Embassy Services in foreign countries. Dr. Crane was part of a four-person strategic leadership team assembled by the U.S. Surgeon General’s Office and the Office of Mass Casualty Planning in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to advise on the Hurricane Katrina health and medical Federal recovery efforts.
As a consultant, Dr. Crane led the Alabama and Louisiana Departments of Public Health with planning, design, and presentation of the statewide Strategic National Stockpile and bioterrorism exercise programs. Other projects have included such projects as the development of a countywide mass catastrophe incident system and a “shelter-in-place” multi-media campaign for Miami-DadeCounty; the rewrite and National Incident Management System integration of several comprehensive emergency management plans; the development of mass casualty incident protocols and exercise evaluations for cruise lines; and business continuity planning for large corporations.
Dr. Crane has a doctor of public health degree with focus areas in health management, emergency preparedness, and environmental and occupational health. He also holds an MBA and an MPA. He has earned graduate certificates in disaster management, healthcare administration, and management information systems. He is also recognized as a Certified Emergency Manager from the International Association of Emergency Managers.
May 19, 2009