

The Classified Staff Advisory Council will be presenting Peer Recognition Awards at the 2018CSAC Annual Employee Mixer on Thursday, March 29, 2018. These awards promote and reward outstanding classified staff service by acknowledging those employees who consistently provide exceptional service to students, faculty, colleagues and/or the public. This is an individual award based entirely upon peer nominations. Both nominee and nominator must be classified staff employees.

The successful nominee should demonstrate exceptional service. For example:

  • Promotes NAU in a positive and enthusiastic manner.
  • Provides outstanding service to students, colleagues, and the general public.
  • Promotes “team” effort within their department and among various campus departments.
  • Provides an environment conducive to safe working and learning.
  • Makes unique contributions to the university beyond their regular job duties.
  • Demonstrates a commitment to diversity.

To nominate a fellow employee for this award:

  • Nominator must be a classified staff employee.
  • Nominee must be a regular classified staff employee working 20 or more hours per week and with at least one year of continuous service at any NAU location.
  • Supervisor’s approval is not required.
  • Submit a completed nomination form by Friday, March 2, 2018to Susan Lauer –

Email: or Fax:(928) 317-6419.

NOTE:Awardees are eligible to receive this award once every two years.

Nominators will be contacted if their nominee is not eligible for any reason.

Please limit your nomination to one classified staff member only.

Return this form no later than Friday, March 2, 2018 to Susan Lauer

Email: or Fax: (928)317-6419

Last Name / First Name / Middle Initial / Job Title
Email / Phone Number / PO Box # or mailing address
Department Name AND Campus Location
Supervisor’s name / Phone Number / Email
Name / Job Title / Department
Email / Phone Number / PO Box #

Please describe below how the nominee provides exceptional service to NAU (use additional pages if needed)