Report Title: Impact of premises with Sexual Entertainment Licences
Author: / Andrew CLUBBEDate produced: / 13/10/11
Plan Owner: / DCI MCCALLUM
Date requested: / 11/10/11
Task summary: / Identify the level of offending against women in the vicinity of sexual entertainment premises over the past three years to identify trends in crime and ASB reporting.
Aim: / To identify if a problem exists in the vicinity of these premises
5 x 5 x 5 Handling Code
1 / May be disseminated to law enforcement and partner agencies
Key Findings
Sexual violence and (non-domestic) violent offences against women between 01/04/2008 and 30/09/2011 were used to identify the level of offences within 100m of the following premises: Central Chambers, Lounge @ 30, Platinum Club, Urban Tiger and Temptations T3. It is not possible to isolate ASB logs directed specifically against women so general ASB logs were used as well as intelligence relating to the above premises.
It is important to note that no causal relationship has been established between SEVs and the recorded increase and no research has been conducted to establish or test any other potential reasons for the increase.
- Between 2009/10 and 2010/11 there was a marked increase in the number of violent and sexually violent offences within 50m of the above premises including a 63% increase against men and 82% against women
- In particular, offences around the Lounge @ 30 increased and remain elevated. There are relatively few problems around Temptations, West Street in comparison to City Centre venues.
- There are neither offences against women recorded in the premises nor any intelligence to indicate violence. However, ASB in the premises has increased.
- With the exception of the Platinum Club, most offences occur between 25 and 50 m from the premises (i.e. not directly outside). However, this may be affected by the accuracy of location records.
- Offences have mainly been assault ABH, common assault, sexual assault and causing harassment, alarm or distress. Combined, these make up 80% of all offences.
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Data Description
- Between 2009/10 and 2010/11 there was a marked increase in the number of violent and sexually violent offences against women within 50m of the above premises which has been sustained in 2011/12.
As can be seen in the below graph, the number of offences increased more than two-fold between 2009/10 and 2010/11. In particular, there was a ‘step change’ increase in August 2010 which has lasted until this year.
- In particular, offences around the Lounge @ 30 increased and remain elevated. There are relatively few problems around Temptations, West Street in comparison to City Centre venues.
The Lounge @ 30 is the only premises to have sustained an increase since 2010/11 until the present. Both the Platinum Club and Central Chambers saw a rise in 2010/11 which has since decreased and Urban Tiger has increased in 2011/12 only (16 offences YTD within 50m).
- There are neither offences against women recorded in the premises nor any intelligence to indicate violence. However, ASB in the premises has increased.
There have been 11 offences recorded at the SEV locations since Apr 08, nine of which have been theft offences, one criminal damage and one VAP (racially aggravated offence against a client by one of the dancers). Intelligence relates to drug supply and ownership with no mention of violence against women.
However, ASB logs relating to these premises have increased in-line with crime figures (starting in Aug 10 with levels being sustained until the present.
- Offences have mainly been assault ABH, common assault, sexual assault and causing harassment, alarm or distress. Combined, these make up 80% of all offences.
Offences around the SEV premises are primarily related to low-level ABH and common assault offences. However, there are several serious offences against women including 13 GBH s20, three s18 and three rapes.
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- With the exception of the Platinum Club, most offences occur between 25 and 50 m from the premises (i.e. not directly outside). However, this may be affected by the accuracy of location records.
As can be seen in the below maps, with the exception of the Platinum Club, most offences occur between 25 and 50 m from the premises and not directly outside.
Figure 1. Sexual and violent offences against women Apr 08 - Sept 11
Figure 2. Sexual and violent offences against women Apr 08 - Sept 11
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