(You may use this call by beginning with the Preamble and proceeding straight through the whole call OR by using the Preamble and then adding one or more of the sections below at a time prior to giving other decrees.)
In the name I AM THAT I AM, Mighty I AM Presence from the heart of God in the Great Central Sun, let the shaft of white fire and blue lightning descend into our midst, into planet Earth, and into every nation. Descend into the cause and core of all threats against life and against the citizens of every God-fearing nation by those who would threaten and bring about the destruction of our way of life. Let our calls go forth by the authority, the protection and the office of the mantles of the Messengers of the Great White Brotherhood.
We invoke the mantles of the Messengers Lanello and Guru Ma to be upon us. Draw now the solar ring around us, Beloved Helios and Vesta, Alpha and Omega! We invoke the protection, the judgment and the empowerment of the Seven Archangels and their legions, Archangel Uzziel, the mighty Elohim of God, the Chohans of the Rays and the Maha Chohan, Mighty Victory and the Lord Jesus Christ and their legions. We call for the full armor of God through Holy Justinius and the seraphim of God, and for the full Golden Armor of Kuan Yin – the helmet, breastplate, back plate, shield and buckler and her circle and sword of Mercy’s Flame to guard, guide, direct and protect us in this work.
A.The Core of Evil Forces
In the name of the Mighty I AM Presence and Holy Christ Selves of Lightbearers across this planetary body, in the name Jesus Christ, we demand the judgment and the end of world terrorism now. We call forth the mighty sword Excalibur for the cleaving asunder of the real from the unreal and for the binding and the judgment of:
- The dweller-on-the-threshold and the core of the eye of the serpent, its tooth and tail, behind every terrorist;
- The archetypes of evil and their replicas, seeds and coils behind terrorism and communism, the laggard evolutions, the police state, and their entire momentum and spirals going back to Maldek;
- All lies and threads of evil woven into society and into their slaves, the hands that have woven them and the consciousness behind those hands all the way back to the core of evil in cosmos; and
- The chain of consciousness behind every terrorist and terrorist group involved, all the way back through the chain of energy of that degeneration spiral, clearing the consciousness and going to the very core of the arch-deceivers.
- All Nephilim involved with terrorism, specifically and all mechanization man, clones, carbon copies and lifestreams in whom there is an implant of the carnal mind of the dweller-on-the-threshold and the genes thereof.
Bolts of blue lightning, penetrate through! (9x)
Fill all vacuums created with Light! Light! Light!
B.Acts of Terrorism, Terrorists and Terrorist Organizations
In the name of Mighty Astrea and Purity, Kali and Durga, we call forth the full power of the Fiat of the Lord to descend into the cause and core of terrorism on Terra, and to expose, bind, judge and neutralize the astral hordes that promote, preach, promulgate and participate in terrorism of all kinds, including:
- attacks on life or physical integrity;
- kidnapping or hostage-taking;
- causing destruction to public or private facilities, information, transportation, and communication systems; 2
- seizure of means of public transport, such as aircraft and ships;
- manufacture, possession, acquisition, transport or use of weapons, explosives, nuclear, biological or chemical weapons;
- release of dangerous substances, causing fires, explosions or floods;
- interfering with or disrupting the supply of water, power or any other fundamental natural resource;
- directing or participating in the activities of a terrorist group, including thepreaching, promoting or funding its activities or supplying material resources.
- suicide and homicide bombings, beheadings, use of remote controlled explosive devices to destroy moving vehicles; and
- the murder of God through legalized abortion.
- Mafias, organized crime syndicates and youth gangs.
We call to Beloved Lanello and K-17 and Beloved Cyclopea to expose all future plots, plans and conspiracies of terrorism, to rally to right action those who are responsible for protecting the people and for preventing and thwarting such attacks. We call for you to expose, identify and bring to justice all those responsible for all past acts of terrorism, including the 9/11/2001 attacks in the United States of America, the bombings on the transportation systems in Madrid, Spain and in London, England, terrorist acts in Moscow, Russia and in all the former Soviet Republics, the attack on the USS Cole, and ______(personal calls).
We call for the exposure and dismantling of all terrorist organizations and all training camps in any nation whatsoever and we call for the exposure, capture, binding and judgment of all “most wanted” terrorists and their followers and of all terrorist organizations including:
Designated Terrorists
Osama bin Laden
Ayman al-Zawahirir (2nd in command)
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
Ahmad Ibrahim al-Mughassil
Abdullah Ahmed Abdullah
Muhsin Musa Matwalli Atwah
Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani
Ahmed Mohammed Hamed Ali
Sayf al-Adl
Fazul Abdullah Mohammed
Mustafa Mohamed Fadhil
Sheikh Ahmed Salim Swedan
Fahid Mohammed Ally Msalam
Anas al-Liby
Abdul Rahman Yasin
Abdelkarim Hussein Mohamed al-Nasser
Ibrahim Salih Mohammed al-Yacoub
Ali Atwa
Ali Saed Bin Ali El Hoorie
Hasan Izz al-Din
Khalid Shaikh Mohammed
Shaykh Sa’id/ Mustafa Myhammad Ahmad
Abu Hafs the Mauritanian/Mahfouz Ould al-Walid/Khalid al-Shanqiti
Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi
Imad Fa’iz Mughniyah
Abu Zubaydah/Zayn al-Abidin Muhammad Husayn- Tariq
Abd al-Hadi al-Iraqi/Abu Abdullah
Thirwat Salah Shihata/Muhammed Ali
Tariq Anwar al-Sayyid Ahmad/Fathi/Amr al-Fatih
Muhammad Salah/Nasr Fahmi Nasr Hasanayn
Makhtab al-Khidamat/Al-Khifaf
Jose Maria Sison
Designated Terrorist Organizations
Al-Queda and all affiliates in all nations
The Order of the Assassins
Hamas –Izz al-Qassem (terrorist wing of Hamas)
Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
Al-Qaeda/Islamic Army
Abu Sayyaf Group
Armed Islamic Group (GIA)
Harakat ul-mujahidin (HUM)
Al-Jihad (Egyptian Islamic Jihad)
Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU)
Asbat al-Ansar
Salafist Group for Call and Combat (GSPC)
Libyan Islamic Fighting Group
Al-Itihaad al-Islamiya (AIAI)
Islamic Army of Aden
Al-Rashid Trust
Mamoun Darkazanli Import-Export Company
Wafa Humanitarian Organization
Babbor Khalsa International (BKI)
International Sikh Youth Foundation (ISYF)
Communist Party of Philippines/New People’s Army
Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM)
Tunisian Combat Group
Abu Nidal Organization (ANO)
Basque Fatherland and Liberty (FTA)
Gama’a al0Oslamiyya (Islamic Group)
Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK)
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)
Mujahedin e Khalq Organization (MEK)
National Libertion Army (ELN)
Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
Palestinian Liberation Front (PLF)
Popular Front of the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
Real IRA
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)
Shining Path
United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia 5
Revolutionary Nuclei (formerly ELI)
And all other terrorists and terrorist organizations, known or unknown to our minds, the astral forces behind them and all who support and enable terrorism including extremist elements of the media.
We call to the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood NOW! * Lock your cosmic circles and swords of blue flame of thousands of suns from the Great Central Sun in, through, and around all terrorists and terrorist organizations! Seize, pin and bind! Seize, pin and bind! Seize, pin and bind! (3x)
Fill all vacuums created with Light! Light! Light!
- Seize the power of the Fallen OnesAnd therefore when you read the accounts of crime, you must give pause, you must be still and invoke the full intensity of the judgment for the binding of that chain of consciousness from that individual who was an ignorant or a malicious tool, what the case may be—all the way back through that chain of energy, through that degeneration spiral, clearing the virus, clearing the consciousness, going to the core of the archdeceivers and demanding that the blood of the prophets and of the holy innocents be required of them this day in the entirety! And this is the meaning of the keystone in the arch. This is the meaning of the flame of Life! It is the focal point of the entire building of the temple. And therefore, when used in the hour of the judgment, it can travel right through—all the way back on that anti-Life momentum of Death itself to the origin of that seed. And it is the seed that must be bound in the recesses of the minds and astral bodies and the wicked hearts of the deceivers. The seed must be bound in the grids and forcefields that comprise the auras of the Watchers themselves. It is a conglomerate. Looking upon this conglomerate and its penetration and its tentacles throughout the planetary body, John the Beloved himself was wont to describe it as “the dragon,” as “the beast.” <29> For it is indeed a mass entity that takes the form of the perversion of the Kundalini. And therefore the name “serpent” itself is used in two ways. The serpent fire raised in the wilderness by Moses <30> is the Mother light. But then again, the fallen ones are called serpents because it is the light they have misused. And even their forms are an imitation of the whirling of the T’ai chi, and therefore that symbol has been referred to as the serpent swallowing its tail. Therefore understand the dividing of the Word. Therefore understand that I AM come for the dividing of the way. And I release the light today for your protection in all of your bodies from this planetary and interplanetary contamination. Archangel Gabriel Vol. 24 No. 9
In the name I AM THAT I AM, Sanat Kumara, Gautama Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Jesus Christ, we call for your legions to seize, pin and bind the beasts of world terrorism and world communism, the Laggards, the dragon of the International Capitalist-Communist Conspiracy and the corrupt bankers behind them, the Illuminati, all Satanic and extremist religious groups, all fanaticism, Serpent and his seed, the seed of Lucifer and Satan.
Sanat Kumara, seize the “bag of tricks” of the fallen ones and their plots of using contrived terrorism threats to get people to surrender their freedoms, nation by nation. Rip the mask from the conspirators. Expose themurder and the murderer! Expose the lie and the liar! We invoke the mantles of the Messengers of the Great White Brotherhood, the Mighty Elohim of God and Lord Shiva to join with us to hurlthe Sacred Fire into the councils of terrorism and the ICCC forces behind them.
Mighty Elohim, seal us in your rainbow rays and pillars of fire. Encircle and bind all backlash of the dragon’s tail and the sting of the scorpion for services rendered and calls made by us or by any other lightbearers on this Earth. In the name I AM THAT I AM, we offer the light of our chakras and causal bodies, in accordance with God’s Holy Will, for the
implementation of these calls, for the whirling of the sling, the hurling of the coals of fire, blue lighting bolts and spheres of violet flame for the slaying of the Goliaths of this age and the false hierarchy of terrorism. We call for the descent of their own karma to paralyze, bind, judge and defeat them and their plots, according to God’s Holy Will. We ratify the judgment wherever Saint Germain, K-17 and Lanello do maintain their presence in the serpent-supported-Nephilim councils of war, communism and terrorism, inChina, North Korea, the Middle East nationsand amongst the Western conspirators.
We command the Word of the Holy of Holies tostrip the anti-God power amassed by the enemies of humanity before they realize that it has been taken from them. Strip all power from their astral overlords, aliens and the 12th Planet’s false hierarchy, and all energy gathered through murder and Satanic blood and sex rituals. We stand with Beloved Hercules, and we give the fiat, “We the Elohim of God decree the withdrawal of their stolen energy of the Divine Mother. Let it be returned to her causal body now. I, Hercules, decree it!”
We call for the total God-Victory of the legions of Light over these forces of death and hell now and forever!
*SHIVA! (9x) *Let the Fiat of the Lord Elohim Hercules be with us! (3x) And let the legions of Light that we have invoked prevail over all!
Fill all vacuums created with Light! Light! Light!
D.We call forth the Powers of Light
In the name I AM THAT I AM, we call to the Mighty Blue Eagle and the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood to send every Ray, Power and Activity of Light for the binding and judgment of these forces of death and hell. Let our prayers go forth in Mother Mary’s Circle of Light. Send bolts of blue lightning, the Vajra, the Ruby Ray, the fire of the Seraphim, blizzards of Cosmic Snow Fire, Emerald Laser Beams from the All Seeing Eye of God. Use all the powers of the heavens and eternity that Lord Krishna has 7 access to, the Crystal White Fire of the Ancient of Days, and the violet transmuting flame of Saint Germain’s Maltese Cross, the Causal Body of Beloved Omri-Tas, Saint Germain’s Miracle Pouch and the violet flame sea. We call forth the action of the Great Central Sun Magnet of all Seven Rays. Plunge the sword Excalibur into the cause and core of terrorism now! Plunge the sword of the Ruby Ray into the crystallized records of hatred, war, terrorism and communism now! Mighty Zarathustra, Mighty Victory and your legions, take command to defeat all forces of anti-Victory! O God, O Fearlessness Flame, legions of Ray-O-Light come forth! Burn through! (3x) Mighty God Surya, bind them in mighty blue spheres and take them to the God Star for their judgment, as God wills it!
We call to the Beloved Elementals to obey the commands of your Hierarchs, Oromasis and Diana, Aries and Thor, Neptune and Luara, Virgo and Pelleur, Beloved Jesus Christ and Beloved Lanello, for the holding of the balance in the earth. We call for those elementals that have been entrapped by the black magicians to be cut free, here and now! *Cut them free! (3x) We call for the blessed elementalsto be regenerated, rejuvenated, recreated and realigned in accordance with God’s Holy Will, for their continued service to the Light and the Lightbearers! We offer love and gratitude to our own beloved body elementals! *God bless them now! (3x)
*The Light of God never fails! (3x) And the Mighty I AM Presence is that Light! (3x)
E.Take command of the nations of planet Earth
In the name I AM THAT I AM, we demand the exposure and the binding of all terrorist plots and plans, conspiracies, command centers and their communication and computer capabilities,arsenals, bomb-making centers, terrorist training centers, hate mongering and indoctrination programming of their youth, all covers for terrorist networks, funding sources, and extremist clerics preaching hate and murder.
Beloved Chananda and Lord Maha Chohan, take command over the governments of the nations and their leaders. 8
Take command over all agencies that were designed to promote cooperation, unity and interdependency, including the United Nations and INTERPOL. Take command over and guide and direct all agencies of the USA designed to protect the people through security and national integrity, including the Executive, Legislative and Judicial bodies, the FBI, CIA, Department of Homeland Security, the Pentagon, the U.S. Supreme Court and all courts of the land, educational institutions and medical care delivery systems, all anti-terrorist divisions, private investigators, private contractors, media reporters and coverage and all equivalent agencies in the nations of freedom loving peoples, including (add personal calls for your nation, i.e., MI-5, Scotland Yard, ______).
Expose and bind all betrayers, blackmailed and brainwashed tools of the sinister force; all failed policies, illegal funding and actions involved in producing vulnerability to the peoples of freedom loving nations.
We call for the cessation of all terrorist acts, all unjust persecution of individuals or groups based on ethnic, religious or national heritage, and the use of terrorism to create a world-wide police state and the withdrawal of freedoms for the people of planet Earth.