Assiut University Children's University Hospital
Faculty of Medicine Dept. of Pediatrics
Curriculum Vitae
Personal Information:
Name: Mostafa Mohamed Embaby Ahmed Abd El-Majeed
Date of Birth: September, 28th, 1978
Place of Birth andCitizenship:Assiut, Egypt
Address: Department of Pediatrics
Faculty of Medicine
Assiut University,71515
Nationality: Egyptian.
Military service: Completed
Tel: +0020882414344 +0020882368373
+0020882324385 +0020882147200 cell phone:+00201006244311
Marital Status: Marriedwith 2 children.
Academic Qualifications (Degrees):
Bachelor Degree in Medicine and Surgery (M.B.Ch.B.) / Assiut University,Faculty of Medicine, Assiut, Egypt 2001General grade of"Excellentwith honors"Master Degree (M.Sc) ofPediatrics / Assiut University,Faculty of Medicine,Assiut, Egypt 2007
Medicine Doctoral Degree (M.D.) ofPediatrics / Assiut University,Faculty of Medicine,Assiut, Egypt 2013
Positions and Jobs:
House Officer (Intern) inAssiut University Hospitals, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut, Egypt (01/03/2002 – 28/02/2003)Resident of Pediatrics in Department of Pediatrics, Assiut University Hospitals, Egypt (01/03/2003 – 25/06/2006)
Appointed in the Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University as:
Demonstrator 26/06/2006 –14/07/2007
Assistant lecturer / Specialist 15/07/2007 –29/10/2013
Lecturer 30/10/2013 till now
2003- General Practitioner,
The Egyptian Medical Syndicate, Egypt.
2007- Specialist of Pediatrics
The Egyptian MedicalSyndicate, Egypt.
2014 Consultant (C) of Pediatrics
The Egyptian MedicalSyndicate, Egypt
Clinical Activities and Practical Experiences:
I)As Resident of pediatrics and M.Sc candidate, 2003-2007
A-In theChildren's University Hospital, Assiut University, I worked at the following ped units:
1- Emergency and reception Units:
2- Neonatal intensive Care Unit (NICU):
3- Pediatric Intensive and Intermediate Care Unit (PICU): 7- Nephrology and Artificial Kidney Unit:
4- Hematology Unit and Thalassemia center: 8-Cardiology Unit:
5- Digestive Diseases and Hepatology Unit: 9-Neurology Unit:
6- Enteritis, Dehydration and Malnutrition Unit: 10-Outpatient Clinics:
B- As resident physician in the South Egypt Cancer Institute, Assiut University, I worked at the Pediatric Oncology Department:
II)-As Assistant lecturer(Specialist) of Pediatrics and M.D candidate, 2007-2013in theChildren's University Hospital, Assiut University, I worked in the pediatric hematology unit which consists of outpatient clinic, inpatient department (23 beds), thalassemia center (10 beds).
- In theChildren's University Hospital, Ain Shams University, I worked as a pediatric hematologist in the pediatric hematology-oncology unit for 3 months since 1st of June till 31st of August 2009.
III)-As Lecturer (Consultant C) of Pediatrics, 2013 till now
Teaching: Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University:
2007 till now- Undergraduate teaching: 5th year medical students, Pediatrics.
2009 till now- Postgraduate teaching: Pediatricsresidents
Master thesis:Title “Gastro-esophageal reflux In Neonates”,with a general grade of "Excellent"
Doctoral thesis:Title “Effect of Zinc Supplementation on Bone Density in β-Thalassemic Children”
Membership :
- Egyptian Medical Syndicate.
- Membership of Egyptian committee of Gaucher disease
- The Egyptian Society of Pediatric Hematology & Oncology (ESPHO)
Training Courses and conferences:
-7th International Congress of ESPHO March, 2009.
-10th International Thalassemia Conference May, 2009.
-20th Congress of the International Society of Hematology- European and African Division October, 2009.
-14th International Thalassemia Conference May, 2013
-Training course in neonatal resuscitation March, 2011
-American Pediatric Fundamental Critical Care Support Course, 2012
-2nd Annual Integrated Medicine conference, IMC, 2013
-1st scientific conference of Assiut neuropediatric unit, 2014.
-Workshop of Pediatric Nutrition in Health and Disease, 2014
-Egyptian Congress of Pediatric Pulmonology ECPP, 2014
-I participated in the scientific conferences on pediatrics held at Assiut Faculty of Medicine in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2012 and 2015.
Weekly Activities:In the dept .of pediatrics
1- Medical seminars every Sunday. 2- Case presentation and conferences every Wednesday.
VolunteerExperience: Shared in field clinics in rural areas in Assiut, Egypt
Languages: English (fluent), TOEFL iBT score 74 at 20-12-2014, German (less than good), Arabic (mother tongue)