A Special District Formed In 1953

1415 Rushden Drive, Sacramento, CA95864-2731

Phone: (916) 487-7851 Fax: 487-2028, E-mail:

Regular meeting of the Board of Directors

District Manager, Mirjana Gavric

Thursday,February21, 2008/Deterding Front Office 7:00 p.m.


Board of Directors

Chairperson: Warren Harding, Vice-Chairperson: Jeremy Cullifer

Board Members: Keith Day, Kathleen GravinPat Joslin


Arden Manor Recreation and Park District, in partnership with the community, provides a high quality of life for residents of all ages in a safe, clean, healthy environment. Residents participate in programs that promote and enrich individual, family, and cultural harmony and prosperity.


  1. Roll Call

The meeting was officially called to order by Warren Harding at 7:00 pm.

Board members present:Harding, Cullifer, Joslin, Gravin, Day

Board members absent:None

Junior Board member:Vacant

Staff present:Mirjana Gavric, Roderick Smith, Jeff Gray

Public present:Chris Barnes, Jennifred Billeci, Charmayne


  1. Pledge of Allegiance


Only comments on non-agenda items will be taken at this time. Decisions may

not be made on any item not on the agenda. All new requests for action must

be referred to another meeting and appear on the agenda.


Harding announced that he will be running for the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors this year. Gravin announced that Chris Miller’s daughter has cancer and she invited the audience to participate in the fund raiser for her. Day announced that he will not be running for re-election to the AMRPD Board this year.

  2. Park Advisory Committees: No reports
  3. Swim Team Report: Chris Barnes announced that the swim team is working hard on the Community Day project. He is sending flyers to the schools and signing up children for swim team.
  4. Community Day Report:Gavric reported that invitations have been sent to businesses and public organizations inviting them to participate in Community Day. Day stated that he personally invited the library to participate.
  5. Consolidation Report (Attachment A): Harding reported there is a good study underway. He stated that he recommended that the name of the new reorganized district be, Arden Arcade Recreation and Park District. Harding explained the difference between consolidation and reorganization, and the advantages of doing a re-organization. He stated that the result would eliminate an extra layer of government and increasing representation for the community overall. There will be 9 board members, 4 from Arden Manor. Gavric described the re-organization time line and how there would be minimal effect on employees. There would be no effect on the outstanding grants. She added that she would continue to work for the first year of the new District. She announced the next re-organization meeting would be a joint meeting with both Boards on March 20, at FEC. Day suggested that because of its longevity and historical significance, Arden Manor should be the one to annex Fulton El Camino. Barnes enquired about the fate of the AM swim team. Gavric stated that the swim team would not be affected. Barnes asked why now? Cullifer explained that after Proposition 13, the park districts have been losing tax revenues. Day explained that there has been a gradual change in demographics with the children growing up and no new development, resulting in an older population and no youth to attend the programs. He also added the effect of progressively rising costs of doing business. Harding explained that the county and state continue to take a larger cut of taxes. Barnes asked why we couldn’t increase the assessment. Cullifer explained that the process is so expensive, that the District wouldn’t re-coup its costs for many years to come. Gavric reminded the audience that re-organization is still in the study stage and there is a long way to go. Harding suggested doing a survey at Community Day, asking the public for feedback regarding re-organization vs. a new assessment. Gavric suggested having a special meeting to discuss the various options for the District.
  6. AMNA: Gravin reported that she attended the latest meeting where they discussed the cat problem. The SPCA gave a talk and suggested action. A representative from the human services department was gathering information on the preferences of the people in the neighborhood regarding sidewalks and other community projects.


Board to review and approve consent calendar.


Harding made a correction to the minutes, changing “Trevor Howard” to “Trevor Harding”. Gravin made a correction to the minutes changing “Leatherby’s will bring in ice cream” to “Leatherby’s will be selling ice cream”. Day referenced the Manager’s Report, and asked Gavric to make a correction to the financial report which appeared to be a typographical error. Gavric stated that she will make this correction.

Motion #1

Day motioned to accepte the Consent Calendar with the above mentioned changes and Gravin seconded.

AYES:Harding, Cullifer, Joslin, Gravin, Day





  2. Resolution AM 07/08-9. Resolution calling for a General District Election.


Board to adopt Resolution, AM 07/08-9 and approve the Notice of District Election and Publication of Notice of Election as presented. (Attachment E).


Harding recommended that the District sponsor a workshop to teach people about the Board and encourage people to run for the positions. Gavric stated that the County told her that regardless of re-organization, the elections must take place. She added that 2 positions are available and those interested in running include: Mike Grace, Bob Cullifer, and Lynn Stueve.

Motion #2

Day motioned to adopt the Resolution AM07/08-9 and approve the Notice with a second by Joslin.

AYES:Harding, Cullifer, Joslin, Gravin, Day





  1. Swim Team Coaches Job Descriptions


The Board to review and vote on the adoption of the new swim team coaches job descriptions. (Attachment F).


Day asked for changes to the minimum requirements for Volunteer Swim Coach, and list them as preferred requirements. Cullifer recommended changing the CPR certification to “Infant, child, and Adult CPR”. He also recommended changing all job descriptions requirement of driver’s license to CA ID or Driver’s License.

Motion #3

Hading motioned to approve the job descriptions as amended, and Gravin seconded the motion.

AYES:Harding, Cullifer, Gravin, Joslin, Day





  1. Complete Closure of Arden Manor Recreation and Park District


The Board to discuss the possible closure of Arden Manor Recreation and Park

District, to include all facilities, personnel and programs.


Cullifer stated that because of legal issues, the District will have to pay $25,000 as a deductible. He is recommending closure of the District in order to save money so that the District can survive. Gavric stated that she has spoken with West America Bank and we are able to refinance our largest debt at a lower interest rate. She stated that we are also one year away from settling a second large outstanding loan. She stated that our financial situation is much improved from last year. Cullifer stated that the District’s largest expenditure is on staff costs, and he recommends shutting down for a year or two until annexation occurs. He explained that this action would preserve the assets that the District has. He recommended contracting out Park maintenance, and the Board members could come in and pay the bills and handle finances. Barnes argued against such an action as too destructive and unfair to the community. He added that the District has been building infrastructure for the future. Gravin stated that the District has made much progress in handling the debt and she believes that AMRPD is moving forward. Billeci spoke strongly against taking any such action. Cullifer stated that the District does not have the capital to build programs and added that he believes that the District is no better off today than 8 years ago. Harding asked for comments from all attendees. There was no support for the closure. Gray stated that the re-organization proposal is a viable plan for the District already in process and there is no reason to deviate from the current plan. Gavric agreed with Gray regarding the re-organization plan and added that the District’s financial situation is improving at the present time. Smith commented that handing off maintenance to others who have no heartfelt interest in the facilities would likely result in a deterioration of park infrastructure. Gravin and Joslin spoke against the option of closure. Day stated that he was opposed to the proposal but wanted the issue brought to a vote.

Motion #4

Day motioned to accept Cullifer’s proposal to close AMRPD. There was no second. Harding stated that the motion died for lack of a second.

D. Review of the aquatics MOU between Arden Manor and Fulton



The Board to review the aquatics MOU 2008 between Arden Manor and Fulton El-Camino. (Attachment G).


Cullifer stated that he wanted an update on progress of the MOU. Gavric reported that Aquatics advertisements have been made, primarily by flyers sent to all the local schools. Pool passes have been created and will be ready for sale soon. Day inquired about the operation of the snack bar. Gavric stated that Gorana will be tracking inventory and helping the cashiers organize the way they sell goods. Billeci asked why prepared food was no longer being offered. Gavric explained that the County Health Department required changes to the snack bar which would be cost prohibitive for AMRPD.


A. AMRPD Annual Audit


The Board to approve the Basic Financial Statements and Management Report for 2007. THE FINANCIAL STATEMNT WAS PASSED OUT AT THE LAST BOARD MEETING, PLEASE BRING IT. Craig Fechter will be at the meeting to answer any questions.


Craig asked the Board if there were any specific questions regarding the audit. He complemented Gavric on the Manager’s Discussion and Analysis that she prepared. The report is a story of the District’s financial activity during the year. He is planning on using her report as a model to show other districts how to create one. He stated that the purpose of the audit is to verify fixed assets, match invoices with payments, confirming authorized expenditures, etc. He stated that he found no problems with the financial operations of the District.

Motion #5

Day motioned to approve the audit report and Joslin seconded.

AYES:Harding, Cullifer, Joslin, Gravin, Day






Reports of the Board

Harding stated that he wants to see an information booth at Community Day explaining the re-organization proposal and for the purpose of announcing the elections for Board members. Gavric stated that she would like current Board members to be available at the booth to answer questions.

Joslin reported on her experience at the CAPRI Board Member training. She recommended that the Board members tour the facilities. Gavric mentioned that these tours have been scheduled for the AMRPD Board in the spring. Joslin reminded everyone to read the District Manual. She recommended grass roots lobbying by the Board to state representatives. She stated that she was proud of the job that the AMRPD Board is doing.

Smith raised the issue of giving up the ongoing responsibility for maintenance of WintersteinPark, since the park belongs to the school distict and it is really their job. He added that AMRPD makes no money from this park and it is a major expense for the District to continue to spend time on it. Gavric emphasized the fact that AMRPD continues to lose money every year by maintaining the school district’s park. Gavric stated that she will put this issue on the next agenda.

Monday reported on the success of the Floor Exercise class. Harding reminded Board members to get their Form 700 completed.



  1. Maintenance Worker personnel matter.
  2. Aquatics Supervisor personnel matter, FEC.

The Board may hold a closed session on any subject matter authorized under

State law, including but not limited to pending litigation, property acquisition

negotiations, and personnel matters.


The Board ended open session at 9:10 pm and entered closed session at 9:15 pm.

The Board resumed open session at 9:37 pm.


Regular Board meetings are held every 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m.

ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Items may only be added to the agenda in accordance with Section 1206 of the Arden Manor Recreation and Park Policies.



Any person may address the Board at this time upon any subject within the jurisdiction of Arden Manor Recreation and Park District; however, any matter that requires action will be referred to staff from a report and action at a subsequent meeting.


Cullifer announced that he is resigning from the Board of AMRPD effective immediately. Gavric asked for a written resignation. Cullifer agreed to provide one.

Chair-person, Warren Harding, adjourned the meeting at 9:40 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Jeff Gray, Administrative Assistant.