A.G.B.U. Manoogian-Demirdjian School
2016-2017 English Language 6 Syllabus
Mr. Harzmann
Course Description and Objectives
Centering on the development of grammar and vocabulary skills, English Language 6 provides a literacy programthrough which students’ written and verbal communication will be enhanced
based on a curriculum aligned with California’s Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts.
Prentice HallWriting and Grammar: Grammar Exercise Workbook (Grade Six)
Classroom Rules and Expectations
Classroom Rules
1. Students must raise their hands for permission to speak or to leave their desks.
2. Students must keep their feet, hands, belongings, and negative comments to themselves.
3. Students must follow specific classroom procedures.
4. Students must abide by the rules and policies established in the A.G.B.U. Manoogian-
Demirdjian School Middle and High School Parent and Student Handbook 2016-2017.
Classroom Expectations
1. Respect everyone, including yourself.
2. Wherever you go, be prepared.
3. Take responsibility for your actions.
4. Be honest with yourself and others.
5. Work hard and try your best at everything.
Report card grades will be determined each semester on a 100-percent scale, of which formal assessments (quizzes and tests) will constitute 60 percent and homework assignments will constitute 20 percent. The remaining 20 percent will be split evenly among the categories below.
- Classroom behavior
- Participation
- Preparedness
- Punctuality
Rubrics have been established for the grading of these four categories and will be distributed to all sixth-grade students during the initial days of the academic year.
Formal Assessments (60 percent of report card grade)
Quizzes and tests will be utilized throughout the year to determine each student’s understanding, retention, and application of the concepts and skills taught in class. Due to their comprehensive nature, tests will always be scheduled a minimum of one week in advance and carry the value of three quizzes. Quizzes may or may not be announced in advance. All assessments are cumulative. The midyear exam and final exam are each weighted separately by the school at 20 percent.
Students who miss a scheduled assessment due to excused absence will be given the opportunity for a make-up on a date to be determined by the teacher. Make-up quizzes and tests will take place at 3:30 p.m. in Room 102. An unscheduled quiz (Earthquake Quiz) must be taken during school hours upon the student’s return from absence.
Homework Assignments (20 percent)
See attached English Language 6 Homework Policy.
Classroom Behavior (5 percent)
All students must adhere to the policies of the A.G.B.U. Manoogian-Demirdjian School Middle and High School Parent and Student Handbook 2016-2017 and the classroom rules and expectations established in English Language 6. A student whose behavior is detrimental to the classroom environmentis subject to incurring penalties of up to 5 percent, which cannot be recovered, toward the report card grade. Such penalties may also constitute a mandatory conference that will involve a member of DHS administration.
Participation (5 percent)
To maximize academic progress, English Language 6 students are strongly encouraged to be intellectually active in class through appropriate and voluntary participation in lessons and discussions. A student’s contributions to the classroom setting not only demonstrate curiosity and comprehension but allow fellow classmates to benefit from learning from another’s meaningful and positive experience, knowledge, and viewpoint.
(Note: Excessive absence from school will negatively affect the participation element of a student’s report card grade; one cannot participate if not present in class.)
Preparedness (5 percent)
All English Language 6 students must arrive to class fully prepared for instruction and activities. The following materials must be brought to class each period:
● Prentice Hall Writing and Grammar: Grammar Exercise Workbook(Grade Six)
● independent/assigned reading book
● assignment book
● multiple pens (black ink only)
● two (minimum) sharpened No. 2 pencils
● yellow highlighter
● ruler (minimum six inches)
● three-ring binder equipped with two sets of dividers (ten in total, labeled according to specific
● numerous sheets of 8.5 x 11-inch, college-ruled filler paper
● single-subject notebook (college-ruled, minimum 70 sheets)
Punctuality (5 percent)
All English Language 6 students must be punctual to class each period. A student is tardy if he/she is not seated in class when the school tardy bell begins to ring. A tardy that is excused by a DHS administrator or faculty member will not be counted on the student’s classroom record.
After-school tutoring for English Language 6 students is available each Tuesday and Wednesday from 3:25-3:45 p.m. in Room 102. Students who attend after-school tutoring may review concepts and skills presented during class for the purpose of homework completion or preparation for formal assessments.
(Note: Lessons presented during the school day will not be retaught during after-school tutoring.)
English Language 6 Homework Policy
Homework assignments will be collected and checked daily and will make up 20 percent of each report card grade. They are geared toward giving students the opportunity to revisit concepts learned in class and help them prepare for formal assessments. Not all assignments will be graded and/or returned; some will be discussed during class as review material.
Homework assignments must be handwritten legibly in black ink on 8.5 x 11-inch, college-ruled filler paper unless alternate directions are specified. They must be completed and submitted in a punctual, satisfactory manner.
Guidelines for Written Homework Assignments
■ A written homework assignment receives credit when it has been completed, brought to
class and submitted on time, and presented in a neat, satisfactory manner.
■ A written homework assignment is late . . .
. . . when it is not brought to class and submitted on time.
(Note: A student who misses any assignment due to excused absence from school is allowed an extension for homework completion.)
■ A written homework assignment is incomplete . . .
. . . when its heading is missing or partial.
. . . when any specific element of the assignment has not been fulfilled.
■ A written homework assignment is considered unsatisfactory . . .
. . . when it is not written in black ink.
. . . when the penmanship is illegible or unacceptably sloppy.
. . . when it is not submitted on 8.5 x 11-inch, college-ruled filler paper.
. . . when its heading is incorrectly written.
. . . when both sides of a sheet of paper have been used.
. . . when it contains an excessive amount of errors.
. . . when any specific element of the directions has not been followed correctly.
. . . when margins have not been observed.
. . . when it is ripped, torn, folded, bent, crinkled, stained, smudged, or otherwise damaged.
. . . when it has been copied from or appears strikingly similar to the work of a classmate.
. . . when it reflects a lack of effort and pride.
An incomplete or unsatisfactory written homework assignment is deemed unacceptable and will therefore receive no credit unless it is corrected after school in Room 102. (Only three opportunities for the make-up of these assignments are permitted per academic semester; students are allowed two academic weeks for after-school make-up of such assignments.) A late written homework assignment cannot be made up after school; it automatically receives no credit. For each written homework assignment that receives no credit, the student will incur a 1-percent penalty, which cannot be recovered, toward the report card grade. In addition, the penalized assignment is required to be completed, brought to class, and presented in a punctual, satisfactory manner the next school day.
Guidelines for Additional Homework Assignments
Some homework assignments will not be written. These include having a quiz or test signed by a parent (mandatory throughout the school year) and bringing to class items or supplies for specific classroom assignments or activities. All students must bring these assignments to class and present them on time, in acceptable condition, and in accordance with the specified directions. A student failing to fulfill an assignment of this nature will not receive credit. The assignment must then be fulfilled the next school day. A student who fails to receive credit for two homework assignments of this nature during an academic semester will incur a 1-percent penalty, which cannot be recovered, toward the report card grade and will have his/her parent(s) notified via e-mail.