In the name of God
Tabriz University of Medical Sciences
Nursing and Midwifery Faculty
Technical English for Nursing Students
Dr Hadi Hassankhani
Date: 2017
This lesson is designed to enable Nursing PhD Students to enhance their English academic writing skills(knowledge and use of the conventions of academic English and further develop the linguistic, rhetorical and critical competencies essential to success on their chosen study or research) and deliver better presentations in English. They should be comfortable expressing themselves at an academic level.
Students will …
Employ appropriate academic conventions such as paraphrasing, summarizing, referencing and citation to produce an original piece of work that is free of plagiarism
Communicate( present) complex ideas and issues in English clearly
Materials needed:white board, white board pen s, computer and projector
Sessions / Date / The Session Title / Objectives / Teaching method / Time frame / Score budgeting1 / Opening/Framing The Lesson/Introduction / 1-To describe importance of academic English
2- To describe academic English skills / Lecture and discussion / 90 minutes / 8
2 / What Makes A Good Presentation?
Golden Rules / To describe the principles of being ready for academic presentation / Lecture and discussion / 90 minutes
3 / What Makes A Good Presentation?
Golden Rules / To describe the structure of academic presentations / Lecture and discussion / 90 minutes
4 / What Makes A Good Presentation?
Golden Rules / How to pronounce and communicate in academic conferences / Lecture and discussion / 90 minutes
5 / English Presentation / How to present respectfully and effective for academic purposes / Lecture and discussion / 90 minutes
6 / Students English Presentation / 1-To provide and give an academic presentation
2-To assess and getting comments about the presentation / Lecture and discussion / 90 minutes
7 / Students English Presentation / 1-To provide and give an academic presentation
2-To assess and getting comments about the presentation / Lecture and discussion / 90 minutes
8 / Students English Presentation / 1-To provide and give an academic presentation
2-To assess and getting comments about the presentation / Lecture and discussion / 90 minutes
9 / Students English Presentation / 1-To provide and give an academic presentation
2-To assess and getting comments about the presentation / Lecture and discussion / 90 minutes
10 / Students English Presentation / 1-To provide and give an academic presentation
2-To assess and getting comments about the presentation / Lecture and discussion / 90 minutes
11 / Academic Writing / What is ‘good’ academic writing? / Lecture and discussion / 90 minutes / 8
12 / Academic Writing / Expressing caution / Lecture and discussion / 90 minutes
13 / Academic Writing / Drafting, Outlines / Lecture and discussion / 90 minutes
14 / Academic Writing / Plagiarism and paraphrasing / Lecture and discussion / 90 minutes
15 / Academic Writing / Writing styles / 90 minutes
16 / Academic Writing / Grammatical issues and punctuation based on different writing styles / 90 minutes
17 / Academic Writing / Revising and editing / 90 minutes
How will the learning be assessed?
1: Coursework weighted 60%
Presentation of Academic writing ( 40%)
Academic English presentation (40%)
2: Class Participation weighted 20%
Participation in class sessions
Class sessions are conducted workshop-style, and participation in all class sessions and activities is essential to achieving the outcomes of the module.
-Grrusedrof M, (2007) English for presentation, oxford England oxford university press.
-English for Nurses and Medical Professionals.
-English for Nurses.
-Walters DE , Walters GC. ( 2002).Scientists Must Speak. 2nd ed. Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press.- Oshima A and Hogue A. (2006 ). Writing Academic English. 4th ed, New York: Longman.