Faculty AssemblyMeeting
November 2, 2012
Present – Carolyne Ali-Khan, Betty Bennett, Stacy Boote, Jin-Suk Byun, Candice Carter, Terry Cavanaugh, Richard Chant, Kim Cheek, Linda Dacks, Larry Daniel, Daniel Dinsmore, Nick Eastham, Cassandra Etgeton, Elizabeth Fullerton, Liz Gregg, Caroline Guardino, Katrina Hall, Wanda Hedrick, Warren Hodge, Jennifer Kane, Wanda Lastrapes, Jason Lee, Marsha Lupi, Catherine McMurria, Katie Monnin, Cathy O’Farrell, John Ouyang, Karen Patterson, Phillip Riner, Otilia Salmon, ElinorScheirer, Janice Seabrooks-Blackmore, Lena Shaqareq, Robert Smith, Nile Stanley, Kristi Sweeney, Susan Syverud, Madalina Tanase, Claire Torres, Dawn Wessling, John White, Lunetta Williams, Bess Wilson and Brian Zoellner.
Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 12:25 pm.
Approval of Minutes – The minutes of September 7, 2012, meeting were approved as submitted.
Announcements/Opportunities for Faculty –
Marsha Lupi:
1) The Wine andCheese Halloween party on October 30th was very well received. We will be doing something similar for the holiday party and will send an announcement out soon.
2) Reminder that COEHS Faculty Initiatives Grantproposals are due November 16thin the Dean’s Office. They will be reviewed by the dean on November 30th. The Dean’s Officeis also awarding $500 grants to support faculty projects.
John Kemppainen sent out a notice about the international faculty award to develop programs overseas. The deadline is November 15 for a $2,500 grant to visit sites for future development for TLOs.
Revised COEHS Bylaws – The Executive Committee brought forward the latest revised bylaws for discussion and ratification. It was agreed by the Assembly to put this motion forward and the changes to the bylaws were opened for discussion. The following issue wasthe only topic of concern:
Whether or not to delineate between associate members (A&P) and faculty members voting rights - article 5, sec 1 & 2. This issue was resolved to the satisfaction of the petitioner (Dr. Syverud).
John White added that the bylaws will take effect August 1st. 2013 so it doesn’t disrupt standing committees.
John White asked if there were other issues concerning faculty. No issues were voiced.
Caroline Guardino motioned to have the bylaws voted on. Dr. Guardino confirmed that the Assembly had a quorum. Faculty gave a unanimous voice votein favor of the motion.
Dr. Guardino will put the bylaws vote to voting-eligible faculty electronically via the University’s Qualtrex system. The results will be available to Drs. White and Guardino as well as to Linda Sciarratta in the Office of the Dean. Voting on the bylaws will be anonymous. We combined the constitution and the bylaws and if approved they will be sent to AcademicAffairs. Caroline will meet with CIRT and confirm that the responses will be coded and not associated with the email addresses. Voting will start this afternoon (November 2) and continue until the end of business on Friday, November 9.
College Committee Reports–
Standing Committees
Undergraduate Standards and Curriculum Committee – Cassandra Etgeton reported that the committee met in September and in October. They passed one title change and sent a second one back. Etgeton encouraged all faculty and A&P to look at the APC workflow and make comments especially if it affects your program. The next meeting is in two weeks on Wednesday at 3 pm.
Graduate Standards and Curriculum Committee – As of October 17thmeeting, Dan Dinsmore is the new chair of this committee. They will meet Monday at 3 pm and have twoproposals to review.
Personnel Committee–Otilia Salmon reported that the Personnel Committee will meet after this meeting. She stated that those that process theFaculty Association awards need to be electedso it was put forward to elect the members already appointed to the committee. No one opposed.
Long Range Planning Committee – no report
Student Issues Committee – John Kemppainen reported that the committee met and looked at the availability of minors for education majors because they’ve had a lot of requests lately. It spurred an ongoing discussion for a dual certification with elementary educationand ESDE. Recruitment was discussed as well.
Technology Committee – no report
Permanent College Committees
Executive Committee - John White asked that faculty update their websites. 65% of our faculty pages are empty. Nick Eastham will help any faculty who need assistance in populating their COEHS web page. The UNF photographer will come back if you need a new picture added.
ESOL Advisory Committee – Jin-Suk Byun said the committee met a few weeks ago. Emailed ESOL standards and are on track for the new standards. He asked that faculty spread the word about the TESOL fellowship.
Educator Preparation Institute (EPI) - no report
Accreditation Update – Claire Torres reported that the matrices will be submitted to the State on November 15 and we are finished in time. Torres recently participated in the General Knowledge Test steering committee and updated the faculty that more changes are coming to English, Math, Reading and Writing. The steering committee no longer wants candidates minimally competent and plans to make the test 2 or 3 times more rigorous. Claire will keep us posted.
Dean’s report
Larry Daniel extended aspecial thank you to the Executive Committee for the time and effort they put into creating a new set of bylaws. Thank you to Lena Shaqareq who stepped in with short notice to be the ESOL coordinator. Thanks to Claire Torres for being very accurate and on the leading edge of shaping these accreditation processes.
Center for Urban Education and Policy Update
The Center website has been created and is under construction:
The Center has two new employees:
Mary Lai Rose, Director of Urban Initiatives, who will begin November 7th.
Tiffani Casey, Office Assistant
We have created the internal and external advisory boards for the Center.
We will very soon announce a process for creating faculty affiliations with the Center.
Building Naming Ceremony
Our building is being named in honor of Tom and Betty Petway.
The ceremony will be Friday, November 9, 2012, at 11:00 a.m., third floor lobby.
We will be migrating away from using “Building 57” or “College of Education and Human Services Building”. The term “Petway Building” will be the correct way to refer to our facility.
This will be the naming of the building, not a naming of the College.
The Petways have supported a wide range of UNF programs including the Disability Resource Center and the President’s Venture Fund. However, the main focus of their UNF involvement has been the Early Learning Literacy Model (ELLM). The Petways’ generous support of the Jacksonville Early Literacy and Learning Initiative has made major changes in literacy education not only in Jacksonville but across the state. UNF has leveraged the Petways’ private investment to generate more than $16 million in grants for early literacy learning.
Tom Petway also has exhibited his commitment to education through his service on State University System’s Florida Board of Regents and the subsequent Florida Board of Governors, being the only individual to have served as chairman of both boards.
Betty Petway has served on the UNF Foundation Board and has been involved in numerous philanthropic initiatives throughout Jacksonville, culminating in her winning the Florida Times-Union’s distinguished Eve Award in 1996. She is also a UNF honorary alumna.
Searches for Faculty
Searches for two faculty members are progressing well:
Assistant Professor, Middle/Secondary Mathematics Education (FSE)—Committee is conducting telephone interviews and will be inviting candidates for interviews soon.
Associate/Full Professor, Educational Leadership, and Doctoral Program Director (LSCSM)—Pool of candidates has been approved, and the committee is beginning screening.
Conversation with Dr. Nikolai Vitti
Dr. Nikolai Vitti, incoming Superintendent of Duval County Schools, will be visiting with the College of Education and Human Services faculty on Monday afternoon November 26, 2012.
You will receive an invitation with the exact time and location very shortly. We will need RSVPs promptly.
Dr. Vitti will give a formal talk followed by a brief Q&A session.
A drop in reception with hors d'oeuvres will follow.
Power of Transformation and Annual Giving Campaigns
The University will conclude its “Power of Transformation” campaign on December 31, 2012.
Anyone wishing to make a special gift—naming of a space, scholarship creation, planned gift—should talk with Larry Daniel or Pat Hanford.
The UNF Employee Annual Campaign is also underway. Any gifts given to the annual campaign before December 31 also count toward the Power of Transformation goals.
Our annual campaign goal is to have 70% of employees participate; we are already at 45%!
Our employee representatives on the annual campaign committee are Drs. Jennifer Kane, Caroline Guardino, and Todd Parrish.
Duval County’s counseling program has received the 2012 Florida School Counselor Association School Board Advocacy Award. Their counseling model has been developed in close collaboration with our SOAR faculty, and many of their counselors are UNF alums.
Colleagues from the FSE department, coordinated by Madalina Tanase, did a superb job hosting the 2012 FATE conference at UNF last month.
LSCSM colleagues, headed by Jennifer Kane and Liz Gregg, have worked jointly with the Institute for Values, Community and Leadership to create a new undergraduate minor in Leadership—approved at Faculty Association this week.
Sue Syverud shared the agenda with Mayor Alvin Brown as a speaker at Jacksonville’s ICARE Community Problems Assembly.
Jennifer Kane is the new Council Chair for the American Association for Physical Activity and Recreation
Becky Schumacher is new President of the Association for Specialists in Group Work, a division of the American Counseling Association.
The Educator Preparation will be launching its donor funded EPI-Plus project which will recruit 15 English language learners to the EPI.
Adjournment–The meeting adjourned at 1:33 pm.