Purpose: The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is seeking a qualified vendor to assist the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) with developing a multi-year training and exercise curriculum to maintain and sustain the core capabilities that have been built by the Citizen Corps and Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) Programs.
The effects of natural and manmade disasters have become more frequent, far-reaching, and widespread. The scale and severity of disasters are growing and will likely pose systemic threats. Accelerating changes in demographic trends and technology are making the effects of disasters more complex to manage. As a result, preserving the safety, security, and prosperity of all parts of our society is becoming more challenging.
The Citizen Corps was created to help coordinate volunteer activities that will make our communities safer, stronger, and better prepared to respond to any emergency situation. It provides opportunities for people to participate in a range of measures to make their families, their homes, and their communities safer from the threats of crime, terrorism, and disasters of all kinds. The CERT program educates people about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. CERT participants are capable of assisting themselves and others until professional responders arrive.
The Citizen Corps and CERT programs have served as a successful mechanism for engaging the whole community. They are fundamental in increasing individual preparedness and engaging the members of the community as vital partners in enhancing the resiliency and security of the Commonwealth. They provide resources, expertise, and knowledge that will help their communities and the Commonwealth meet the target capabilities as defined in the Commonwealth Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA).
Scope: The development of a multi-year training and exercise curriculum will require an assessment of the various Citizen Corps and CERT programs to identify curriculum needs for providing training to citizens, instructors, and Citizen Corps council members. The multi-curriculum training plan must be diverse and include courses that are tiered to beginner, intermediate and advance CERT participant levels as defined by PEMA and the Citizen Corps/CERT workgroup. The plan must also incorporate exercises that keep participants actively engaged in the program.
The qualified vendor will also be tasked with the placement of appropriate courses onto the Pennsylvania Learning Management System (LMS) to allow for web-based delivery and course completion. Lastly the qualified vendor shall be responsible for the development of a mechanism that tracks training completions and allows for course evaluation and individual reporting of progress/accomplishments.
I. WORK STATEMENT: Development of a multi-year training and exercise curriculum to sustain those core capabilities that have been built by the Citizen Corps and Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) Programs.
1. Nature of the Project
This project will conform to Presidential Policy Directive–8 (PPD-8), Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) 2012 Guidance, National Preparedness Goal (NPG) Comprehensive Preparedness Guide (CPG) 201, and FDOC 104-008-1-December 2011: A Whole Community Approach to Emergency Management: Principles, Themes, and Pathways for Action. Vendor shall utilize and adhere to any additional regulations and requirements set forth by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and FEMA Region III to ensure that the guidance, direction and goals of DHS and FEMA are reflected in the Commonwealth’s efforts. Vendor shall also utilize the Commonwealth’s completed Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA), State Preparedness Report (SPR), the State Homeland Security Strategy (SHSS), and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s State Emergency Operations Plan (SEOP) and Emergency Support Function (ESF) Annexes to identify where best the CERT teams can fill in gaps and demonstrate how they can provide resources, expertise, and knowledge that will not only help the local community but the Commonwealth meet its target capabilities as per THIRA.
2. Project Goals: Utilizing the aforementioned resources and directives, the selected
vendor shall:
A. Conduct a thorough review of all participating CERT entities strategic plans which identifies long and short term organizational goals. Vendor will also meet with respective CERT Coordinators to ensure the multi-year curriculum is mutually beneficial to their local community needs as well.
B. Develop a multi-year curriculum that benefits community volunteers, the private sector, and non-governmental organizations in preparedness.
C. Provide necessary training in order to meet the core capabilities of THIRA and be able to have volunteers assist PEMA or their respective county during an emergency event.
D. Enhance Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training and capability.
E. Develop an all-hazards preparedness program including a curriculum to educate our children today and interest them in volunteering in public service tomorrow.
F. Develop methodology for tracking participants in addition to allowing for program evaluation and reporting of progress/accomplishments.
3. Goal Assessment/Task Completion
Task 1 – Internal Project Planning Meeting
The qualified Vendor shall prepare a schedule and manpower utilization plan and project timeline upon issuance by PEMA of Notice to Proceed (NTP). This plan shall be presented in the Project Planning Meeting to be held within two weeks following NTP. The plan shall include a detailed project task list to include milestones for performance accountability. The plan is subject to PEMA approval.
Responsible Parties: Vendor, PEMA Bureau of Strategic Planning (hereafter BOSP)
Task 2 – Project Meeting Materials, Worksheets, and Executive Presentation
The Vendor shall develop and submit for PEMA approval all required project instruments, including but not limited to: project plan; project timeline; project worksheets; stakeholder project and worksheet instructions; stakeholder kick-off meeting materials; methodology to provide recommended, scalable core capability-based desired outcomes to assess capabilities; and methodology to develop recommended performance measures. These documents must be provided in both electronic and hard copy format for final approval.
The Vendor shall provide a presentation at PEMA Headquarters to PEMA and executive staff and project leadership summarizing the proposed methodology to satisfy the requirements delineated in this Statement of Work.
All working material and deliverables will be the property of PEMA and the Vendor shall seek approval from PEMA prior to further dissemination of these materials and deliverables.
Responsible Parties: PEMA executive staff, vendor, PEMA BOSP
Task 3 – Stakeholder Engagement
The Vendor shall be responsible for developing and implementing stakeholder (engagement methods for a multi-year curriculum that benefits community volunteers, the private sector, and non-governmental organizations in preparedness. Stakeholders include the Commonwealth, PEMA, County and Local Governments, Citizens, and Vendor. Such engagement methods to be utilized are interviews with County CERT Coordinators, meetings with the PEMA, Citizen Corps/CERT Workgroup and active CERT members, and questionnaires sent to citizen’s home to gather input on CERT marketing improvement. All methods utilized will require prior approval from PEMA.
Responsible parties: County CERT coordinators, CERT members, County EMA coordinators, vendor, PEMA BOSP
Task 4 – Developing of a multi-year curriculum
The Vendor shall develop a multi-year curriculum that is diverse and includes courses that are tiered to beginner, intermediate and advance CERT participant levels as defined by PEMA and the Citizen Corps/CERT workgroup. The plan must also incorporate drills, exercises, and other activities to keep participants actively engaged in the program. The qualified vendor will also be tasked with the placement of appropriate courses onto the Pennsylvania Learning Management System (LMS) to allow for web-based delivery and course completion. Lastly the qualified vendor shall be responsible for the development of a mechanism that tracks training completions and allows for course evaluation and individual reporting of progress/accomplishments. The multi-year curriculum plan shall include the following offerings within the 3 Year Calendar Period:
· CERT Basic Course Offerings
· CERT Train-the-Trainer Course Offerings
· Advanced CERT which shall consist of skills necessary in advanced disaster preparedness, communications, and advanced first aid, CPR and first responder training. Some examples of course offerings could be online Strategic National Stockpile training, Blood-borne Pathogen training, Psychological First Aid.
· Annual Refresher Training
· Drills
· Tabletop and Field Exercises- Conducted quarterly (Two tabletop and two field exercises per contract year).
Course, drill, and exercise materials that can be delivered by experienced trainers approved by PEMA and the respective CERT County shall be provided access to these materials via the PEMA Collaboration Portal Site. Vendor shall utilize training and course materials developed and approved by FEMA. When it is not applicable to utilized FEMA materials, vendor shall ensure that all materials in compliance with National Incident Management System (NIMS), Incident Command System (ICS), and Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) compliant. Vendor shall also develop common requirements associated with materials. Such common requirements would be but are not limited to equipment and supplies required and designated timeframes and prerequisites necessary in order to participate in training.
Task 5 – Stakeholder Review of multi-year curriculum
The Vendor shall be responsible for presenting all curriculum materials with County CERT Coordinators, PEMA, Citizen Corps/CERT Workgroup and other designated CERT members. Vendor will provide adequate review and comment time and present all revised materials to PEMA for final sign-off.
Responsible Parties: Vendor, PEMA BOSP, CERT members and CERT coordinators.
Task 6 – Placement of Designated Courses onto the Pennsylvania Learning Management System (LMS)
The qualified vendor will also be tasked with the placement of appropriate courses onto the Pennsylvania Learning Management System (LMS) to allow for web-based delivery and course completion. Lastly the qualified vendor shall be responsible for the development of a mechanism that tracks training completions and allows for course evaluation and individual reporting of progress/accomplishments.
Responsible parties: Vendor, PEMA BOSP
Task 7 – Curriculum Management
The qualified vendor shall be responsible for the development of a mechanism that tracks training completions and allows for course evaluation and individual reporting of progress/accomplishments. The tracking mechanism utilized may be a developed SharePoint site, the Pennsylvania Learning Management System (LMS), or PEMA Collaboration Portal. PEMA will have final approval of the training curriculum management process and system. The management system shall be able to contain contact information, volunteer status and training information for all volunteers. It shall be available online to enable volunteers to report their volunteer service hours and completed coursework. It should also be able to track number of total volunteers and other necessary criteria for PEMA staff in order to report progress to PEMA Executive staff members and FEMA.
Responsible parties: Vendor, PEMA executive staff, PEMA BOSP
Task 8 – Recruitment, Retention, and Recognition
Vendor shall work with PEMA Staff and the Citizen Corps/CERT Workgroup to identify additional service opportunities for volunteers. In addition, vendor shall develop a retention and recognition strategy for volunteers to encourage active participation and overall increased volunteer retention. Vendor will submit said plan to the PEMA BOSP for review.
Responsible parties: Vendor, PEMA BOSP
Task 9 – Recruitment Strategies
Vendor shall develop recruitment strategies and marketing materials to encourage CERT participation throughout the Commonwealth. These materials shall be suitable for outreach via radio, print, media, the internet, and presentations at civic and public venues. Vendor shall also create a volunteer application packet that could be distributed to volunteers and other interested persons. All developed materials are property of PEMA and are subject to PEMA approval.
Responsible parties: Vendor, PEMA BOSP, PEMA executive staff.
Task 10 – Standard Operating Procedures
Vendor shall work with PEMA and the Citizen Corps/CERT Workgroup to re-evaluate current program policy, procedures, and Standard Operating Guidelines. Vendor shall make recommendations for improvement based on best practices and what will be advantageous towards a sustainable Commonwealth CERT program in the future. Such recommendations shall be submitted, in writing, to the PEMA BOSP.
Responsible parties: Vendor, PEMA BOSP
Task 11 – Progress Reports
The selected vendor shall submit progress reports to PEMA staff at time frames determined during the Internal Planning Meeting outlined in Task 1, and at the specific request of PEMA staff. Progress reports will describe in detail the current work being performed, obstacles, and capability being gained, maintained, or sustained as defined by PEMA Staff and the Citizen Corps/CERT Workgroup, and shall be provided in a format specified by PEMA.
Responsible parties: Vendor, PEMA BOSP
4. Program Assessment/Measurables
As the purpose of this project is to increase awareness, activity, and participation of the CERT program in Pennsylvania as well as provide additional training to augment current CERT providers, the vendor shall realize positive outcomes as such:
A. Increase the awareness of the CERT program throughout the Commonwealth by documenting contact hours with County, State, and local level participants in the program.
B. Increasing, on a year-by-year basis, the number of trainings, training hours, and number of participants in the training program.
C. Increase membership in current CERT programs in addition to forming new CERT programs throughout the Commonwealth.
D. Researching and implementing best practice educational methodology to assure a quality training program.
E. Successful implementation of training into the Learning Management System.
F. Inclusion of training survey attached to each module. In addition, increase the number of positive reaction/comments to training modules each year.
G. Assure training program is relevant to local CERT programs by increased cooperation with stakeholders.
H. Communicate regularly with PEMA BOSP and/or PEMA executive staff to update aforementioned measurables.
II. Requirements
1. General
a. Emergency Preparedness
To support continuity of operations during an emergency, including a pandemic, the Commonwealth needs a strategy for maintaining operations for an extended period of time. One part of this strategy is to ensure that essential contractors that provide critical business services to the Commonwealth have planned for such an emergency and put contingencies in place to provide needed goods and services. As a potential vendor to the Commonwealth, it is important that the potential vendor’s organization has a continuity of operations plan in place should an emergency or disaster event occur during the completion of this statement of work. The vendor’s continuity of operations plan shall be submitted along with the price quote for this statement of work.