“Writing is the act of saying I,
of imposing oneself upon other people, of saying,
listen to me, see it my way, change your mind.”
– Joan Didion, American journalist and novelist
Barb’s favorites:
PerdueUniversity’s On-line Writing Lab (OWL)
TrinityCollege’s “Questions on Editing and Revising”
University of Texas at Austin’s Cyber Tutor named Virgil
BrevardCommunity College’s “Top Ten Writing Mistakes”
San JoseStateUniversity’s “Writing Good Openers”
Prof. John W. Chinneck’s “How to Organize Your Thesis”
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s “Writing Techniques Handbook”
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute’s “Thesis (Statement) Writing”
Capital Community College Foundation’s “Guide to Grammar and Writing”
Prince George’s Community College’s “Research and Documentation On-Line”
An annotated list of other (mostly university’s) on-line writingresources:
This site includes a fantastic array of well-organized, detailed and print-friendly guides on writing. Among the most useful might be ones on the writing process (including topics on audience, purpose, and focus), issues and ideas (including topics on arguments, development, organization, editing, and proofreading), critical reading, empirical research (including topics on methodologies, analysis, reliability and validity) as well as general issues (including answering exam questions).
MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
This site includes tips on understanding assignments, the writing process; introduction and conclusion strategies as well as many useful on-line grammar guides.
Purdue University OWL (On-line Writery):
This site includes an extensive array of on-line tools, information on different genres of writing, reference manuals, tips on research and academic writing, as well as a connection to many good handouts on their gopher server.
Quintessential Career’s Indispensable Writing Resources
This site contains a treasure chest of writing essentials presenting approximately four dozen reference topics, each with its own links to other numerous on-line self-help resources.
This site includes a plethora of handouts on the writing process, arguments and thesis statements, revising, grammar, style, punctuation, mechanics, research and documentation.
Trinity College's Writing Center
This site includes general references on grammar and style, an excellent checklist on revising and editing, documentation and citation guides and other writing tips.
University of Michigan's OWL(On-line Writery):
This site includes on-line reference tools, help with APA style documentation, and links to other writing sites. Also, their Writery Cafe includes a forum for writers from all over the world to share and discuss their work.
University of North Carolina
This site includes “straightforward and useful advice about writing” providing numerous handouts on writing the paper, grammar and mechanics, specific writing assignments, and writing for specific fields. The site also has a collection of writing tools on such categories as developing drafts,e diting, and academic writing, among others.
University of Texas at Austin's Writing Lab(On-line Writery):
This site features Virgil, your cyber tutor who can assist you with all aspects of writing from figuring our what to write about to final revisions. This is a very cleaver, well organized, and unique presentation of writing assistance on-line; bravo, Virgil!
University of Wisconsin’s The Writer’s Handbook
This site includes a five-chapter handbook on stages of the writing process (getting started, drafting, revising and proofreading), common types of writing assignments, grammar and punctuation, improving your writing style (how to write more clearly and persuasively) and citing references (APA, MNLA, CBE, how to avoid plagarism and more).
If all else fails….
Visit the most comprehensive (but, in many ways, least intuitive site),
The Writer’s Garden
This site presents an alphabetical listing of dozens of writing centers on-line, a search function, as well as links to other sites on the following topics: general writing sites, composing and revising, usage and style, kinds of writing, and reference materials.