RL-HSE-0001 / Revision 03 / September 2008
Revision 03
RL-HSE-001: AES Ras Laffan Safety Management Plan Page 1 of 19
/ AES ROC Safety Management System /RL-HSE-0001 / Revision 03 / September 2008
Upon receipt of an official amendment/change to this Safety Management System Plan, it is the SafetyCoordinator’s responsibility to ensure the relevant sections are removed and that new/amended sections be inserted in their place, this change register document should then be completed and signed.
Rev / Issue Date / Amendment Description / Date effective / Prepared By / Review By / Approved by00 / 09/05 / First Copy for Approval / 15/09/05 / Harish / HSE Committee / Ahmer Nadeem
01 / 06/06 / Modification and addition of procedures as per the recommendation of AES Corp Audit / 01/07/06 / Harish / HSE Committee / Calum Wood
02 / 09/ 07 / Modificationof the following procedures
- AES Ras Laffan Safety Management Plan
- Emergency Response & Contingency Plan
- Fall protection Program
- Ladder safety Program
03 / 06/ 08 /
- Modified and reorganized the procedure make in line with the revised AES Corp standard AES-STD-006: Safety Management System
- Different Section of SMS separated as Management programs and procedures to avoid replacement of entire manual for revising only a particular section
RL-HSE-001: AES Ras Laffan Safety Management Plan Page 1 of 19
/ AES ROC Safety Management System /RL-HSE-0001 / Revision 03 / September 2008
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Preamble
1.2 AES ROC Safety Policy
1.3 PM Statement
1.4 Management Commitment
2.0 Planning
2.1 Occupational Health and Safety Risk Assessment
2.2 Legal and other requirements
2.3 Safety Goals (objectives and Targets)
2.4 Safety Management Programmes
2.4.1Injury and Illness
2.4.2Personal Safety
2.4.3Equipment Safety
2.4.4Contractor Safety
2.4.5Other Safety Program
2.4.6Management of Changes
3.0Implementation and Business
3.1Structure and Responsibility
3.2Training, Awareness and Participation
3.3Consultation and Communication
3.4Safety Management System Documentation and Control
3.5 Operational Control
3.6Emergency Preparedness and response
3.6.1Emergency Equipments
4.0Evaluation and Corrective Action
4.1 Monitoring and Measurement
4.2 Accidents, Near Misses, Non Conformances and Corrective and Preventive Action
4.3Record Keeping
4.4.1Level 1, AES corp. safety audit
4.4.2Level 2, Internal Audit
6.0Management Review
This document describes the Safety Management Plan of AES Ras Laffan (‘The Plan’). The Plan has been developed in accordance with AES Global StandardNumber: AES-STD-006,‘Safety Management System’.It details the OccupationalHealth and Safety Management System components in operation within the AES Ras Laffan.
Protecting the safety and health of our employees,contractors and customers is of paramountimportance to us and that concern influences everything we do.Astructured system for themanagement of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) risksis therefore required to ensurethose risks are reduced to as low as is reasonably practicable. The main functions of the AESSafety Management System areorganized as illustrated in the following:
1.2AES Ras Laffan Safety Policy
AES Ras Laffan has established an procedure (RL-HSE-0001\ SP0001) by which theRasLaffan Power Plant’s Safety Policy will be developed, approved,modified,distributedand communicated. Under the terms of RL-HSE-0001\ SP0001, the SafetyPolicy servesas thefoundation of the facility’s Safety Management System (SMS)and is subject to theperiodic review, modification and approval of the PlantManager
As required in RL-HSE-0001\ SP0001, RLPC has developed and plans to maintain aSafetyPolicy that will:
- Be appropriate to the nature, scale, and Safety Risk of the facility’s activities, products, andservices;
- Include a commitment to continual improvement of the SMS, prevention of Accidents, and compliance with all applicable Safety requirements; and
- Provide a framework for setting and reviewing Safety objectives and targets.
AES RAS LAFFAN H&S Policy is provided in RL-HSE-0001/SP0001-A0001.
1.3Plant Manager’s Statement
I have reviewed this Safety Management Plan, and I am satisfied that it will ensure:
1)Compliance with applicable laws and regulations;
2)Conformance with other applicable requirements;
3)Achievement of the goals and safety policies of AES Corporation and AES Ras Laffan.
I am personally committed to this Safety Management Plan and will demonstrate my commitment to the company’s safety policies and to continuous safety improvement. To thebest of my knowledge, this Business has the necessary resources toimplement the management systems outlined in the Safety Management Plan.
name: Plant Manager
Signature: ------Date: ------
1.4Management Commitment
The Management Team of AES Ras Laffan is committed to ensuring thatOccupationalHealthand Safety Management Systems (OSHMS) are anintegral part of the operations and business management of the facility.
The Plan outlines the management processes in place to control the OSHrisksinvolved withthe running of the facility, and has been developed to address the specific requirements of the nature and scale of the activities at the AES Ras Laffan site.
Our continual aspiration is the goal of ‘Target Zero’ i.e. a working environment where risks toour people are controlled and we are constantly working towards, and achieving, an accidentfree environment.
We will not succeed in achieving our goal of Target Zero unless the senior management of theorganisation are visibly committed to its achievement. This commitment will include, but not be limited to:
- Regularly attending and chairing safety meetings
- Promoting safety issues in company communications
- Personally conducting workplace safety inspections
- Developing pro-active safety goals and reviewing our progress in achieving them
- Allocating adequate resources to develop, operate and maintain theSafety Management System
- Ensuring that our operations at all times fully comply with the laws of the State of Qatar and also with AES corporate health and safety requirements
Every effort will be made to continually improve our OSH MS, through, for example, critical examination of the achievement of our goals and targets, and engaging our staff and contractors in a two-way communication process which encourages suggestions for improvement. The following illustration shows our OSHMS in diagrammatic form, with thered line around the outside of the elements depicting the continuous improvement cycle of PDCA:
This Plan will be communicated to all our staff.Amendments and revisions to the Plan will also be communicated to staff, and the Plan is available to third parties on request.
2.1 Occupational Health and Safety Risk Assessments
In order to manage safety in the plant we need to clearly understand what can harm people.AES Ras Laffan follows a systematic approach to identifying harmful agents (hazards) by carrying out risk assessmentsand implements effective control measures for its facilities and work activities.. This process is described in the AES Ras Laffan document ‘RL-HSE- 0001/SP- 0002: AES RAS LAFFANRisk AssessmentProcedure’. The procedure shall providea framework for setting safety goals and objectives and implementing action plans.Theprocedure shall include:
- Routine and non-routine activities, including maintenance;
- Activities of all personnel having access to the workplace, including subcontractors and visitors;
- Facilities at the workplace, whether provided by the organization or others; and
- The Operation shall ensure that the results of risk assessments and the effects of implemented controls are considered when developing safety goals and objectives. The organization shall document and keep this information up to date.
- Define the system and responsibilities for identifying Hazards, assessing Risk and controlling the significant Risks.
- Define a process to adequately assess the Risks to health and safety of AES and contractors people associated with their work related activities.
- Define the system to demonstrate that suitable precautions and control measures are in place at the plant toprevent accidents wherever necessary. Where suitable precautions have not already been implemented, torecognize and correct them.
- Describe the method to document, record and review the Risk Assessment as necessary.
2.2Legal and Other Requirements
AES Ras Laffan will liaisewith the Ras Laffan Industrial City (RLIC) and HSE Regulation Enforcement Directorate in order to establish the legal requirements relating to safety the company must comply with.Safety Team Leader/ Coordinator will be focal point for thecontact with these external authorities. Safety Team Leader/ Coordinator will attend theMeetings conducted by RLIC Safety Department and HSE Regulation EnforcementDirectorate. In case of any change in existing Rules and Regulations, RLIC/ HSE Regulation EnforcementDirectorate will officially will communicate to RLPC Plant Manger, which willbe circulated among all concerned people AES RAS LAFFAN for required action
The Safety Team Leader/ Coordinator atAES Ras Laffan will also liaise with AES Corporate Health and Safety Department and the Regional Co-ordinator for Health and Safety to ensureall AES Corporate standards for health and safety are met.
This process is described in the AES Ras Laffan document ‘RL-HSE-0001/SP-0003: Legal and Other Requirement Management.
2.3Safety Goals (Objectives and Targets)
Our overriding target is ‘Target Zero’ – an accident free workplace.All of our systems for managing health and safety are implemented in an effort to achieve this target.To support our continual efforts towards Target Zero we have introduced further, more specific process measures which serve as both targets and performance indicators (see also Section 1.11 of thisPlan, ‘Evaluation and Corrective Action’).
Our safety goals are developed to be SMART i.e.
- Specific
- Measurable
- Achievable
- Realistic
- Time Bound
Performance indicators are set according to two criteria:
Leading:How we measure our efforts to prevent accidents from happening
Lagging: The number of failures such as accidents, incidents involving equipment damage or cases of occupational ill health
The following table summarises the performance indicators used to assess the performance of the AES Ras Laffan OSH MS:
Annually, AES RAS LAFFAN will establish and maintain documented safety goals,objectives and targets that:
1)Consider regulatory and other requirements, significant occupational health and safety risks, technological options, financial and business requirements, and the views of interested parties;
2)Are consistent with the Operation’s safety policy statement;
3)Are quantifiable, based on both lagging indicators, i.e. number of fatalities, lost time accidents, recordable injuries/illnesses, and leading indicators, i.e. number of safety meetings, near miss reports, department/area inspections, participation on safety committees, closure rates of action plans, risk assessment and reduction efforts;
4)Include clear responsibilities for achieving the goals, objectives and targets, and are assigned to the appropriate departments and/or individuals.
AES RAS LAFFAN objectives and Targets performance indicators are provided in the attachmentRLPC-HSE-0001/ A0001: Performance Indicators
* Each Team Leader completes one per quarter.
2.4Safety Management Programme
AES RAS LAFFAN will establish and maintain different management programmes for achieving itssafety goals, objectives and targets. The written programs and procedures shall define theprogram requirements, implementation strategies, roles and responsibilities and training needs. The safety programs and procedures will meet or exceed the safety standardsdefined inthe Global Safety Standards. The overall responsibility for overseeing and steeringtheimplementation and monitoring of the provisions of this Plan lies with the AES Ras LaffanSafetyCommittee.SeealsoRLPC-HSE-0001/0004: Structure and Responsibilities.Performance against these targets will be reviewed on a rolling monthly basis (see Section 4.0of this Plan, ‘Evaluation and Corrective Action’), by the Safety Committee, as a standingagenda item.
AES RAS LAFFAN H&S Management programs shall include but not limited to thefollowing sections
2.4.1Injury and Illness
Injuries and illnesses suffered by staff or contractors are reported via the AES Ras Laffan Incident/ Near Miss Reporting and Investigation Procedure (RL-HSE-0001\SP0010)
2.4.2Personal Safety
The safety of personnel working in the Plant is treated with the utmost importance at AES Ras Laffan. There are a number of key OSH Procedures implemented in order to control hazards which could pose a threat to personal safety. The following procedures are seen as the principle controls, although the list is not exhaustive.
- Lock Out Tag out (RL-HSE-0001\SP0011: Safety Document Procedure)
- Personal Protective Equipment (RL-HSE-0001\SP0012)
- Confined Space Entry (RL-HSE-0001\SP0011)
- Fall Protection (RL-HSE-0001\SP0013)
- Hot Work (RL-HSE-0001\SP0011)
- Electrical Safety (RL-HSE-0001\SP0014)
- Manual Handling (RL-HSE-0001\SP0015)
- Hazardous Material handling (RL-HSE-0001\SP0016)
- Walking and Working Surfaces (RL-HSE-0001\SP0013)
2.4.3Equipment Safety
Hazards from various types of working equipment used on the plant are identified and controlled through a series of Procedures which operate in conjunction with the Procedures forPersonal Safety as detailed above:
- Ladders (RL-HSE-0001\SP0017)
- Ropes, Chains and Slings (RL-HSE-0001/SP-0018: Lifting)
- Fork Lift Trucks, Cranes and Hoists (-HSE-0001/SP0018: Lifting)
- Hand and Power Tools (RL-HSE-0001/SP0019: Portable equipment Safety requirements)
- Machine Safety ( RL-HSE-0001/SP0020: Machine Guarding)
- Work Stations and Display Screens (RL-HSE-0001\SP-0021: Work station and display screen equipment procedure)
- Policy Vehicle Fleet MaintenancePolicy(RL-HSE-0001\SP-0022: Vehicle Fleet Management Procedure)
2.4.4Contractor Safety
The purpose of this program is to specify the requirements for managing safety when contracting work. The program shall be used to assist AES staff in the execution of their legal and corporate responsibilities throughout the life cycle of the contract. This safety standard is based on the best practices for managing contractor safety in the utility industry.
The Contractor Safety Programme is outlined in the RL-HSE-0001\Section 23: ContractorManagement Procedure. The main elements of the AES Ras Laffan Contractor Safety Procedure are:
- The provision, by the contractor, of a detailed contract specific safety plan prior to the start of work on site.
- The provision by the contractor of competent staff and safe equipment for the work
- Compliance at all times whilst on site with AES Ras Laffan safety and emergency response rules
2.4.5 Visitors Safety
- All visitors are allowed to enter the site only with prior appointment with their AES ROC contact person.
- All visitors must report to the AES ROC security gatehouse at the Main Gate on arrival at site.
- All visitors shall receive a VisitorsPass as by producing the relevant identification document. This shall be displayed at all times and may be examined by the site security staff. Please familiarize yourself with the site layout and the location of the Assembly Points.
- It is the responsibility of AES Ras Laffan contact person to ensure that his visitor received a site safety inductions training before entering plant area.
- Visitor induction is not valid for performing any kind of activities except visiting the plant or conducting inspections.
- All visitors shall be accompanied by an AES ROC person when attending site. Entry into unauthorized areas is prohibited except when accompanied by an AES ROC person
- AES contact person shall ensure that the visitor is wearing PPEs while they are at site
- Visitor shall aquire prior permission to use their vehicles inside the plant
- AES Ras Laffan contact person shall ensure that visitor fully understood safety requirements to be followed at site.
- Declaration of receipt and understanding of AES ROC Safety Induction shall be documented. Declartion form is available in A0002: Visitor Safety Rgulations
- Visitor shall be provided with safety instruction leaflets. A0004: Visitor Safety Regulations
2.4.6Other Programs
- Adverse Weather Condition (RL-HSE-0001\SP0024)
- Site SecurityManagement Procedure (RL-HSE-0001\SP0025)
- House Keeping Procedure (RL-HSE-0001\SP0026)
- Occupational Health and Medical Surveillance Procedure (RL-HSE-0001/SP0027)
- Illumination management Procedure: (RL-HSE-0001/Sp0028)
2.4.7Management of Change
Any change in the business environment can have a significant impact on the effectiveness of safety management processes.Our OSHMS will take account of any changes in the operating environment, and this Plan will be reviewed in the light of those changes to ensure itremains current. The following lists some of the factors which may indicate a need for the Plan to be reviewed (the list should not, however, be seen as exhaustive):
External changes- New guidance, industry or national standards
- New hazards, or new emphasis on old hazards such as stress and asbestos
- Campaigns by regulators,
- New or revised legislation
- Client pressures
- New products, services or workplaces
- New working arrangements
- Outsourcing
- Business growth and change
- New work equipment, or changed
- New employees, or experienced employees retiring or resigning
- Merger or takeover
3.0 Implementation and Business
3.1Structure and Responsibility
The structure for the implementation of this plan and for the maintenance of the AES Ras Laffan OSH MS is as follows described the in the procedure RLPC-HSE-0001/ SP-0004: H&S Structure & Responsibilities.
3.2Training, Awareness and Participation
The successful implementation of the OSHMS within AES Ras Laffan depends on every member of staff and contractor understanding and supporting the set objectives and goals.
Safety initiatives will be ongoing in order to promote awareness of the OSHMS within AES Ras Laffan. As a general rule, safety initiatives will be disseminated and promoted through the different methods such as:
- The Safety Committee
- Poster Displays
- Circulation of information via E-Mail
- Notices displayed on notice boards
- Team Meetings
- Tool Box Talks
- Signs
- Safety Alerts and Bulletins, on particular themes or learning points from incidents or near misses
- Training
The subjects for the various initiatives will depend on which topics are current at any given time, but the following are examples of the subject matter for cascade via our safety initiatives: