This project is funded by the European Union

and implemented by British Council.

EU Scholarship Programme Office,

7, Şht. Üsteğmen Ünal Genç Sok.,

Marmara Bölgesi,


Policy on (a) changes to interviews days/times and

(b) the use of Skype for remote (on-line) interviews

It is expected that interviews will take place in the British Council office with the appointed assessors and the candidate physically present in the room, on the day / time provided in advance, which normally cannot be changed. The candidate will be unaccompanied, and will not be permitted to bring any mobile phones, recording equipment, cameras, or similar items into the interview room with them.

However in exceptional circumstances the Contracting Authority (i.e. British Council) may, at its own discretion only, give consideration to change an interview date and/or time, and/or to the use Skype for the interview. This is not a routine alternative to a face to face interview.

As well as providing reasons for requesting a change in interview date or time, and/or for a remote interview, applicants will need to provide suitable evidence to support their request.

Applicants requesting a remote interview must also fulfil certain conditions to ensure their interview experience is as similar as possible to all other applicants attending a face to face interview, and to provide assurance to the British Council (Contracting Authority) that all security, data protection and privacy regulations, and interview protocols are followed.

The British Council may consider the following reasons for a change in interview date/time or a request for a remote interview favourably:

Type 1:

a)  Sudden bereavement – death of a close family member (parent, grandparent, child or sibling)

b)  Sudden serious illness or accident of applicant

c)  Sudden cases of force majeure e.g. weather conditions preventing travel from applicant’s country of residence

Type 2:

a)  Significant financial difficulties of travelling to Cyprus for tests and then for interview (especially in cases where flights are very expensive and no budget airlines flying to Cyprus, e.g. from USA)

b)  Official university or school examinations at an institution outside Cyprus are being held at the same time as the Scholarship interviews and these exams cannot be changed

c)  The applicant himself/herself is getting married at that time

Procedure for requests under type (1)

It is clear that Type 1 reasons cannot be planned in advance. If unforeseen circumstances arise shortly or before or on the day of the interview, please contact the British Council immediately. The British Council will do its best to re-schedule your interview on a different date (between 29 May and 16 June) but it cfanot be guaranteed that the new date and time will be convenient for you. The British Council may also consider conducting the interview via Skype or VC for people based outside Cyprus. (Please see conditions below).

Procedure for requests under type (2)

Requests must be made to the Contracting Authority via email as soon as possible, and not later than Thursday 12 May 2016 17:00 and you must bring with you a copy of this policy and your signed application form (attached to this document as an annex), along with all other supporting documentation and necessary signatures for submission to the British Council by hand.

You must also ask your tutor / supervisor / school principal or other suitable person to send us an email (see b. below) to . Further information/instructions needed will be provided on or before Thursday 12 May 2016 17:00.

Conditions for all applicants, Type 1 or Type 2 reasons

Use of Skype Interviews will only be considered where:

a)  The candidate has read and signed the Request for Remote Interview Application form and has submitted it within deadlines, and the British Council has approved the request in advance

b)  The candidate’s university or school tutor / supervisor / teacher or other suitable person (agreed with British Council) has read and signed the Remote Interview Application form and has sent an email confirming they vouch for the applicant’s identity and interview protocol before the interview

c)  The candidate has found an independent suitable location in which to have the interview – e.g. a meeting or seminar room in their school or university; their tutor’s or lecturer’s office; or other location agreed with British Council (but not a room in a flat or bedroom in a hall of residence)

d)  The candidate has access to, and technical support for, the appropriate technology (software and hardware) and is comfortable with its use; the hardware used must be a PC or laptop, not a mobile phone.

e)  The candidate accepts that all arrangements for their interview, and any costs arising from the change of time, date, location, use of equipment, internet etc. are their responsibility

f)  The candidate acknowledges that he/she does not have permission to record the interview. If the British Council discovers that the interview has been recorded and/or shared publicly the candidate will be disqualified.

g)  A “trial run” with the candidate has been conducted a few days before the actual interview.

h)  The candidate’s identity is verified to the British Council’s satisfaction at the time of interview

i)  The institution hosting the candidate confirms the candidate is unaccompanied in the interview room and is observing same protocol as applicants in the fact to face interviews (no mobile phone, recording equipment, camera, other personal items)

j)  There is a two-way video connection throughout the interview. Audio connection alone will not be permitted

k)  The candidate understands and accepts that if there are hardware and/or software and/or internet problems the interview may not be able to proceed / continue, and it is unlikely that another day/time will be scheduled owing to the fixed interview schedule and the needs of all candidates and assessors.

NB Applicants should be aware that having to interrupt the interview to refresh the internet connection can disrupt the flow of the interview and may disadvantage the candidate. For this reason British Council recommends a face to face interview in all but exceptional cases.

Request to use Skype for the EU Scholarship interview
(Exceptional Circumstances only)

In exceptional circumstance the Contracting Authority (British Council) may give consideration to the use of Skype for interviewing. This will be subject to conditions being met by the applicant. The Contracting Authority strongly recommends that all candidates invited for interview attend in person, for a face-to-face interview.

For requests under Type 2 you must email a summary of your request to by Thursday 12 May 2016 17:00; and you must complete and return this form to the British Council in hard copy with all necessary documentary evidence no later than Thursday 12 May 2016 17:00 to allow time for arrangements to be made. For Type 1 requests please contact the British Council as soon as any such unforeseen event occurs via email to

Candidate name: / Candidate No:
Type of Scholarship
(Please check one) / TYPE A TYPE B TYPE C TYPE D
Request for the interview to be conducted using: / Skype Name / Skype Number
Skype Interview to be run from (name and address of location)
Please tick the most appropriate reasons below for the use of video conferencing/Skype. Requests should only be made in exceptional circumstances and should not be viewed as a routine alternative to a face to face interview.
(text box will expand:
Nature of exceptional circumstances:
Own medical condition: Bereavement (death of parent, child, sibling, grandparent):
Family Circumstances: Financial: Examination
Special Needs: Other: ______
Nature of supporting evidence attached (in English only):
Medical Certificate: Death Certificate: Police Report:
School/University document: Other: (please provide details)
Use this space for any further details:
Please read, tick √ and initial the following DECLARATION (in electronic copies type your name in CAPITALS at the end of the document):
·  I have read, understand and accept the attached policy for requesting day/time change and/or for a remote interview via Skype ______.
·  My academic supervisor or tutor from my current institution (or other person agreed by British Council) has signed this form to confirm that proper interview protocol will be in place, i.e. my identity will be verified, I will use a suitable location, I will be accompanied, and no mobile phones, recording equipment or other equipment will be taken into or used in the interview room ______.
·  I have access to, and technical support for, the appropriate technology (software and hardware) and am comfortable with its use. I understand no extra assistance will be given to me if I am unable to use the equipment for the purpose of my interview. ______.
·  I acknowledge that I do not have the right or permission to make a recording of my interview or to share it publicly in any way whatsoever. ______.
·  I will make arrangements to conduct a “trial-run” before the interview. ______.
·  I understand that if there is any failure of the equipment, software or internet before or during the interview, or any “force-majeure”, it may not be possible for the interview to continue beyond the time scheduled for the interview on that particular day. ______.
·  I understand that in the event of equipment, software or internet failure, then the Contracting Authority may, at its discretion, schedule another remoter interview, but this cannot be guaranteed owing to the fixed schedule and the needs of all applicants and assessors. ______.
Candidate Name: / Date:
Candidate Signature:
Name and address of institution where remote interview will take place:
Candidate’s Supervisor’s / Tutor’s Name:
Candidate’s Supervisor’s / Tutor’s email address
Candidate’s Supervisor’s /Tutor’s Signature / Date:

Request4SkypeIntV2SY 25April 2016 25/04/2016

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