
Texas Master Naturalist

210 E. Live Oak

Seguin, Texas 78155


September 30, 2015





Dear Prospective Master Naturalist:

Thank you for your interest in the Guadalupe Chapter of the Texas Master Naturalist program. The Texas Master Naturalist program, is a statewide organization sponsored jointly by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension. The mission of the Texas Master Naturalist program is to develop a corps of well-informed volunteers to provide education, outreach, and service dedicated to the beneficial management of natural resources and natural areas within their communities. Classroom and field training will be provided by experts who will cover a wide selection of topics in Central Texas natural history. Attendance at all scheduled classes is required, although a missed class may be made up. In exchange for this training, Master Naturalists are expected to complete a minimum of 40 hours of volunteer service and 8 hours advanced training in approved Master Naturalist projects and programs in their communities within one year of the completion of the class.Only those completing all classes and the 40/8 hours will be awarded the Master Naturalist certification. Volunteer work is expected to take place in the area the Chapter serves. To retain certification, completion of 40 hours of approved volunteer service and 8 hours of advanced training is required annually. As you strive to meet the yearly commitments, you will have the opportunity to work with various experts and other volunteers on a variety of projects to benefit our community and promote stewardship of our natural resources.

The next Master Naturalist training session for the Guadalupe Chapter will begin on January5, 2016and continue first and third Tuesday evenings, meeting at various sites from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., through May 31, 2016. Four field trips are scheduled on various Saturdays. Attendance at three of the field trips is required. Volunteer opportunities will be available during the course to allow students to complete a portion of the first year’s required 40 hours of volunteer service. Registration fees, which cover the cost of handouts, materials, mileage for speakers, space rental, security checks, and graduation, are $160 before November 15, 2015and $175.00 after November 15, 2015. The deadline for sending an application is December 15, 2015.Your registration fee, either a check or money order,must be included with the application form (refundable until the first class).

Attendance is limited to 25 participants in order to provide a quality experience for each student. Applications will be reviewed by the Curriculum Committee to determine availability for volunteer service and coursework, as well as commitment to stewardship of our natural resources. Upon approval, registration will be given on a first come, first served basis.

Early registration is recommended.

Please deliver your completed application and registration fee bymail to:Guadalupe Master Naturalist Registration, 210 E. Live Oak, Seguin, Texas 78155. If the student roster is already filled, or if it is determined that the applicant will not be able to fulfill course or volunteer requirements, the fee will be returned.


Liz Aguilar

Chair, Training Committee

Enclosure (Application with Liability Release)

In order to ensure all interested individuals have a fair chance of getting into the class, before submitting your application please carefully consider your schedule and the commitment of time required to complete the classes, 40 hours of volunteer time, and 8 hours of advanced training during 2016.

Please complete this application and deliver it by mail or in person with your registration fee of $160 ($175 after November 1, 2015) (do not send cash) to:

Guadalupe Chapter, Texas Master Naturalist Registration,

210 E. Live Oak

Seguin, Texas 78155

This form can be completed electronically, saved and printed or printed and completed in writing.


Nickname or Name you would like to be addressed by:


Street/Apt. #:

City: County State: TX Zip:

TELEPHONE: () day () evening

E-MAIL: (communication will be conducted via email; please provide an address that you check regularly)

Place of employment: -or School Attending if full-time student:


  1. Please note your skills and/or interests that would be helpful to you and the Guadalupe Chapter:

(Include any relevant training or education you have received related to native plants and wildlife, ecology, natural history, etc. List any special skills you have that could be helpful in this program. Those skills may include computer, photography, data entry, writing, graphic arts, public speaking, teaching, etc. Note, however, that specific skills are not a requirement to become a part of the Master Naturalist program.)

  1. List any related organizations/societies of which you are a member and/or where you are a volunteer.
  1. Where did you hear about the Guadalupe Master Naturalist chapter?
  1. Please provide a short paragraph telling us about yourself and what you expect to bring to and/or get from this course. (Note: This may be published in a class directory.)

Guadalupe Master Naturalist Scholarship Request

Guadalupe Master Naturalist has a limited amount of scholarship money available. All scholarship requests must be submitted by the application deadline. The training committee will first consider all training applications based solely on the merits of the training application form. The training committee then considers any scholarship requests from accepted applicants. Scholarships are awarded by financial need.

If you are seeking a scholarship, on another sheet of paper please explain why you should be granted a scholarship by the chapter. Please present a full statement of need.



(Initials) / YES. I am 18 years of age or older. (Applicants under 18 years of age are not considered.)


(Initials) / YES. I will be available for eleven Master Naturalist classesand at least three of the field trips. I understand that I am required to attend all scheduled classes or make them up to graduate. I agree to complete 40 hours of approved volunteer service and obtain 8 hours of approved advance training within one year of completion of the class, to achieve recognition as a certified Master Naturalist. I also understand that in order to maintain certification as a Texas Master Naturalist, I must complete 40 hours of volunteer service and 8 hours advanced training annually.

______or type



(Initials) / I understand that in consideration of being accepted as a participant in the Texas Master Naturalist volunteer program. I hereby release, discharge, and agree to hold harmless the program and its sponsoring state agencies, their agents, employees, officers and successors, from and against the program and sponsoring state agencies, their successors, employees, or officers for all personal injuries (including death), known and unknown or damage to property caused by or arising out of activities performed under the Texas Master Naturalist Program.
I understand that I will be required to undergo a criminal background check as a condition of participation in the Texas Master Naturalist Program, because many Master Naturalist activities can involve contact with children. By submitting this application, I am consenting to this check being performed; a portion of my registration fee will be applied to that purpose. I understand that this check will be performed at the state level and that no one in the Guadalupe Chapter will be informed of the detailed results, only whether I passed the check. I understand that I will not be permitted to certify until I have completed this process.



Below are examples of some of the volunteer opportunities you will have as a Texas Master Naturalist in the Guadalupe Chapter.

Guadalupe County AgriLife

Teaching at Water Fairs held at Guadalupe County elementary schools

Manning booths at Guadalupe County Fair

M O Neasloney Wildlife Management Area

Identifying native plants, identifying invasive and non-native plants for removal from native plant areas

Providing trail maintenance

Irma Lewis Seguin Outdoor Learning Center (ILSOLC)

Working with school-age groups

Conducting biodiversity surveys.

Leading birding groups.

Helping with trail maintenance.

Identifying invasive and non-native plants for removal.

Guadalupe Blanco River Authority (GBRA)

Manning booths at community events such as Earth Day

Water quality monitoring

Assisting with school water quality monitoring projects

Working with school-age groups at the Seguin Outdoor Learning Center and the Texas

Agricultural Education and Heritage Center

Working with school-age groups at the GBRA Environmental Learning Center (when constructed)

Working in the Canyon Lake Gorge as guides/docents, and trail workers

City of Seguin – Walnut Branch Park, Park West, & Starcke Park

Identifying native plants, identifying invasive and non-native plants for removal from native plant areas.

Leading interpretive programs or hikes

Citizen Science Opportunities

Conducting biodiversity surveys and bird counts.

Field research and surveys

Additional Volunteer Opportunities

State Park, County and Extension events – manning booths, speaking, providing educational opportunities.

Warbler Woods (

Helping with bird feeders, water locations, bird blinds, trail maintenance, leading walks, conducting bird counts.

Helping with events, native plant plantings, butterfly garden in Schertz, TX, speaking at meetings.

Speaking at events.

Administrative duties, including serving on a committee or Board of Directors