Assessment Measures Supported through SCRED and Purpose of Use
Measure / Source / Format / Timing / Target / Purpose / Sample Questions AnsweredMCA-II & III
(Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments-Series II & III) / Minnesota Department of Education / Math: untimed; multiple choice questions; adaptive within grade level only
Reading: untimed: multiple choice questions / March - May / Grades 3-8,
10 (R), 11 (M) /
- Federal Mandate
- Summative
- Outcomes Evaluation
- What percentage of students are meeting grade level standards?
- Which students are/are not meeting grade level standards?
- Is district making adequate yearly progress toward NCLB goals and MMR criteria?
(Graduation-Required Assessment for Diploma) / Minnesota Department of Education / Math: 40 items embedded in MCAII for first administration, separate test for re-takes.
If students meet standard they meet the Grad requirement, separate test for re-takes.
Writing: Students respond to 1 prompt. Scored on holistic rubric / March – May
Retakes throughout year / Grade 11: Math
Grade 10: Reading
Grade 9: Writing /
- State Mandate
- Summative
- Outcomes Evaluation
- Have students met graduation requirements for state of Minnesota?
(Measures of Academic Progress) * / NWEA (Northwest Evaluation Association) / Math & Reading: untimed, computer based, adaptive across grade levels
MAP Survey with Goals (long version): Designed to measure achievement of students as they grow over time; provides overall RIT score as well as strand scores.
MAP Survey (short version):
Designed to identify a student’s status (current performance level) at any time during the school year; Not recommended for growth measurement; provides single overall RIT score. / September
January (optional)
April / Grades 2-9 Reading
Grades 2-10 Math /
- Screening
- Diagnostic
- Formative
- Outcomes Evaluation
- Which students appear unlikely to meet grade level standards without additional support?
- What are student’s instructional levels within a continuum?
- What content do students need to learn (learning continuum)?
- What percentage of students are meeting growth targets Fall to Spring?
- What growth do students make from Fall to Spring? - growth by quartile or by special populations (instructional treatment groups, NCLB subgroups etc)
Measure / Source / Format / Timing / Target / Purpose / Sample Questions AnsweredIGDI (Individual Growth and Development Indicators) / University of Minnesota / Identifying pictures that rhyme and begin with the same sounds in 2 minutes; naming pictures in 1 minute / September, January, May / Pre-School ages 3-5 /
- Screening
- Progress Monitoring
- Formative
- Outcomes Evaluation
- Which students appear unlikely to meet grade level standards without additional support?
- Are at-risk students making adequate progress in overall mathematics development?
- Are core, supplemental, and intensive programs producing desired outcomes?
(Letter Naming Fluency) * / AIMSweb / Identification of visually presented letter names in 1 minute. / September / Kindergarten /
- Screening
- Progress Monitoring
- Formative
- Outcomes Evaluation
- Which students appear unlikely to meet grade level standards without additional support?
(Letter Sound Fluency) * / AIMSweb / Identification of visually presented letter sounds in 1 minute. / November, January, May / Kindergarten /
- Screening
- Progress Monitoring
- Formative
- Outcomes Evaluation
- Which students appear unlikely to meet grade level standards without additional support?
- Are at-risk students making adequate progress in overall early literacy development?
- Are core, supplemental, and intensive programs producing desired outcomes?
Phoneme Blending and Segmenting / SCRED / Blending phonemes to form words and segmenting words into their phonemes. / September (Grade 1), November, January, May / Kindergarten and Grade 1 /
- Screening
- Progress Monitoring
- Formative
- Outcomes Evaluation
- Which students need additional instruction in phonemic awareness?
- Are core, supplemental, and intensive programs producing desired outcomes?
(Nonsense Word Fluency) * / AIMSweb / Reading or saying the sounds of visually presented nonsense words in 1 minute. / September, November, January (Grade 1),
April / Kindergarten and Grade 1 /
- Screening
- Progress Monitoring
- Formative
- Outcomes Evaluation
- Which students appear unlikely to meet grade level standards without additional support?
- Are at-risk students making adequate progress in overall early literacy development?
- Are core, supplemental, and intensive programs producing desired outcomes?
(Oral Reading Fluency) * / AIMSweb
Also known as R-CBM (Reading – Curriculum Based Measurement) / Reading of graded connected text in 1 minute. / September (Grades 2-8), January, May / Grades 1– 8 /
- Screening
- Progress Monitoring
- Formative
- Outcomes Evaluation
- Which students appear unlikely to meet grade level standards without additional support?
- Are at-risk students making adequate progress in overall early literacy development?
- Are core, supplemental, and intensive programs producing desired outcomes?
Measure / Source / Format / Timing / Target / Purpose / Sample Questions AnsweredPNI (Preschool Numeracy Indicators)
In piloting stage / Lehigh University / Oral counting in 1 minute; naming numbers in 1 minute; identifying larger quantity in 1 minute; counting items with 1:1 correspondence in 30 seconds / September,
January, May / Pre-School ages 3-5 /
- Screening
- Outcomes EvaluationScreening
- Which students appear unlikely to meet grade level standards without additional support?
- Are core, supplemental, and intensive programs producing desired outcomes?
TEN (Tests of Early Numeracy) * / University of Oregon, Aimsweb, Adapted at SCRED / Oral Counting in 1 minute; Quantity Discrimination (naming the larger of two numbers in 1 minute);Missing Number(naming missing number in a sequence in 1 minute) / September (grade 1), November, January, May / Kindergarten and Grade 1 /
- Screening
- Progress Monitoring
- Formative
- Outcomes Evaluation
- Which students appear unlikely to meet grade level standards without additional support?
- Are at-risk students making adequate progress in overall mathematics development?
- Are core, supplemental, and intensive programs producing desired outcomes?
Math Facts / SCRED / Completing grade specific probes of math facts in 1 minute. / September (Grades 2-8), January, May / Grades 1– 8 /
- Screening
- Mastery Monitoring
- Formative
- Outcomes Evaluation
- Which students are not meeting local standards for math fact fluency?
- Are at-risk students making adequate progress in math fact fluency development?
- Are core, supplemental, and intensive programs producing desired outcomes?
Math Concepts & Applications (MCAPs) * / AIMSweb / Completing grade specific probes of math word problems in 8 to 10 minutes. / September, January, May / Grades 2– 8 /
- Screening
- Progress Monitoring
- Formative
- Outcomes Evaluation
- Which students appear unlikely to meet grade level standards without additional support?
- Are at-risk students making adequate progress in overall mathematics development?
- Are core, supplemental, and intensive programs producing desired outcomes?
* Indicates assessments with target scores available for predicting success on MCA assessmentsSCRED Revised 1/10/2013
Note: Outcomes Evaluation - grade level, core & supplemental instruction, building, intervention, program, etc.