Care & Education Support Worker


Support students to develop independent personal care skills and assist in the delivery of vocational, extended curriculum and functional skills programmes

Line Manager is the Support Services Manager.

Responsibilities / Communication routes / Criteria against which effectiveness is judged
Take an active role in supporting students in preparing for daily and/or evening and/or weekend activities and life skills / Support Services Manager,other Care & Education Support workers, students and appropriate departments/sessions, Duty Manager / Students effectively participate in college curriculum and social life, attend sessions, trips etc
Promote positive behaviour including one-to-one support where required / Support Services Manager and other staff / Positive student behaviour
Provide support to students during break times including participation in games / Support Services Manager and other staff / Student involvement and well-being
Provide supervision and support instruction of sports and leisure programme / Support Services Manager, session leaders and other staff / Student achievement and well-being
Support students in developing personal care skills / Support Services Manager, otherCare & Education support workers and students / Student achievement of objectives, high standards of personal care in accordance with personal care plan
Carry out general duties in residence / Other Care & Education Support workers and students / Smooth running and organisation ofaccommodation
Prepare appropriate learning materials / Teachers / Effective materials available on time, effective and collaborative working with relevant teachers
Facilitate and promote student social and subject learning integration/inclusion within peer group where appropriate / Support Services Manager, teachers and colleagues / Students taking active part in work sessions
Support students off site within another provider’s facilities; e.g. at a local college or employer / Curriculum Development Manager, colleagues / Progression of students skills and achieving learning objectives
Support students in developing domestic homecare skills / Other Care & EducationSupport workers and students / Student achievement of objectives, rooms kept tidy, beds made, laundry etc
Pastoral support to students and liaison with families and counsellor to ensure good communication / Head of Residence, other Care& Education Support workers, students and counsellors / Effective communication regarding studentaccommodation concerns. Issues referred appropriately.
Recording student progression for reports, updating extended curriculum database, documenting and recording personal care administered / Support Services Manager, Head of Department PSD and Personal Tutor/Counsellor / Effective and timely reports and database entries
Seminar Group Member / Seminar Group / Attendance at seminars and appropriate integration/transfer of learning into working environment
Instruct and support students in accessing the community / Head Of Department PSD, Travel Co-ordinator, students / Community Access objectives achieved, Students travel safely to/from agreed destinations at beginning/end of term
Take an active role insupportingprogramme in independent living residences / Support Services Manager,Head of Department PSD and students / Students take active part in making meals and effective learning takes place
Health & Safety awareness and promotion in all aspects of the job role / All staff and students / Safe working environment and clear responsibilities
Actively promote commitment to Equality & Diversity / All staff and students / Consistent cross-college approach to Equality & Diversity promoting fairness and equity for all
To be aware of and work in accordance with the college’s safeguarding procedures to promote the welfare of vulnerable young people raising any concerns / Designated persons, all staff and students / Safe learning and working environment for students and staff

July 2014