Instructor:Bergdolt Course Title: career prep Date: Dec 4-8 career prep

Class(es): 1, 4, and 6th periods

Day 1 /


Academic Planning and Career Development
Learning Objectives:
Create a Digital Presentation to analyze Financial aid / Procedures/Activities/Learning Experiences: (Students will)
Complete Financial Aid google Slide Activity / Time on Task / Materials/Equipment/Technology:
Financial Aid Google Slide
Content Standard(s):
Investigate the postsecondary/higher education admissions process, including completing admission and financial aid applications / Integrated Content: SA, TW, R, W, S, SS, M, ES, PS, MS, CTSO /


/ Remediation
Before and after school
Essential Questions:
How do you complete the financial aid process for college? / CCRS:
Day 2 /


Academic Planning and Career Development
Learning Objectives:
Create a Digital Presentation to analyze Financial aid / Procedures/ Activities /Learning Experiences: (Students will)
Distribute Financial Aid Vocab Terms (Quiz this Friday)
Listen to short instructional video about the FAFSA
Begin presentations of Career PowerPoints
(after each presentations…class peers will ask questions related to career field presented) / Time on Task / Materials/Equipment/Technology:
Evaluation/Assessment Strategies:
Career PowerPoint
Content Standard(s):
Investigate the postsecondary/higher education admissions process, including completing admission and financial aid applications / Integrated Content: SA, TW, R, W, S, SS, M, ES, PS, MS, CTSO /


/ Remediation
Meet after and before school with students
Essential Questions:
How do you complete the financial aid process for college? / CCRS:

*Provisions for individual differences will be made based upon specifications in the student’s Career/Tech Implementation Plan.

Available Industry Credential: Course/Program Culminating Product:

Day 3 /


Academic Planning and Career Development
Learning Objectives:
Create a Digital Presentation to analyze Financial aid / Continue with Career PowerPoint presentations
Review financial aid vocab
Watch a few short videos of Promo videos for select universities
Begin building Chosen University Brochures (see instruction sheet) / Time on Task / Materials/Equipment/Technology:
Evaluation/Assessment Strategies:
Content Standard(s):
Investigate the postsecondary/higher education admissions process, including completing admission and financial aid applications / Integrated Content: SA, TW, R, W, S, SS, M, ES, PS, MS, CTSO /


/ Remediation
Meet with students after school
Essential Questions:
How do you complete the financial aid process for college? / CCRS:
Day 4 /


Academic Planning and Career Development
Learning Objectives:
Create a Digital Presentation to analyze Financial aid
Background/Preparation: / Procedures/ Activities /Learning Experiences: (Students will)
Financial Aid Vocab Assessment
Finish Chosen University Brochures / Time on Task / Materials/Equipment/Technology:
Evaluation/Assessment Strategies:
Vocab assessment
Content Standard(s):
Investigate the postsecondary/higher education admissions process, including completing admission and financial aid applications / Integrated Content: SA, TW, R, W, S, SS, M, ES, PS, MS, CTSO /


/ Remediation
Meet with students after school
Essential Questions:
How do you complete the financial aid process for college? / CCRS:

*Provisions for individual differences will be made based upon specifications in the student’s Career/Tech Implementation Plan.

Available Industry Credential: Course/Program Culminating Product:
