(EDL 685) Practicum/Graduate Field Experience

Common Course Assessment: Special Education Supervisor Practicum Portfolio

(EDL 685) Practicum/Graduate Field Experience

Common Course Assessment: Special Education Supervisor Practicum Portfolio

Common Course Standards:

Special Education Standard #1: Foundations


  • Laws and policies for general and special education. (SA1K1)
  • Evolution of laws and policies that impact the lives of individuals with exceptionalities and

their families from birth through adulthood. (SA1K2)

  • Political and economic issues that affect policy development. (SA1K3)
  • Models, theories, and philosophies that provide the basis for educational systems. (SA1K4)
  • Development and implementation of policies and regulations for individuals with exceptional

learning needs and their families. (SA1K5)

  • Laws and policies regarding assessment, program evaluation, and accountability related to

individuals with exceptional learning needs. (SA1K6)

  • General curriculum theories and implications for individuals with exceptional learning needs. (SA1K7)
  • Research related to educational change. (SA1K8)
  • Education, social and health agency fiscal policies. (SA1K9)
  • Human resources management, recruitment, personnel assistance and development, and

evaluation. (SA1K10)

  • Sources of funding (SA1K11)
  • Laws and policies governing the discipline of all students and implications for individuals

with exceptional learning needs. (SA1K12)

  • Legal and ethical issues of behavior management of individuals with exceptional learning

needs. (SA1K13)

  • Family systems and the role of families in supporting development and educational progress

of the individual with exceptional learning needs. (SA1K14)


  • Interpret laws and policies pertaining to individuals with exceptional learning needs. (SA1S1)

Special Education Standard #8: Assessment


  • Advocate for the participation of individuals with exceptional learning needs in

accountability systems. (SA8S1)

  • Implement procedures within the assessment accountability system to ensure the

participation of individuals with exceptional earning needs (SA8S2)

  • Develop and implement ongoing evaluations of special education programs and practices. (SA8S3)

Special Education Standard #9:Professional and Ethical Practice


  • Organizations and publications relevant to the field of special education administration. (SA9K1)


  • Communicate a personal inclusive vision for meeting the needs of individuals with

exceptional learning needs. (SA9S1)

  • Advocate for individuals with exceptional learning needs and their families. (SA9S2)
  • Respect and support individuals with exceptional learning needs in self-advocacy. (SA9S3)
  • Communicate and demonstrate a high standard of ethical practice. (SA9S4)
  • Make decisions concerning individuals with exceptional learning needs based on open

communication, trust, mutual respect, and dignity. (SA9S5)

  • Participate in the activities of the professional organization relevant to the field of Special

Education Administration. (SA9S6)

Special Education Standard #10: Collaboration


  • Approaches for involving parents, family, and community members in educational planning,

implementation, and evaluation. (SA10K1)

  • Role of parent and advocacy organizations as they support individuals with exceptionalities

and their families. (SA10K2)


  • Develop and implement intra- and interagency agreements that create programs with shared

responsibility for individuals with exceptional learning needs. (SA10S1)

  • Promote seamless transitions of individuals with exceptional learning needs across

educational and other programs from birth through adulthood. (SA10S2)

  • Implement administrative procedures to ensure clear communication among administrators,

instructional staff and related service personnel. (SA10S3)

  • Develop family education and other support programs. (SA10S4)
  • Engage in shared decision making to support programs for individuals with exceptional learning needs. (SA10S5)
  • Provide ongoing communication with families of individuals with exceptional learning needs. (SA10S6)
  • Consult and collaborate in administrative and instructional settings. (SS10S7)

Directions to the Student: The Special Education Administration Supervisor practicum requires the candidate to complete a minimum of 200 clock hours of assignments which are to be submitted in portfolio format in a binder with information addressing the follow areas:

  • COMPLETE 2 MAJOR PROJECTS - One project focusing on curriculum and the other on personnel.

This practicum requires candidates to work independently on projects while synthesizing and applying the knowledge and practice gained throughout the Special Education Administration program. Candidates are expected to respond to scenarios, case studies, and challenging situations to demonstrate their ability to successfully address various issues related to administering programs and services for students with disabilities in the K-12 system.

Rubric for Final Project Portfolio

/ Distinguished
(3) / Proficient
(2) / Progressing
(1) / Unsatisfactory
  1. Independent Learning Experience
/ The candidate spent one day with a leader in business/industry or state government and submitted a detailed report highlighting specific observations and leadership knowledge gained from the experience. / The candidate spent one day with a leader in business/industry or state government and submitted a somewhat detailed report highlighting specific observations and leadership knowledge gained from the experience. / The candidate spent one day with a leader in business/industry or state government and submitted a general description of the experience with limited information about leadership knowledge gained from the experience. / The candidate did not spend a day with a leader in business/industry or state government.
  1. State Board Meeting
/ The candidate attended a state board meeting, submitted the board meeting agenda, and described in detail some of the key educational issues discussed. / The candidate attended a state board meeting, submitted the board meeting agenda, and described in some detail key educational issues discussed at the meeting. / The candidate attended a state board meeting, submitted the board meeting agenda, and described in general key educational issues discussed at the meeting. / The candidate did not attend the state school board meeting,
  1. Local and IntermediateSchool Board Meeting
/ The candidate attended a local and intermediate school district board meeting, submitted the board meeting agenda, and described in detail some of the key educational issues discussed. / The candidate attended a local and intermediate school district board meeting, submitted the board meeting agenda, and described in some detail key educational issues discussed at the meeting. / The candidate attended a local and intermediate school district board meeting, submitted the board meeting agenda, and described in general key educational issues discussed at the meeting. / The candidate did not attend the local or intermediate school district board meetings.
  1. Staff Evaluation
/ The candidate conducted a staff evaluation using the local school district tool and submitted a well described evaluation process. / The candidate conducted a staff evaluation using the local school district tool and submitted general description of the evaluation process. / The candidate conducted a staff evaluation using the local school district tool and submitted a minimal description of the evaluation process. / The candidate did not conducted a staff evaluation.
  1. Monitoring Review
/ The candidate conducted a monitoring review of special education records for one student with a disability and reported detailed information regarding the process. / The candidate conducted a monitoring review of special education records for one student with a disability and reported moderately detailed information regarding the process. / The candidate conducted a monitoring review of special education records for one student with a disability and reported minimal information regarding the process. / The candidate did not conduct a monitoring review of special education records for one student with a disability.
  1. In-Service Plan
/ The candidate completed a needs assessment and developed a comprehensive in-service plan, which included the following components:
  • Need
  • Location of inservice
  • Goals and objectives
  • Detailed budget
  • Pre-test / Post-test questions
  • Possible funding sources
  • Presenter
  • Inservice evaluation instrument
  • Time and date for inservice
/ The candidate completed a needs assessment and developed a somewhat comprehensive in-service plan, which included the following components:
  • Need
  • Location of inservice
  • Goals and objectives
  • Detailed budget
  • Pre-test / Post-test questions
  • Possible funding sources
  • Presenter
  • Inservice evaluation instrument
  • Time and date for inservice
/ The candidate completed a needs assessment and developed a general comprehensive in-service plan, which included the some of the following components:
  • Need
  • Location of inservice
  • Goals and objectives
  • Detailed budget
  • Pre-test / Post-test questions
  • Possible funding sources
  • Presenter
  • Inservice evaluation instrument
  • Time and date for inservice
/ The candidate did not complete a needs assessment or develop a comprehensive in-service plan.
  1. Field Visit
/ The candidate spent a full day working with a special education supervisor from a district in an intermediate school district other than the one he or she worked in. The candidate provided a detailed report of the experience highlighting key things learned from the experience. / The candidate spent a full day working with a special education supervisor from a district in an intermediate school district other than the one he or she worked in. The candidate provided a partially detailed report of the experience highlighting key things learned from the experience. / The candidate spent a full day working with a special education supervisor from a district in an intermediate school district other than the one he or she worked in. The candidate provided a general report of the experience highlighting key things learned from the experience. / The candidate did not spend a full day working with a special education supervisor.
  1. Complete a Curriculum Project
/ The candidate submitted a comprehensive report, addressing a critical area of curriculum that is current and pertains to students with disabilities. The report highlights current issues, with strategies to address the issues, and is presented in APA format. / The candidate submitted a somewhat comprehensive report, addressing a critical area of curriculum that is current and pertains to students with disabilities. The report highlights current issues, with strategies to address the issues, and is presented in APA format. / The candidate submitted a general report, addressing a non-critical area of curriculum that is current and pertains to students with disabilities. The report did not totally meet the APA format. / The candidate did not complete the curriculum report.
  1. Complete a Personnel Project
/ The candidate submitted a comprehensive report highlighting a current personnel issue related to special education, providing clear and concise details in regard to the core issue, actions taken to address the issue, and/or methods used to enhance a personnel related need in the area of special education. / The candidate submitted a general report highlighting a current personnel issue related to special education, providing clear and concise details in regard to the core issue, actions taken to address the issue, and/or methods used to enhance a personnel related need in the area of special education. / The candidate submitted a report that didn’t relate to a current personnel special education issue, however, there was clear and concise actions provided to address the issue. / The canididate did not submit a personnel project.