Permit No. OK0035068

ID No. I-52000090Page 1of Part I



(Draft of 8/10/05– showing revisions resulting from additional analytical data)

Permit Number:
Facility ID No.: / OK0035068

In compliance with the provisions of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 125 et seq.), hereinafter called the "Act," and with the provisions of the Oklahoma Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Act (OPDES Act) 27A O.S. §2-6-201 et seq., and the rules of the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality promulgated thereunder;

Oklahoma Gas and Electric Co.
(Sooner Generating Station)
P.O. Box 321
Oklahoma City, OK 73101-0321

is authorized to discharge from a steam electric generating facility, located:

East of State Hwy 177 approximately two miles north of State Hwy 15,
in parts of Sections 23 and 24, Township 23N, Range 2EIM, Noble County, Oklahoma, and of Sections19 thru 21, Township 23N, Range 3EIM, Pawnee County, Oklahoma

to receiving waters:

Sooner Lake/Greasy Creek (WBID OK621200020110) in stream segment 621200 of the Upper Arkansas River Basin, from:

Outfall 001
Latitude N 36o 27’ 18”, Longitude W 96o 59’ 32”
NE¼, NE¼, SE¼, Section 21, Township 23N, Range 3EIM
Pawnee County, Oklahoma;

and Sooner Reservoir, aka Sooner Lake, a privately-owned cooling water reservoir (WBID OK621200020110) in stream segment 621200 of the Upper Arkansas River Basin, from:

Outfalls 101/TX1
(Outfall TX1 is functionally identical to Outfall 101)
Latitude N 36o 27’ 03”, Longitude W 97o 03’ 11”
SW¼, SE¼, SE¼, Section 23, Township 23N, Range 2EIM
Noble County, Oklahoma;
Internal Monitoring Point 301
Latitude N 36o 26’ 58”, Longitude W 97o 03’ 04”
SE¼, SE¼, SE¼, Section 23, Township 23N, Range 2EIM
Noble County, Oklahoma;
Outfall 401
(Outfall TX4 is functionally identical to Outfall 401)
Latitude N 36o 27’ 07”, Longitude W 97o 02’ 57”
NW¼, SE¼, SE¼, Section 23, Township 23N, Range 2EIM
Noble County, Oklahoma;
Outfall 501
Latitude N 36o 27’ 21”, Longitude W 97o 02’ 41”
NW¼, SW¼, NW¼, Section 24, Township 23N, Range 2EIM
Noble County, Oklahoma;
Outfall 601
Latitude N 36o 27’ 42”, Longitude W 97o 02’ 01”
NE¼, NE¼, NE¼, Section 24, Township 23N, Range 2EIM
Noble County, Oklahoma; and
Internal Monitoring Point (IMP) 106 via Outfall 601
Latitude N 36o 27’ 42”, Longitude W 97o 02’ 01”
NE¼, NE¼, NE¼, Section 24, Township 23N, Range 2EIM
Noble County, Oklahoma;

The above-referenced facility is also authorized to retain wastewater in seven flow-though surface impoundments, F01 – F07, as described in the Appendix.

Discharges and maintenance of surface impoundments shall be in accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, III, and IV, hereof.

Issuance of this permit in no way or in any respect affects the permittee's civil or criminal responsibility regarding disposal and/or discharges of wastewater, except with respect to the permittee's legal responsibility under the OPDES Act and Department Rules.

This permit replaces and supersedes OPDES Permit No. OK0035068, which became effective March 1, 1999.

This permit shall become effective on ______.

This permit and the authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight, on ______.

This is to certify that the wastewater discharges set forth in this permit comply with the requirements of Oklahoma's Water Quality Standards, as amended, provided the permittee does not exceed the effluent limitations set forth in this permit.

Issued this ____ day of ______.

For the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality,

Edward Dihrberg, P.E., Manager
Industrial Permit Section
Water Quality Division / ______
Jon L. Craig, Director
Water Quality Division


SECTION A.Effluent Limitations AND Monitoring Requirements


The discharge consists of commingled runoff from the Greasy Creek watershed upstream of the outfall, direct precipitation, makeup water from the Arkansas River and the effluents from Outfalls 101, 301, 401, 501 and 601.

a.Interim Limits and Reporting Requirements

Not applicable.

b.Final Limits and Reporting Requirements

During the period beginning the effective date and lasting through the expiration date, the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outfall 001. Such discharge shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below:

Parameters / Discharge Limitations
Mass Loading
(lb/day unless otherwise specified) / Concentration/Other Units
(mg/L unless otherwise specified)
Monthly Avg / Daily Max / Daily Min / Monthly Avg / Daily Max
Flow (MGD)
STORET: 50050 / Report / Report / --- / --- / ---
STORET: 00010 / --- / --- / --- / --- / Report (oC) a

aComputed as a flow-weighted average temperature (FWAT) over a 24-hr period or over the period of actual discharge if less than 24 hrs. Daily maximum is the highest daily FWAT over a calendar month. See computational method for flow-weighted average temperatures below.

Parameters / Monitoring Requirements
Monitoring Frequency a / Sample Type
Flow (MGD) / Continuous / Record (totalize)
Temperature / Continuous b / Record

aWhen discharging.

bFor the period June 1 through September 30 only.

There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts.

There shall be no discharge of a visible sheen of oil or globules of oil or grease on or in the water. Oil and grease shall not be present in quantities that adhere to stream banks and coat bottoms of water courses.

Note: See Parts II, III and IV for additional requirements.

Method for Calculating Flow-Weighted Average Temperature (FWAT)

The daily average temperature is defined as the daily flow-weighted average temperature (FWAT) and shall be computed and recorded on a daily basis. For continuous records, the FWAT shall be computed from instantaneous temperatures in oC (Ti) and flows in mgd (Qi) taken at equal time intervals not greater than two (2) hours. The method of calculating FWAT is as follows (temperature must be expressed in oC):


where n is the number of 2 hr intervals during 24-hr day over which discharge occurs (max of 12).

c.Sampling Location

Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above for Outfall 001 shall be taken at the following location: at the overflow weir located at the dam (see Appendix for latitude/longitude and legal location).


The discharge consists of once-through cooling water from Units 1 and 2.

a.Interim Limits and Reporting Requirements

Not applicable.

b.Final Limits and Reporting Requirements

During the period beginning the effective date and lasting through the expiration date, the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outfall 101. Such discharge shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below:

Parameters / Discharge Limitations
Mass Loading
(lb/day unless otherwise specified) / Concentration/Other Units
(mg/L unless otherwise specified)
Monthly Avg / Daily Max / Daily Min / Monthly Avg / Daily Max
Flow (MGD)
STORET: 50050 / Report / Report / --- / --- / ---
Total residual Chlorine (TRC)
STORET: 50060 / --- / 110 / --- / --- / No measurable amount a
Free available chlorine (FAC)
STORET: 50064 / --- / --- / --- / 0.2 / 0.5

a“No measurable amount” is defined as < 0.1 mg/l.

Parameters / Monitoring Requirements
Monitoring Frequency a / Sample Type
Flow (MGD) / Continuous / Record (totalize) b
Total residual Chlorine (TRC) / 1/week / Grab
Free available chlorine (FAC) / 1/year / Grab

aWhen discharging.

bPumping records may be used to satisfy requirement.

There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts.

There shall be no discharge of a visible sheen of oil or globules of oil or grease on or in the water. Oil and grease shall not be present in quantities that adhere to stream banks and coat bottoms of water courses.

Note: See Parts II, III and IV for additional requirements.

c.Sampling Location

Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above for Outfall 101 shall be taken at the following location: at the concrete discharge structure which enters Sooner Lake (see Appendix for latitude/longitude and legal location).


The discharge consists of once-through cooling water from Units 1 and 2. Outfall TX1 is functionally identical to Outfall 101.

a.Interim Limits and Reporting Requirements

Not applicable.

b.Final Limits and Reporting Requirements

During the period beginning the effective date and lasting through the expiration date, the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outfall TX1. Such discharge shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below:

Effluent Characteristic / Reporting/Monitoring
Test / Critical
Dilution / Parameter / 48-hour
Min / Testing
Frequency b / Sample
Routine Testing / Daphnia pulex,48-hour acute LC50 static renewal, freshwater / 100% / Pass/Fail Survival [TIM3D] / Report / 1/quarter c / 24-hr composite
LC50 Effluent Conc [TAM3D] / Report
% Mortality at 100% Effluent [TJM3D] / Report
Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow), 48-hour acute LC50 static renewal, freshwater / 100% / Pass/Fail Survival [TIM6C] / Report / 1/quarter c / 24-hr composite
LC50 Effluent Conc [TAM6C] / Report
% Mortality at 100% Effluent [TJM6C] / Report
Retesting / Retest #1 [22415] d / Report / As
required e / 24-hr composite
Retest #2 [22416] d / Report

aSee Part II, Section B, Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing, for additional monitoring and reporting conditions.

bSee provision for monitoring frequency reduction after first year (Part II, Section B, Item 5).

cResults of retests conducted pursuant to prior test failure shall not be submitted on DMRs in lieu of routine test results (see Part II, Section B, Item 2.a).

dApplies to either or both test species, according to results of test failure triggering monthly retests.

eMonthly retesting required only if routine test for reporting period (for either species) fails.

D. pulex whole effluent toxicity reporting and monitoring requirements apply beginning ______, and the first reporting period is ______to ______.

P. promelas (Fathead minnow) whole effluent toxicity reporting and monitoring requirements apply beginning ______, and the first reporting period is ______to ______.

WET testing summary reports:

Reports of all WET testing initiated, regardless of whether such tests are carried to completion, shall follow the requirements of Part II, Section B, Item 4.


The discharge consists of reverse osmosis unit reject water and boiler blowdown.

a.Interim Limits and Reporting Requirements

Not applicable.

b.Final Limits and Reporting Requirements

During the period beginning the effective date and lasting through the expiration date, the permittee is authorized to discharge from IMP 301. Such discharge shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below:

Parameters / Discharge Limitations
Mass Loading
(lb/day unless otherwise specified) / Concentration/Other Units
(mg/L unless otherwise specified)
Monthly Avg / Daily Max / Daily Min / Monthly Avg / Daily Max
Flow (MGD)
STORET: 50050 / Report / Report / --- / --- / ---
Oil and Grease (Hexane extraction method)
STORET: 00552 / --- / --- / --- / 15 / 20
Total suspended solids (TSS)
STORET: 00530 / --- / --- / --- / 30 / 100
pH (std units)
STORET: 00400 / --- / --- / 6.0 s.u. / --- / 9.0 s.u.
Parameters / Monitoring Requirements
Monitoring Frequency a / Sample Type
Flow (MGD) / Daily / Estimate
Oil and Grease / 1/month / Grab
Total suspended solids (TSS) / 2/month / Grab
pH / 1/week / Grab

aWhen discharging.

There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts.

There shall be no discharge of a visible sheen of oil or globules of oil or grease on or in the water. Oil and grease shall not be present in quantities that adhere to stream banks and coat bottoms of water courses.

Note: See Parts II, III and IV for additional requirements.

c.Sampling Location

Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above for IMP 301 shall be taken at the following location: at the discharge pipe prior to entering Sooner Lake (see Appendix for latitude/longitude and legal location).


The discharge consists of demineralizer regenerant wastewater.

a.Interim Limits and Reporting Requirements

Not applicable.

b.Final Limits and Reporting Requirements

During the period beginning the effective date and lasting through the expiration date, the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outfall 401. Such discharge shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below:

Parameters / Discharge Limitations
Mass Loading
(lb/day unless otherwise specified) / Concentration/Other Units
(mg/L unless otherwise specified)
Monthly Avg / Daily Max / Daily Min / Monthly Avg / Daily Max
Flow (MGD)
STORET: 50050 / Report / Report / --- / --- / ---
Oil and Grease (Hexane extraction method)
STORET: 00552 / --- / --- / --- / 15 / 20
Total suspended solids (TSS)
STORET: 00530 / --- / --- / --- / 30 / 100
pH (std units)
STORET: 00400 / --- / --- / 6.5 s.u. / --- / 9.0 s.u.
Parameters / Monitoring Requirements
Monitoring Frequency a / Sample Type
Flow (MGD) / Daily / Estimate
Oil and Grease / 1/month / Grab
Total suspended solids (TSS) / 1/month / Grab
pH / 1/week / Grab

aWhen discharging.

There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts.

There shall be no discharge of a visible sheen of oil or globules of oil or grease on or in the water. Oil and grease shall not be present in quantities that adhere to stream banks and coat bottoms of water courses.

Note: See Parts II, III and IV for additional requirements.

c.Sampling Location

Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above for Outfall 401 shall be taken at the following location: at the discharge pipe after leaving the holding tank prior to entering Sooner Lake (see Appendix for latitude/longitude and legal location).


The discharge consists of coal pile runoff.

a.Interim Limits and Reporting Requirements

Not applicable.

b.Final Limits and Reporting Requirements

During the period beginning the effective date and lasting through the expiration date, the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outfall 501. Such discharge shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below:

Parameters / Discharge Limitations
Mass Loading
(lb/day unless otherwise specified) / Concentration/Other Units
(mg/L unless otherwise specified)
Monthly Avg / Daily Max / Daily Min / Monthly Avg / Daily Max
Flow (MGD)
STORET: 50050 / Report / Report / --- / --- / ---
Total suspended solids (TSS)
STORET: 00530 / --- / --- / --- / --- / 50 a

aDischarges resulting from a 10-year, 24-hour rainfall (5.6 inches) or greater are not subject to this limitation.

Parameters / Monitoring Requirements
Monitoring Frequency a / Sample Type
Flow (MGD) / Daily / Estimate
Total suspended solids (TSS) / 1/occurrence b / Grab
pH / 1/occurrence b / Grab

aWhen discharging.

bOnce per occurrence means that samples shall be taken at least once during each continuous discharge event, and at a frequency of once/day thereafter for the duration of such continuous discharge, excluding discharges resulting from a 10-year, 24-hour rainfall or greater.

There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts.

There shall be no discharge of a visible sheen of oil or globules of oil or grease on or in the water. Oil and grease shall not be present in quantities that adhere to stream banks and coat bottoms of water courses.

Note: See Parts II, III and IV for additional requirements.

c.Sampling Location

Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above for Outfall 501 shall be taken at the following location: at the discharge pipe prior to entering Sooner Lake (see Appendix for latitude/longitude and legal location).


The discharge consists primarily of low volume wastes. Other systems which may be routed intermittently to the impoundment which discharges through this outfall are the emergency ash storage basin (F04), bottom ash pond (F07), coal area runoff pond (F05), sanitary sewage basin (F03), boiler blowdown/RO reject ponds (F02), and demineralizer regenerant.

a.Interim Limits and Reporting Requirements

Not applicable.

b.Final Limits and Reporting Requirements

During the period beginning three years after the effective date and lasting through the expiration date, the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outfall 601. Such discharge shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below:

Parameters / Discharge Limitations
Mass Loading
(lb/day unless otherwise specified) / Concentration/Other Units
(mg/L unless otherwise specified)
Monthly Avg / Daily Max / Daily Min / Monthly Avg / Daily Max
Flow (MGD)
STORET: 50050 / Report / Report / --- / --- / ---
Oil and Grease (Hexane extraction method)
STORET: 00552 / --- / --- / --- / 15 / 20
Total suspended solids (TSS)
STORET: 00530 / --- / --- / --- / 30 / 100
pH (std units)
STORET: 00400 / --- / --- / 6.5 s.u. / --- / 9.0 s.u.
Parameters / Monitoring Requirements
Monitoring Frequency a / Sample Type
Flow (MGD) / Daily / Estimate
Oil and Grease / 1/month / Grab
Total suspended solids (TSS) / 1/month / Grab
pH / 1/week / Grab

aWhen discharging.

There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts.

There shall be no discharge of a visible sheen of oil or globules of oil or grease on or in the water. Oil and grease shall not be present in quantities that adhere to stream banks and coat bottoms of water courses.

Note: See Parts II, III and IV for additional requirements.

c.Sampling Location

Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above for Outfall 301 shall be taken at the following location: at the discharge pipe prior to entering Sooner Lake (see Appendix for latitude/longitude and legal location).


The discharge consists of treated sanitary waste.

a.Interim Limits and Reporting Requirements

Not applicable.

b.Final Limits and Reporting Requirements

During the period beginning three years after the effective date and lasting through the expiration date, the permittee is authorized to discharge from IMP 106. Such discharge shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below:

Parameters / Discharge Limitations
Mass Loading
(lb/day unless otherwise specified) / Concentration/Other Units
(mg/L unless otherwise specified)
Monthly Avg / Daily Max / Daily Min / Monthly Avg / Daily Max
Flow (MGD)
STORET: 50050 / Report / Report / --- / --- / ---
5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5)
STORET: 50060 / 12.8 / 19.2 / --- / Report / Report
Parameters / Monitoring Requirements
Monitoring Frequency a / Sample Type
Flow (MGD) / Daily / Estimate
Total suspended solids (TSS) / 2/month / Grab

aWhen discharging.

There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts.

There shall be no discharge of a visible sheen of oil or globules of oil or grease on or in the water. Oil and grease shall not be present in quantities that adhere to stream banks and coat bottoms of water courses.

Note: See Parts II, III and IV for additional requirements.

c.Sampling Location

Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above for IMP 106 shall be taken at the following location: at the discharge pipe prior to entering impoundment F01 (see Appendix for latitude/longitude and legal location).




Cooling Water Intake Requirements: The facility is subject to Phase II 316(b) cooling water intake requirements. In accordance with 40 CFR 125.95(a)(2)(ii), the permittee shall submit a report demonstrating compliance with and providing the information required by 40 CFR 125.95(b) by no later than January 5, 2008.