Derek S. Metzler, MPT
411 N 23rd ST.
Richmond, VA23223
Patient Information and Medical History Sheet
Name: / Today’s date:Address: / Phone #: Cell#:
City/State: / email:
Zip code: / Date of birth: / /
Primary Care Physician: / Phone #:
Chiropractor / Acupuncturist / Dentist / Psychiatrist/ PT
circle any that are treating your current condition
Married / Single / Divorced / Significant Other
Work: FT / PT / Retired / Occupation:
Do you live: alone / with others who can assist you as needed / Primary Language: English / other: (name)
Do you have stairs in your home? Y N
Are you are caregiver to: children / adult
Emergency contact Name: / Phone:
Name of person responsible for payment:
Note: Cash or check payment is expected at the time of service. It is the responsibility of the patient to obtain reimbursement from insurance or any other third party payer. int:______
Have you ever had physical therapy? / Y N / What were you seen for?
Do you exercise regularly? / Y N / What activities?
Do you experience difficulties daily activities ? / Y N / Please list any:
Have you ever had massage therapy? / Y N
Current Height: ft ins / Current Weight: lbs
Is there any chance you are pregnant? / Y N
Do you take daily medications? / Y N / Please list:
Include any over the counter meds
Do you get regular sleep? / Y N / Comment:
Do you smoke? / Y N / If yes, what amount?
Do you drink alcohol? / Y N / If yes, how frequent?
Do you have any allergies? / Y N / List:
Do you have any implants? / Y N / List:
Have you ever had any type of surgery? / Y N / List: Type and date
Past medical history: mark X to any that apply
HIV? / Disease of the bones/Osteoporosis?Cancer? / Disorders of the spine?
Asthma? / Disease of the joints?
Anemia? / Rheumatoid arthritis?
Diabetes? / Disorders of the muscles?
Disorder of the reproductive system? / Long term steroid treatment?
Diseases of the liver? / Multiple sclerosis?
Diseases of the lungs? / Hernia?
Diseases of the gastrointestinal system? / Seizures/Epilepsy?
Diseases of the circulatory system? / Stroke?
Diseases of the kidney? / Neurological disorders?
Heart disease or heart surgery or pacemaker? / Do you bruise easily?
Hypertension (high blood pressure)? / Vision disorders?
Migraines/headaches? / Balance or vestibular disorders?
Rheumatic fever? / History of a blood clot?
History of broken bone? / History of any trauma?
If you answered yes to any of the above, please note them in detail below:
Family History: Has anyone (mother, father, brothers, sisters) had any of the following: mark X to any that apply
Heart Disease / Rheumatoid arthritisDiabetes / Stroke
Hypertension (high blood pressure) / Cancer
Why are you requesting to be seen by the Physical Therapist today?
Please give a brief history to your symptoms: include dates.
Have you seen a physician for these symptoms? Y N What was the treatment? Include any testing performed.
Pain/Discomfort Assessment
Is the pain: constant / intermittent / only on movement? (circle one)
Rate the pain on a scale of 0-10 ( 10 being the worse pain )
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
How would you describe your pain/discomfort:
Using the letter abbreviations label the diagram that best describes the type of pain or discomfort you have been experiencing:
N= Numbness T= Tingling D= Dull/aching P=Sharp B=Burning S=Stiffness
Does the pain radiate? Y N If so, Where:______
What activities make your pain better?______
What activities make your pain worse?______
Patient Privacy Practice
Your medical history, health care, and treatment are a private activity between you and the physical therapist and his staff that treat you. Your information will not be shared with any other party without your prior consent.
Please sign that you have read and understand this practice. Name any physician or significant other this information may be shared with.
Persons: whom I allow access to my information
Significant Other name:______
Your Printed name:______Date:______