BIO3323 Entomology Fly feeding behaviour marking grid 2008

Name: ______

The items in this marking grid are used to score the completeness of the assignments. They do not transform directly into the numeric grades. They are used to rank each submission against that other. Once that is done the highest ranked paper will be assigned its final grade, as will the lowest ranked one. The distribution of score will then be used to distribute the marks accordingly. Unless shown otherwise each is worth 0 or 1 point

1)Canadian journal of Zoology Format requirements

General Format
Double spaced / Pages numbered top right
1” margins / Printed one side of Page
Title page / Submission a single MSWord doc (0,1,2)
Title page
Single page / Contact information (0,1,2)
Inclusion of common and Genus species
Abstract(note CJZ requires a bilingual version of the abstract this is not required for the assignment)
Less than 200 words / On a separate page
Body components
Introduction (0-4) / Materials and Methods (0-4)
Results (0-4) / Discussion (0-4)
References cited (0-2) / Chemical structures of the sugars(0-2)
Black ink only / Caption provided
All captions on a single separate page / Caption page with title
Appended at end with captions / All figures cited in body of the paper
Captions follow manuscript typography
Authors initials follow surname / Journal title not underlined
Use and not & in author list / Comma between authors and dates
Volume number in bold / All references in list found in body

2) Data presentation

Justify the eliminated data and data used
Appropriate behavioral response(s) used in the analysis (0-4)
Eliminated behavioral responses justified in the submission (0-2)
Only valid data from the teams used in the analysis (0-2)
Is keeping all teams or eliminating some teams’ data explained (0,2)
There is no inappropriate elimination of data (0-2)
Graphs(some of this data elements may be provided in a table. Don’t duplicate data)
Appropriate XY scatter plotsimproper use of excel can result in categorical plot / Consistent data plotting between graphs (0-2
Appropriate use of symbols (0-2) / All data points shown for chosen response
Proper units, labels and tics – X-axis (0-2) / Proper units, labels and tics – Y-axis (0-2)
Results from all sugars graphed with appropriate grouping of all sugars among graphs (0-3) / Linear regression line showing upper and lower limit of linear data (0-2)
Equation of regression line provided in caption. / Regression line determined from data analysis, not atrend line.
Quality of figure caption (0-3) / Appropriate legend
Table if used doesn’t duplicate data / Table caption appropriate if tables are used

3) Handout questions to be addressed somewhere in the body of the assignment

What are the other structural differences between the sugars being tested? (0-2)
Why is important that the flies be water-satiated? (0-2)
Why is it important to not let the fly feed if there is a level three response? (0-2)
What are the errors or omissions that might help better interpret the data? (0-2)
Do all four behavior classes behave as anticipated? What is anticipated? (0,2)

4) Results discussion

Glucose accuracy of 50% value (0-3) / Sucrose accuracy of 50% value (0-3)
Fructose accuracy of 50% value (0-3) / Galactose accuracy of 50% value (0-3)
Trehalose accuracy of 50% value (0-3) / L-Arabinose of 50% value (0-3)
D-Arabinose accuracy of 50% value (0-3) / L and D isomers compared as configuration isomers (0-2)
Proper units used in 50% values
Comparison to published results / Differences with published addressed
Sugars listed by rank from low to high stimulus / Any news or recent update on stimulatory sugars and their detection.
Includes the 50% thresholds for the different sugars / Identifies sugar preference found in study
Objective of the experiment / Statement of the objective/hypothesis
States the conclusions / Names the species
Gives rank order for the sugars
Proper use of genus species / Sections and subsections
Proof read? / Raw data not included
No duplication of data / Extra excel file with summary data submitted

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