New Entrant Traineeships – Checklist for Supervisors
Traineeship is planned
Update the position description and selection criteria for the substantive position for which the trainee is being trained.
From the position description and selection criteria, determine the competencies and skills to be achieved by the end of the traineeship.
Make contact with an Australian Apprenticeship Centre to discuss formal training options,costs and any incentives for which the employer might be eligible, as well as roles, responsibilities and obligations.
Develop a training plan that identifies how, when and by whom the trainee will be trained on the job in the competencies identified above and how achievement of competencies will be measured.
Trainee is recruited
Adjust the position description and selection criteria to reflect the traineeship.
Determine how trainee will be recruited (local advertisement, job service providers, schools, TAFE etc).
Complete a Recruitment Action Form, attach both position descriptions and commence recruitment process.
Trainee commences
Organise induction.
Assign staff member/s responsible for on the job coaching and mentoring/support.
Provide trainee with training plan outlining on the job training – what when and how.
Make an appointment with the Australian Apprenticeship Centre and trainee to sign training contract and keep a copy on file.
Discuss with the AAC eligibility for employer incentive payments as well as any incentive payments for which the trainee/apprentice may be eligible.
Meet with the Registered Training Organisation (RTO) trainer and trainee to discuss training plan and select elective modules.
Check,sign and return the RTO’s training plan.. Keep a copy on file.
Identify a timeline for completion of modules and amend workplace training plan to incorporate activities that support progress through training modules.
Incentives assessment information received. Keep on trainee file.
Approval letter from relevant state training authority received. Keep on trainee file.
Action payment for RTO administration/course fee, once invoice is received. (Note: for public sector RTOsIndigenous trainees, trainees with a disability are exempt).
Training incentive (commencement) claim received. Check University account details for incoming funds for traineeships ( ). Complete claim form, and send to AAC .
Confirmation of Commencement Incentive payment received. Provide section account details and advice on receipt of claim to )
Training plan review
Monitor trainee’s progress on a regular basis and liaise with RTOto ensure that modules are being completed and assessed in a timeframe that supports completion by the end of the training contract.
Adjust the training plan where necessary.
Changes to training contract (withdrawal, extension or early completion)
Contact AAC for relevant forms. The relevant state training authority should be advised within five working days if the training contract has become jeopardised (eg if trainee resigns).
Completion of traineeship
If trainee is on track and performing well, explore in advance options for further employment at the end of the traineeship.
Organise to receive copy of transcript and final certificate from RTO.
Scan certificate (signed that you have cited original) and emailas attachmentto HR Service Centre for inclusion on employee’s TRIM file and qualification record on web kiosk.
Advise an apprentice to apply for a licence if required by the industry in which they work.
Completion sign-offreceived from state training authority. Sign off and forward to AAC with a copy of the certificate. If the trainee has not yet completed but there is a reasonable expectation of successful completion with appropriate support in a reasonable time frame, apply for an extension of the training period (through the AAC). This must be done before the traineeship’s scheduled completion date. Check if the contract of employment also needs extension and liaise with HR to implement.
Training incentive (completion) claimreceived. Complete and send to AAC.
Confirmation of completion incentive payment received. Provide account details and advise on receipt of claim to )
At successful completion, if a position is available, make a case for direct appointment, demonstrating attainment of all the required competencies for the position or level.