(SY 2016-2017)

1.  Classroom door closes when tardy bell rings! School penalties apply for violators and JROTC discipline will be in effect for all tardies! Bathroom breaks should be conducted during the class break periods; not after you arrive in class! Don’t be late.

2.  All backpacks go into your locker or on the floor in front of the lockers. No backpacks on tables or chairs in the backroom.

3.  All cell phones will be brought with you to the classroom and placed face down on your desk.

4.  Drinks with caps are allowed in classroom as long as they do not interfere with instruction! Not properly disposing of trash will be cause for termination of this privilege!

5.  Push-ups may be given only by the SAI/AI. Cadets are not allowed to give push-ups regardless of rank or position.

6.  Classroom computers are for your use. Print only school related documents on these computers (you do not have to ask permission). Games are not allowed to be played on any JROTC computer, do not download them!

7.  Absolutely no talking when the JROTC cadre/Company Commander/1SG is addressing the class.

8.  No gum chewing or eating (candy, chips, etc.) allowed in classroom!

9.  JROTC uniforms will be worn all day on uniform day and will be worn properly/ to military standard! Prior permission to take off the uniform for special events/ activities may be obtained from the JROTC cadre only!

10.  Any demerits received must be worked off no later than the end of the 9-weeks grading period. Failure to work off demerits will result in grade deductions and not being promoted!

11.  No sitting on desks or tables and no rolling in chairs!

12.  Do not sit or place any item (books, bags,uniform items, drinks) on the computer table!

13.  No sleeping or napping!

14.  Don’t leave personal items/uniforms in classroom.

15.  Failure to comply with classroom rules will result in JROTC leadership grade deductions, appropriate school punishment and/or termination from the JROTC Program at Blackman High School.


Cadet (Last name, First name, MI) Cadet Signature Date