association of professional

political consultants


APPC has elected two deputy chairs as part of an effort to ensure the self-regulatory body for UK public affairs practitioners is positioned strongly to fight for a “fair and proportionate” deal from the statutory lobbying register. The two deputy chairs are Political Intelligence’s Nick Lansman who continues for a second year in post and who is joined by Bellenden’s Mark Glover.

Iain Anderson, Chairman of the APPC said:“The Management Committee voted unanimously for Nick and Mark to support me during these crucial twelve months. Together we’ll work to ensure APPC members’ voices are heard as the Office of the Registrar of Consultant Lobbyists (ORCL) considers how best to enforce compliance.

“We've already submitted APPC's response to the ORCLconsultationand ahead of the expected publication this summer of the Registrar’s guidance we’ll be making the case to both the Cabinet Office and to Alison White about the importance of developing fair and proportionate rules of compliance.

APPC will also continue to be a passionate and powerful voice for our sector. As lobbying comes increasingly under the spotlight it’s our job to remind people about the fundamental role of APPC’s self-regulatory system - with the Code of Conduct at its heart - in driving transparency and ethical behaviour among our members.”

Mark Glover,Deputy Chairman of the APPC said:“I am delighted to serve as a Deputy Chairman of the APPC in the coming year and want to focus on ensuring clarity around the Government’s rules about public sector organisations working with member agencies and also help promote the professionalism of the industry sector.“

Nick Lansman, Deputy Chairman of the APPC said:"I’m delighted to be re-appointed as Deputy Chairman for a second year. The work of the APPC in being a representative voice of public affairs professionals in the UK is more important than ever. I shall be working with other management committee colleagues to ensure that APPC’s governance continues to reflect the needs of a growing organisation and will be developing new ways to engage with the membership and follow developments in the sector.”

Interel'sBecca Wright was also elected as the new Chair of the Young Consultants’ Committee (YCC). She said:"I’m delighted to serve as Chair of the YCC, representing the wealth of talent coming into the public affairs industry. I look forward to working with YCC colleagues to ensure that we can promote the strengths of the APPC and what we offer consultants in terms of training, mentoring and networking opportunities, as well as doing our part to encourage a more diverse industry."