InnoHPC – High-performance computing for effective innovation

in the Danube region

2nd RegionalWorkshopThursday, 31st May 2018 Ljubljana

Place: ChamberofCommerce Slovenia (7th floor business oasis, Dimičeva ulica 13, Ljubljana(Slovenija)

14.30-15:00 / Registration, welcomewordsandnetworking (some refreshmentdrinksandsmallbisquits)
15:00 – 15.10 / Introductionofconsortiumandstakeholders - tourthe table
15:10 – 15:50 / 1 stinvited speaker : TomasKarasek,Head of parallel algorithms research lab, IT4Innovations national supercomputing center, Ostrava, Czech Republic
Title: Application of HPC technologies for solving engineering problems
Synopsis: In this presentation success stories of application of HPC technologies for solving real world problems will be showcased. Examples, how HPC technologies could help increase innovation potential of Small and Medium Enterprises through Virtual Testing and Prototyping will be presented.
15:50 – 16.00 / Coffee Break
16:00– 16:50 / 2ndinvited speaker : Ivan Spisso, PhD, HPC consultantforacademicandindustrial CFD applicationsSuperComputingApplicationsandInnovation (SCAI) Department, CINECA via Magnanelli 6/3, 40133 Casalecchio di Reno, Bologna (Italy) ph
Engineering Applicationsand HPC a marriageofconvenience
According to theEuropeanCommission'svision, DigitalInnovationHubs (DIHs) are the real "gateway" forcompanies to theworldofIndustry 4.0 to theextentthattheyprovideservices to introduce 4.0 technologies, developdigitaltransformationprojectsandaccesstheinnovationecosystem at regional, nationalandEuropeanlevel.Thepresentationwillillustrate, throughsuccessstoriesand a descriptionofservices, the role ofCineca in stimulatinginnovation 4.0 throughcollaborationbetweenresearchand business andthetrainingofskillsfortheworkandfactoryofthe future.
In particular, thesesuccessstorieswill be presented:
- OptimizationoftheairboxoftheLamborghini V12 enginethroughRadialBasisFunctionsapplications
- CombiningArtificialIntelligence to classicalexternalaerodynamicsoptimizationDoEs to reducecostsand time-to-result
- Implementingan HPC-enabledworkflowfor ELAPHE in-wheelelectircmotors design
- Creatinginnovative Data Analyticsservicesfrom on-boarddiagnosticsretrievalandanalysis
- Reducingdefects in highpressure die casting car componentsmade in lightweightalloysthroughmultiphysics HPC simulations
16:50 – 17:00 / Coffee Break
17:00 – 17:20 / 3 rdinvited speaker: Radovan Sernec, PhD, Director , InnovationandTechnology, AV Living Lab;
Title: Supportof HPC in designingadvancedandreliablealgorithms in autonomousdrivingvehicles; will be HPC installed in ourcars in near future?
17:20 – 17:45 / Open discussionamongHPCsandSMEsbased on thepresentedbestpractices, moderatedby prof. dr. Janez Povh
17:45-18:15 / Conclusionwith buffetwarmfoodand non alcoholdrinksandwines