Weekly Update (8.10.2017)

TEA Information

State Performance Plan (SPP) Data Entry

Data must be entered and certified for SPP Indicators 7, 11, 12, 13, and 14 byWednesday, August 16, 2017.

Clarification process for districts reporting less than 100% compliance in data collections for SPP 11, 12, and 13:

1.  TEA returns data to the District after SPP application close date.

2.  District Certifier receives email notification of returned data.

3.  District Certifier reviews district level data. If data entry error is identified (inaccurate data was submitted) District Certifier will follow the steps for Clerical Error Correction Process. If data entry is correct (accurate data was submitted) District Certifier will follow the steps for Indicator Compliance Corrections Clarification Process.

For further information, contact:

SPP 7 --Sonja Hollan, or 713.744.6340

SPP 11 and 12 --Kara Zwolinski, or 713.744.6562

SPP 13 and 14 –Townsley Raposa, or 713-744-4470

Performance Based Monitoring Update

Region 4 is hosting an overview of the PBMAS Manual for 2017-18. We will be reviewing each area and the indicators under Bilingual/ESL, CTE, ESSA, and Special Education.

If you are new to PBMAS or just want an update, please register below using the session number. This is a no cost session. Each participant will receive a PBMAS manual.

Date: August 24, 2017 9am-12pm

Session ID: 1337886

Please Note: Staging is not available. We will not be reviewing templates or other staging requirements since TEA has not made those determinations as of yet.

Also, the 2017 Performance-Based Monitoring Analysis System(PBMAS) Manual is now available at the following link:

Texas Education Agency - PBMAS Manuals

·  Hard-copy versions of the manual are available for purchase from the Texas Education Agency's Publications Distribution Office. Please see the last page of the on-line version of the manual for an order form and pricing.

Included in this correspondence are materials from TEA TETN on July 27, 2017 for ESCs for your information. The attached resources are as follows and will also be used for the August 24, 2017 overview by Region 4.

·  2017 PBMAS Report Examples Guide

·  2017 PBMAS Sample Report SD1 Excerpt

·  2017 PBMAS Sample Report SD2 Excerpt

·  2017 PBMAS Sample Report

·  Graphic Display – 98 SD Categories

·  PBM TETN Update 7/27/2017 (Power Point slides)

Technical Assistance:

For questions about the manual or the indicators described in the manual, please contact:

Performance-Based Monitoring

(512) 936-6426 or

For questions about interventions, please contact:

School Improvement

(512) 463-5226 or

Senate Bill 693 – School Bus Seat Belt Implementation Letter

TheSB 693 - School Bus Seat Belt Implementationlettercan be downloadedfrom thislink

Nonpublic Day and Residential Information for 2017-2018

The 2017-2018 Nonpublic Day and Residential TEASE application will open on October 1, 2017, and closed on June 1, 2018.

·  All continuing and new nonpublic placements with instructional code 50 or 60 need to be entered into the application for notification and/or funding.

·  Contracts with approved nonpublic schools can be dated for no more than 365 days during the school/fiscal year between July 1, 2017, and August 31, 2018.

·  Please note that, as of September 1, 2017, there is a new daily rate for residential services set by the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) per the 85th Legislature not to exceed $277.37. If the days in the contract before September 1 are at a lower daily rate and a higher daily rate after September 1, then the amounts should average out for the funding application. Be sure the amounts are reflected in the nonpublic school’s Cost Analysis.

For additional information or questions, contact:

Nonpublic Day and Residential Support Team

TEA | Division of Special Populations

Tel: (512) 463-9414

Fax: (512) 463-9560

TEA Response to Question on Minutes on Schedule of Services Page

Several districts posed questions on change in minutes to the school day this year which may not have been reflected on ARD paperwork. Following is a response from TEA for your information:

Scenario: School day is 30 minutes longer than last year. For example, now 390 minutes rather than 360. Does the district/charter need to do an amendment or ARD meeting to reflect change?

TEA provided the following information to help schools:

1)  If the student’s current IEP reflects they are to receive an instructional day went 360”, but the LEA has increased the instructional day for all students at that campus to 390”, and, as a result, there is no additional special education time being added to the student’s IEP, in order to reflect the student has a commensurate day as compared to their nondisabled peers, they need to: conduct an amendment meeting to discuss the change and to update the SOS to reflect the new instructional day.

·  The timeframe for completing these amendments would be as soon as possible, but no later than the end of the Fall semester.

·  If we (TEA) were to go on an on-site visit during the Fall semester and found an LEA was in the process of conducting the amendments for these students, but had not completed them all by the time of the visit, I don’t think we would cite this as commensurate day noncompliance.

2)  If the student’s current IEP reflects they are to receive an instructional day went 360”, but the LEA has increased the instructional day for all students at that campus to 390”, and, as a result, the student has more special education time than what is shown on their current IEP, in order to reflect the student has a commensurate day and their IEP is being implemented as written, they need to: conduct an ARD committee meeting to discuss the changes and to update the SOS to reflect the new instructional time/day.

·  The timeframe for completing these ARDC meetings would be as soon as possible, but no later than the end of the Fall semester.

·  If we were to go on an on-site visit during the Fall semester and found an LEA was in the process of conducting the ARDC meetings for these students, but had not completed them all by the time of the visit, I do think we would cite this as both commensurate day noncompliance and IEP implementation noncompliance.

The following new Texas Education Agency Correspondence has been posted at the TEA website:

Upcoming training from Department of Grants Compliance and Oversight

On September 12, 2017, staff from TEA’s Department of Grants Compliance and Oversight (GCO) will hold a free day-long training in Austin. Presentations will cover topics such as the following:

·  Updates to federal grant rules and regulations

·  Future of grants focusing on student performance and application schedule PS3001

·  New ESSA focus of Title I on needs assessment, schoolwide plans, and improving student achievement

·  Preview of formatting changes (look and feel) of the revised eGrants system to be implemented in 2018–2019

·  Q&A with department staff, including the GCO associate commissioner, Grants Administration Division, Federal Fiscal Monitoring Division, and Federal Fiscal Compliance and Reporting Division

·  Panel discussion with staff of all divisions on department duties and services

Availability of Training Materials: It is anticipated that training materials will be posted to the GCO website by September 5, 2017. Attendees are asked to bring a device allowing them electronic access to those materials during the training, as printouts of training materials will not be made available.

Training Time and Location: The training is scheduled to run from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., with a ninety-minute midday break for lunch. The training will be held at the Austin ISD Performing Arts Center, located at 1500 Barbara Jordan Blvd., Austin TX, 78723. Parking is available and free. Online Registration Link and Information

Register online for the training by September 5, 2017 at: https://www.research.net/r/XQBNP82

Registration is first come, first served, with no limit on the number of attendees from any LEA. In the event registration exceeds 1,000 participants, it will be closed at such point in time. For Further Information

With any questions regarding the statewide training, email

For Your Information

New Teacher Series: Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments

As part of the Regional Plan for Services to Students with Visual Impairments, Region 4 ESC provides a new teacher series for teachers of students with visual impairments. This project includes a 2-year series of trainings designed to support the needs of teachers new to the field of visual impairments. Applications for the 2017-18 school year are now being accepted. Interested applicants must complete and submit the application by October 4, 2017. An information packet along with the application is included as an attachment.

For additional information, contact: Sheryl Sokoloski at 713-744-6315 or

Professionals for Students with Deafblindness Listserv

Region 4 Education Service Center hosts the statewide Professionals for Students with Deafblindness Listserv. This listserv is a wonderful networking resource for the following professionals who are supporting a student with deafblindness:

·  Teachers of the Deaf and Teachers of the Visually Impaired

·  Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialists

·  Classroom Special Education Teachers

·  Paraprofessionals and Interveners

·  Special Education Administrators

Persons who wish to be a part of the listserv can contact Marina McCormick at .

Transition Webinar Job Coaching Series

The Secondary Transition and Post-school Results (STPSR) network is a statewide network that works in conjunction with the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to promote communication and collaboration between stakeholders and a comprehensive, coordinated, transition service delivery system in Texas that leads to attainment of identified post-school goals for every student.

The Secondary Transition network is excited to offer a free series of online, transition focused professional development. See attached flyer for more information.

Job Coaching for Success: UNTWise 2-week Online Course – August 7-18 or August 14-25

For additional information, contact Carla Johnson, Network Lead, Secondary Transition Network

Education Service Center, Region 11 at or (817) 740-3614

2017-2018 AGCStakeholder Meetings

Discuss current national, state and local information on curriculum, assessment and instructional issues as it relates to students with disabilities accessing the general educationcurriculum. Identify trends and issues affecting districts/campuses across the region, give feedback on services provided and those needed by Region 4 ESC and network with other professionals across the region. Registration is limited to stakeholder members. This group will be comprised of staff designated by LEA Directors of Special Education. Click on the link below to enter your AGC Stakeholder designee(s).


LEAs and Charters may identify representatives to attend our 2017-2018 AGCStakeholder Meetings. We are able to accommodate (1) representative per LEA/Charter per stakeholder group.

2017-2018 AGC Stakeholder Meetings: Secondary

·  October 10, 2017 8:30-11:30

·  November 28, 2017 8:30-11:30

·  February 13, 2018 8:30-11:30

2017-2018 AGCStakeholder Meetings: Elementary

·  October 10, 2017 12:30-3:30

·  November 28, 2017 12:30-3:30

·  February 13, 2018 12:30-3:30

For additional information, contact Cynthia Barrett, Ph.D., at or 713-744-6343 or Townsley Raposa at or 713-744-4470.

Help a Fellow Director! Please complete the Facilitators for the IEP Process Survey (2017-2018)

In order to help Local Education Agencies in Facilitating the IEP Process, Region 4 needs information to compile an updated list of persons districts and charters are utilizing asindependent/neutral Facilitators. Please go to


and help us by providing information on people that you have used asindependent/neutral Facilitators.

The survey will go to Linda De Zell Hall, Ph.D.She will contact the peopleto verify that they want to be included on the list. The list will be available to district and charter directors of special education upon request.Being on the listis not an endorsement of the person nor is it a recommendation from any other district or charter. Any districtor charter will need to review the person’s credentials, experience, vita/resume, documented training, level of experience in working with ARD/IEP Teams on consensus, and other information. Rates of reimbursement will also need to be reviewed by the district or charter. If you have questions, please contact Dr. Hall at 713.744.6399 or . We appreciate your help and sharing of information.

DON”T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY! Ingrid Bens Facilitation Tutor Online Special Education Director Nomination Survey (2017-2018)

In order to help Local Education Agencies in Facilitating the IEP Process, Region 4 has collaborated with Ingrid Bens, National Facilitation Expert, to utilize IDEA funds to provide access to the online Facilitation Tutor at no additional cost for a limited number of participants. The Facilitation Tutor Core Skills Program has been designed to teach the essential skills needed to become an effective group facilitator. The course is organized into ten lessons demonstrating core skills. Each lesson is supported by downloadable workbook pages. Each participant will have access to the online course for six months. Good news you say? How do I sign me or my staff up? Please complete the online survey at


with information on you as Director and information on participants. Please note that only Directors of Special Education may nominate staff. Region 4 will provide login information to you via email.

If you have questions, please contact Linda De Zell Hall, Ph.D. at 713.744.6399 or . We appreciate your participation in this capacity building opportunity.

CADRE Webinar: Mediating in the Context of Broken Trust

Register on for the Center for Appropriate Dispute Resolution in Special Education webinar on Mediating in the Context of Broken Trust.

September 12, 2017 -

11:30am - 12:45pm

Register: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/1061931803466028802 (link is external)

About the Webinar: Mediators often find themselves facilitating challenging and complex conversations in a context of broken trust. It has been asked if it is possible to negotiate with someone where there is a breakdown in, or absence of trust. Trust is a complex notion. In this webinar we will explore this topic and identify a structure for assessing and understanding different types of trust. We will identify key attributes of trusting relationships. We will identify strategies for “negotiating” trust and reaching agreements on actions by which parties might rebuild trust.