List of all the Agreements, MoU, Protocols and Treaties signed since 2001

30 September 2007

No / Agreement title / Who signed? / When / Languages
1 / Trade Agreement Between Transitional Islamic of Afghanistan and Islamic Republic of Iran / HE Mustafa Kazemi / 1381
2002 / Only in Dari
2 / Joint Committee Agreement of MoCI and Cha Bahar Free Region Organization / Mr. Gul Ahmad Hoshmand, Head of ACCI / 11 March 2004 / Only in Dari
3 / Memo of the first meeting of Joint Cooperation Committee on international traffic on Roads / HE Raz Mohd, Technical & Operational Deputy Of Ministry of Transport / 2005 / Only in Dari
4 / Memorandum of Understanding on Trade and Economic Cooperation between Islamic Republic of Iran and Transitional Islamic of Afghanistan / HE Kazemi Minister of Commerce / 1382
2003 / Only in Dari
5 / Passengers and Goods Transit and Transport Agreement between Transitional Islamic of Afghanistan and Islamic Republic of Iran / HE Abdullah Abdullah, Minister of Foreign Affairs / 1384
2005 / Only in Dari
6 / Memorandum of Consulate Cooperation between Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and Islamic Republic of Iran / HE Abdullah Abdullah, Minister of Foreign Affairs / 2005 / Only in Dari
7 / Memorandum of Understanding Trilateral Meeting on the Development and Construction of Transit and Transport Infrastructures in Chabahar-Milak-Zanranj-Delaram Route between The Islamic Republic of Iran, Government of India and Transitional Islamic of Afghanistan / HE Kazemi, Minister of Commerce / January 2003 / Both in Dari and English
8 / Memorandum of Understanding, The Trilateral Joint Commission of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Transitional Islamic of Afghanistan and the Republic of India / HE Kazemi, Minister of Commerce / 1381
January 2003 / Both in Dari and English
9 / Agreement on International Transport Routs Among Transitional Islamic of Afghanistan, Islamic of Republic of Iran and Republic of Uzbekistan / HE Karzia, President of Afghanistan / 2003 / Both in Dari and English
10 / Agreement on International Transportation Routes Among Transitional Islamic of Afghanistan, Islamic Republic of Iran and Republic of Tajikistan / HE Karzia, President of Afghanistan / 1382
June 2003 / Both in Dari and English
11 / Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Transit and Transport Between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Transitional Islamic of Afghanistan / HE Abdullah Abdullah, Minister of Foreign Affairs / August 2004 / Both in Dari and English
12 / Agreement Between Transitional Islamic of Afghanistan and Republic of Uzbekistan on Cooperation in Railway Transport / HE Abdullah Abdullah, Minister of Foreign Affairs / December 2003 / Both in Dari and English
13 / Protocol between Transitional Islamic of Afghanistan and Republic of Uzbekistan on establishing Inter-Governmental Commission on Trade and Economic Cooperation / HE Abdullah Abdullah, Minister of Foreign Affairs / August 2004 / Both in Dari and English
14 / Agreement Between Transitional Islamic of Afghanistan and Republic of Uzbekistan on trade and Economic Cooperation / HE Abdullah Abdullah, Minister of Foreign Affairs / December 2003 / Both in Dari and English
15 / Agreement on Cooperation Between The Chamber of Commerce and Industry or Uzbekistan and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Afghanistan / Mr. Gul Ahmad Hoshmand, ACCI President / March 2005 / Only in English
16 / Agreement on Cooperation Between Tajikistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Afghan Chamber of Commerce and Industries / Mr. Gul Ahmad Hoshmand, ACCI President / Only in English
17 / Trade Agreement between Republic of Tajikistan and Transitional Islamic of Afghanistan / HE Kazemi, Minister of Commerce / 1382
September 2004 / Only in Dari
18 / Regulations on Settlements in relations to Transportation in Uzbekistan-Afghan Through Railway Freight Traffic / Only in English
19 / Agreement between Transitional Islamic of Afghanistan, Republic of Turkmenistan and Islamic Republic of Pakistan on Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan Natural Gas and Crude Oil Pipelines Projects / HE Karzai, President of Afghanistan / May 2002 / Both in Dari and English
20 / Agreement Between the Transitional Islamic of Afghanistan and Republic of Kazakhstan on Trade and Economic Cooperation / 1383
April 2004 / Both in Dari and English
21 / Agreement between the Republic of Turkey and Transitional Islamic of Afghanistan on the Reciprocal Promotion and Protection of Investment / HE Kazemi, Minister of Commerce / June 2004 / Both in Dari and English
22 / Agreement on Trade and Economic Cooperation between the Republic of Turkey and Transitional Islamic of Afghanistan / HE Kazemi, Minister of Commerce / June 2004 / Both in Dari and English
23 / Agreement between Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and Republic of Turkey on Cooperation and Mutual Assistance in Customs Matters / HE Arsala, Senior Advisor to the President and Minister of Commerce / April 2005 / Only in English
24 / International Road Transport Agreement between Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and Republic of Turkey / HE Arsala, Senior Advisor to the President and Minister of Commerce / April 2005 / Only in English
25 / Agreed Minutes of the First Session on The Afghan – Turkish Joint Economic Commission / HE Arsala, Senior Advisor to the President and Minister of Commerce / April 2005 / Only in English
26 / Preferential Trade Agreement between Transitional Islamic of Afghanistan and Republic of India / HE Kazemi, Minister of Commerce / March 2003 / Both in Dari and English
27 / Agreement on Trade and Economic Cooperation between Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the People Republic of China / HE Arsala, Senior Advisor to the President and Minister of Commerce / June 2006 / Both in Dari and English
28 / Agreement of Cooperation between Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) and China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) / Mr. Rajabi, ACCI / June 2006 / Both in Dari and English
29 / Agreement of Cooperation Between Afghanistan Investment Support Agency (ASIA) and The China Council for Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) / Mr. Zakhilwal, CEO of AISA / June 2006 / Both in Dari and English
30 / Agreement between The Kingdom of Afghanistan and Islamic Republic of Pakistan for Regulation of Traffic and Transit / HE Mohammad Sarwar Omar, Minister of Commerce / March 1965 / Both in Dari and English
31 / Agreement on Transport and Transit between Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and Republic of Turkmenistan / HE Spanta, Minister of Foreign Affairs / 1386
July 2007 / Only in Dari
32 / Protocol between Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and Republic of Turkmenistan on Mutual Consultations / HE Spanta, Minister of Foreign Affairs / 1386
July 2007 / Only in Dari
33 / Joint Declaration of Presidents of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and Republic of Turkmenistan / HE Karzai, President of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan / July 2007 / Only in Dari
34 / Agreement on Economic and Trade Cooperation between Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and Republic of Turkmenistan / HE Spanta, Minister of Foreign Affairs / July 2007 / Only in Dari
35 / Protocol of the first session of Joint Intergovernmental Commission on Trade and Economic Cooperation between Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and Republic of Uzbekistan / HE Farhang, Minister of Commerce and Industry / July 2007 / Both in Dari and English