National Junior League

Roadstone Sports Centre, Dublin

Sat21st February 2015

Team Entry Form – Season 2014/2015

Team Entry

Name of Club………………………………………………………………………………………..
Team Secretary ………………………………………………………………………………………..
Address ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Tel No: …………………………….….. (home) …………………………………………(mobile)
E-mail Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………….
Colours of Kit: ………………………………….Shirt. ………………………………..Shorts/Skirt



On behalf of the Club mentioned above, we undertake to comply with the Regulations governing the National Junior League (see below):

Signature (Club Secretary) …….………………… Date …………………………….

It is essential that this form fully completed, reaches the TTI Office

ON or BEFORE Tuesday 10thFebruary 2015–

RULES FOR National Junior League:

  1. A club team consists of players who are registered/affiliated to that club in this season and were directly affiliated to Table Tennis Ireland at the 1st September 2015. No player may represent more than one club in any particular league.
  1. Matches will be played in accordance with the rules & regulations of TTI.
  1. A team consists of three players and two substitutes may be included. Teams must be accompanied by an adult.
  1. Clubs with more than one team have to nominate at least three players for each team except for the lowest team.
  1. If a substitute is introduced they may play for the higher team, they are then ineligible for the lower team and must be put into the higher teams’ panel. No player may play for more then one team in a round of matches.
  1. A team match consists of six individual singles matches each played to the best of 5 games.

7. The home team provides the umpire for the first match. After that each team provides an umpire alternatively.

8. The order of players on a match sheet must be in order of strength. National then Provincial rankings apply if applicable.These names are entered on the official score sheet. After the match the score sheet is signed by a representative of both teams.

9. All teams in the division shall compete against each other and shall gain 2 points for a team match win, 1½ points for a draw, 1 point for a loss in a played match and 0 points for a loss in an unplayed or unfinished match. The ranking order shall be determined primarily by the number of points gained.

In the event of two or more teams having the same number of points, the ITTF Regulation 3.7.5 will determine the relative positions.

10.All players must wear rubber soled shoes, shorts and non-white tops

11. The Tournament Committee reserves the right to alter the programme, format or venue; to cancel any event; to reject or regrade entries; and to restrict admission to the tournament venue.

12.The Referee’s decision shall be final on points of law on any question arising not provided for in these regulations or in any dispute as to the interpretation thereof. Decisions on points of factby an umpire or assistant umpire appointed by the Referee shall be final.

13. If a player has no team within a club to play with, or is of a standard considered too good they may submit a proposal stating such to the events organisers who will attempt toassign them to a team of similar standard.

14.Table Tennis Ireland has a policy on the use of photographic and video recording equipment at TTI events, and permission for the use of such equipment must be granted by the Referee or Organising Committee. All participants accept that photographs or other recorded images taken on behalf of the TTI may be used in connection with the promotion of TTI events and activities, unless requested otherwise in advance by the participant, their guardian or coach.