AFIDE 2017

NOVEMBER 20 – 24, 2017

The National Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation of the
Republic of Cuba summons to the 7th INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND SPORTS (AFIDE), to be held in Havana, from November 20 – 24, 2017, at the Conference Centre.

The Convention’s main topic will be: “Sports and Human Development”.


Active and helthy cities Congress

VIII Sports Medicine Congress.

VII International Conference on High Performance Sports

VII Symposium on Therapeutic and Prophylactic Physical Culture

III International Symposium on Baseball-applied sciences

II International Symposium on Anti-doping Education and control

I International Symposium on Sports-applied sciences and 1st Meeting of Sport Research


V International Workshop “Leisure Time and Recreational Activities”

V International Workshop “The Constant Formation of Physical Culture Professionals

V Workshop on Management and Administration of Physical Culture and Sports, a sight to

The Sport Organizations

IV International Workshop “Sports and Environment”

IV International Workshop on Physical Activity and life cuality.

III International Colloquium Marabana

III Workshop “Sports and Society”

III International Workshop on Physical Education and Sports for All: Challenges

III International workshop on Physical Activity and Sports Psychology

Scientific Program: Masterly Lectures, International Courses, Panel of Experts, Workshops, Free Oral Topics, Posters and E-posters.

Modalities for the presentation of works: Free Oral Topics and Posters

Guidelines for Presentation

Abstract: 200 word maximum, letter paper, Word format, Arial 12, aligned, 1.5 line spacing.

Poster presentations shall be 1.50 m x 0.80 maximum.

E-posters should have 25 slides maximum and should include short and precise texts, with a simple and sober presentation.

Registration Fee (in Cuban Convertible Pesos - CUC)
By May 31, 2017 – 160 CUC. By August 31, 2017 – 200 CUC

As of September 1 – 250 CUC. Undergraduate students - 150 CUC, prior presentation of official documentation. Postgraduate students studying at the University of Physical Culture and Sports Sciences and its attached Faculties have a 20% discount, prior presentation of official documentation according to the registration date.


INDER M.Sc. Erie Reyes López Telf.: (537) 6485014

RECEPTIVO: CUBADEPORTES S.A Calle 40 Nº 306, esquina 3ra A, Miramar, Playa, La Habana, Cuba Telef: (537) 2040348 y (537) 2041862

PALACIO DE CONVENCIONES : Organizador Profesional de Congreso Lic. Alicia García González Telef: (537) 2085199, (537) 2026011 al 19, ext. 1510. .


·  A performance of the Havana’s International Ballet Festival.

·  Tour to Old Havana and Canon shot Ceremony at 9:00 pm.

·  Active pause during the sessions’ break.

·  Book exhibition by Sport Publishing Houses.

·  Exhibition and Selling of Cuban Handicrafts.

·  Blitz Chess game and simultaneous play by the Cuban National Chess Team.

·  Meeting with Olympic Legends.

·  Season of Cuban Sports Films.

·  Exhibit of Sports Audiovisuals.

·  Visit to High Performance Training Centers and Sports Community Projects.

·  Sports Clothes Parade.

·  Clinics in High Performance Schools.