Athens County Regional Planning Commission

Office of the Planning Director

28 Curran Drive

Athens, Ohio 45701

Telephone 740.594.6069

Fax 740.594.6343

Athens County Regional Planning Commission

August 6, 2009

Members present: Harry Kaneshige, Lenny Eliason, Linda Clark, Paul Wiehl, Steve Pierson, Paul Logue, John L. Sullivan, Tim Warren, Frank Hare and Larry Payne

Ex-Officio members present: T.L. Warren, Lou Anna Lenigar, David Warren, Linda Watkins and Bob Eichenberg.


President Tim Warren called the meeting to order at 8:10 a.m. and determined quorum established with present.


The July 9th minutes were reviewed Lenny Eliason moved to approve the minutes as distributed. Paul Wiehl seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.



Linda Watkins provided the Treasurer’s Report. She indicated that the income in July was $115.00. Paul Wiehl moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Lenny Eliason seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.


Bob Eichenberg announced that the Athens County Fair was coming up the following week. The Regional Planning Commission will have a display at the Fair.

Nelsonville Bypass - The bids for the bypass came in below the estimate. Things are moving forward. There were 2 bids and both came in under the estimate.

The Pelotonia bike ride will take place August 28-30th. The ride will be to raise money for cancer research and will begin in Columbus and end in Athens on the 29th and will return to Columbus on the 30th. Lance Armstrong will be leading the ride. The riders will be using the bike path from Nelsonville to Athens. The county has prepared the path for this. Paul Wiehl reported that the City of Athens is working on the end of the race at Shafer St. 2200 riders are expected but they will not all be riding the whole race and they will come in at different times throughout the day.

Floodplain Management Conference - August 26-27.

Ohio Planning Conference - September 23-25.

A95 REVIEWS - None


Steve Pierson (Nelsonville Code Enforcement) and Bob Eichenberg have been working on a complaint. Steve has been getting calls regarding Dana's tire center. The property is outside of the city of Nelsonville. The owner of the property has vehicles stored on land by the river. The owner says that she owns the property. The vehicles do not have license plates. The owner says they are customer vehicles. The complainant has called area government officials. This is in the floodway area. Bob Eichenberg talked to Lou Anna Lenigar regarding a junk vehicle law. Lou Anna said that there is strict interpretation of the law. They must be really trashed. The vehicles in question do not fit this definition. If ODOT owns the property, the county would have to go after the owners of the vehicles. ODOT sent a map to Bob Eichenberg showing the area they own. Does the board think that the regulations dealing with vehicles should be strengthened? There are two main issues: 1. Vehicles can float. 2. Flooding of the vehicle can cause stagnate water. Steve Pierson said that he is going to suggest that Nelsonville change their regulations to state that a vehicle that has been inoperable for 180 days. This will give a tool to target thee sorts of things. Dave Warren asked about an ordinance to cover junk vehicles on the street? In the City of Nelsonville the vehicle must have a license and be inoperable. The Regional Planning Commission's resolution is weak in this area. For example, things that float should be strengthened where it comes to propane tanks and things like that. Lenny Eliason said that there must be a mechanism to check these areas. Steve Pierson said it would be better to include floodway instead of floodplain. Lenny Eliason suggested that we be careful about strengthening the regulations. Lenny thought there was a state law stating that all vehicles be licensed. Dave Warren said that no, there was no such law. Paul Wiehl asked if ODOT should take care of this. Bob Eichenberg will pursue this. Linda Clark asked about flood insurance but that is only for buildings. Lou Anna Lenigar said that using the junk vehicle law to serve someone is a lengthy process. The Townships have to do the work. Linda Clark asked what would encourage people to get rid of their old vehicles. Lou Anna Lenigar stated that some people put them in the floodway hoping that the flood waters will wash them away. Linda Clark said that she noticed that the tires at Dana's were accumulating. Bob Eichenberg talked to Chuck Hammer about this. Chuck has been working with Dana's. They have been cleaned up. The State of Ohio has laws regarding the disposal of tires. This came about after the tire fire in Lancaster. There is a mandatory one year prison term if in violation. The Health Department has to declare it a nuisance. There are daily fines. Lenny Eliason wondered what the issues were that prompted the complaints. Lou Ann Lenigar said that there are exceptions to the law, for example earth moving equipment and construction equipment. John L. Sullivan said that he talked to the Attorney General's office and that Buchtel passed an ordinance that stated that after 30 days a vehicle on private property, that is not operable, can be removed.


Comprehensive Plan - A draft version is available. It needs a little tweaking. Bob Eichenberg asked how the RPC should move forward on this. The budget is tight for making copies. How many hard copies would be needed. A PDF will be put on the website. The RPC should have a taskforce review the plan. Members of this taskforce are: Chuck Hammer, Lenny Eliason, Tim Warren and Linda Clark. It was suggested that a meeting be set up 2 to 3 weeks from now. All libraries should have a copy as well as all county offices.



Mayor Frank Hare (Amesville) - All is quiet in Amesville. The Fireman's Festival was held. The youth workers are helping to clean up the town.

Lenny Eliason and Larry Payne (County Commissioners) - There is not much going on. Some counties in the state are going on shorter work weeks to save money. A couple are on fiscal watch. This is the first time this has ever happened. Athens County department heads and office holders are doing a great job. The Commissioners will be working with Jack Freck on the 2010 census soon.

Dave Warren (Prosecutors Office) - There will be a trial in 10 days of a sewage system that was not hooked up. The office will be losing their legal intern this week. He is going to law school.

Mayor Paul Wiehl (City of Athens) - The Planning Commission is working on the sign ordinance. The Carpenter Street repaving project is ahead of schedule. Working on solar panel revolving loan fund and gas aggregation. There will be a town hall meeting on energy on August 22nd.

Paul Logue (Athens City Planner) - Grande Vista Village was approved by council. Council had the 1st reading of the flood regulations. A public meeting will be held September 2nd. Sept. 17th workshop for bicycle/pedestrian plan.

Steve Pierson (Nelsonville Code Enforcement) - The Pelotonia bike ride will be coming through Nelsonville. They will ride through Carbon Hill, down 278 through Nelsonville and to Hocking College then on to the bike path to Athens. Gus Macker was successful. It raised several hundred dollars. The Parade of The Hills will take place August 19-22nd. Work on the bike path continues. ODOT and the city are working on 278W. Constructing a new bridge across the Hocking River. Nelsonville Council will be holding 2 public hearings on August 24th. One is for skill based games. There is a business wanting to open in Nelsonville. The other ordinance is regarding Manufactured Homes. Nelsonville allows replacement of manufactured homes. They can't be prohibited but they can be regulated.

Mayor John L. Sullivan (Buchtel) - The new park is open. A catwalk was put in.


Issue I Application has been put together. It is due August 14th. 5 or 6 townships will participate.

Fair Display - Copies of the Comprehensive Plan will be put out and a box for feedback and comments. Maps will be on display as well.


Lenny Eliason made a motion to adjourn. Larry Payne 2nd the motion.

The next meeting will be September 10, 2009.

Linda Watkins

Acting Secretary

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