32-440 Sułkowice Izdebnik, 01.05.2011.

Street 21 Stycznia 47

tel.(033) 876-32-78

fax. (033) 876-36-20


Measurements and tolerance

►The measurements of our products fall within the following dimensions: 1000 mm height and 600 mm width. Upon customer’s request, we can manufacture elements with the maximum size of 2500 mm x 1243 mm, however without producer’s guarantee regarding possible deformation (material stress cause its bending, and more hinges or tensioners must be applied). Minimum size of an element is: 30 mm x 30 mm.

Materials and technologies used:

Board: Sonae Industria, Kronospan MDF for deep moulding works

Adhesive: Henkel-Dorus

Foils: Renolit, Klockner, Hornschuch, LG, Riken, Kasei, Gislaved

Technologies: Membrane technology of foil application by Wemhoner, which substantially improves thermal resistance of fronts and increasesstrength of adhesive joint

►Measurements tolerance for simple fronts:

- height +/- 1 mm

- width +/- 1 mm

- thickness +/- 0,4 mm

►Measurements tolerance for bent fronts:

- height +/- 1 mm

- width (the height of an element in a horizontal position measured in central point) +/- 5 mm

- thickness +/- 1 mm

Dopuszczalne ubytki białej melaniny na tylnych powierzchniach

Acceptable melamineloss on back surfaces

►corner joints – maximum 2 x 2 mm, 2 pieces for 1 element

►edges – maximum 3% of an element’s perimeter, width up to 1 mm.

Foiled elements storage and installation

►Foiled elements should be stored at temperature range between +10 to +35 degrees.

Storing the elements at inadvisable temperatures during adhesive crosslinking (10 days from the production date) may stop this process and thus decrease thermal resistance.

►Elements used within reach of any heat-emitting devices (e.g. ovens) should be separated from them by means of a screen board or screens sold together with these devices, otherwise foil may shrink and peel off on the edges in the elements exposed to high temperature.

►In the event of a possibility of foiled elements being exposed to short-term contact with water or higher humidity, back and side edges of the elements must be tightly covered with waterproof layer, for example with appropriate varnish.

►Foiled elements should not be installed in the vicinity of hot water steam (for example above dishwashers)

High gloss foil covered elements installation

►Furniture fronts covered with high-gloss foils have additional protective foil layer for protection against potential damage that may arise during production process, transportation or later installation.

►Protective foil must be removed after putting elements together.

Fronts surface is particularly sensitive to scratching directly after removing the protective foil.

►After removing protection, the surface becomes hardened under the influence of UV radiation, thus it is important to avoid cleaning fronts for the period of 1 week.

Foiled elements use

► Foiled elements are designed to be used indoors, in ventilated rooms at normal temperature and air humidity. It is unacceptable to use them outdoors.

►Foiled elements are designed for vertical position use. Horizontal position use is possible, however any mechanical damage that may arise will not be covered by warranty.

►Foiled surfaces cannot be exposed to contact with sharp or rough objects, solvents, or colouring substances

►It is unacceptable to allow for any contact with heated objects or hot air, and especially hot steam.

►Stains and dirt can be removed with warm water and soap, or other delicate substance, cloth or soft hair brush. Direct contact with liquid should be short.

►It is unacceptable to immerse elements in water.

► It is unacceptable to use solvents, abrasive scrubbing agents (powders, creams), undiluted or concentrated cleaners, especially coloured ones.

► Stains and smudges caused by intensive colour substances, such as tea, coffee, red wine, curry, or mustard, should be washed with water or cleared with a damp cloth.

►Stains or smudges should not be left to dry because they could permanently change the colour of surface.

►It is unacceptable to use hard hair brushes, as well as strong scrubs or bleaching agents.

As for high gloss elements

►For a period of 1 week, following from removing protection foil, the surface becomes hardened and the elements should not be wiped during that time.

► It is advisable to apply Hochglanz Mobelpolish.Forming a thin layer on a front, it becomes hardened and thus increases surface’s resistance to scratches and protects against the sun’s rays, cleaners and greasy stains.

►This product is well-concentrated and should be applied in minimal amount. 50 ml is enough for 6-10 m2. After applying, the whole element should be polished with a soft cotton or microfiber cloth (available with the polish). Action should be repeated more or less once a year to ensure better protection of the surface.

► Cleaners should not contain abrasive substances, i.e. abrasive molecules that occur in powders and various cream cleaners, because they may leave scratches on the surface, and thus change the degree of surface gloss.

►Cleaners should not contain oxidising substances (e.g. chlorates, perborates, bleaches) and strong alkalis (ammonia or caustic soda concentrate).

► It is not allowed to apply cleaners containing conditioning additives, such as waxes or polymer dispersions, because they may remain on the surface after drying and change its gloss or colour.

► It is not allowed to apply conditioning cleanersfor wood or French polish; these products contain oils and substances that may cause bulking or the changing of surface’s colour.

► Stains that cannot be removed with soap solution, can be cleaned with diluted alcohol (ethanol), or cleaners containing alcohol (e.g. windows cleaner), after a test done in an unseen spot first. It is enough only to carefully wipe the surface with a cloth.

►It is not allowed to apply concentrated alcohol (denatured spirit, isopropyl alcohol).

Warranty and complaints

Warranty covers:

► Defects in materials and production defects,on condition that the rules mentioned in the above instruction areobserved and fall within 5-years period.

Warranty does not cover:

► Damage resulting from other than intended use of the fronts.

► Damage resulting from foil shrinking and peeling off on the edges in consequence of inappropriate protection of the fronts from heat-emitting devices.

► Mechanical damage such as scratches, elements bumps, or dents.

► Elements with noticeable damage resulting from water or moisture exposure –board bulking.

► Damage resulting from inappropriate transportation (through no fault of the producer)

►Wood grain pattern and foil colour tone.

► Raw as well as foiled elements after customer’s own modification or alteration such as varnishing or patinating.

► Elements in size different than ordered – reduced in size (cut) by the customer

►Taking into account the nature of the technological process, it is acceptable that certain deformations, no bigger than 2 mm diameter and no more than 3 pieces, in form of dents, arches, discolouration, or microcrackscan occur on the surface of 1m2 of a product.

► All claims will be investigated only upon earlier delivering the complaint object to the seat of Wiech company, together with written warranty claim form (available on the website), as well as submitting the proof of purchase.

► Warranty claims will be accepted exclusively from companies and individual customers who purchased the claimed good.

► WIECH company does not refund the costs of transportation, processing, installation and replacement of claimed elements.

► The company reserves the right to perform the accepted warranty service within maximum 30 days from lodging the claim and delivering the faulty good.

Legal disputes

► Any disputes connected with the cooperation between WIECH Wiesław Stokłosa company and a customer shall be settled by the court having jurisdiction over the WIECH Wiesław Stokłosa company’s seat.

WIECH company shall not be responsible for customer’s failing to read the above technical-commercial information. The information is available for the interested party.

We are looking forward to doing business with you.