Scituate Council On Aging
27 Brook Street
Scituate, Massachusetts 02066
September 10, 2013
(1) The meeting was called to order at 6:02PM by Joan Powers, Chairman.
Attendees: Joan Powers-Chairman, Dale Balog, Richard Mitchell,
Gerrilyn Quinlan, Audrey Reidy and Florence Choate-SCOA Director.
(2) The Board members introduced themselves.
(3) The Minutes from August 14th’s meeting were approved after Joan Powers pointed out two necessary corrections to be made first. Joan Powers and Audrey Reidy were not voted on by the Board to be part of a possible Search Committee for a new SCOA Director. It was only a suggestion. The correct Adjournment time was 8:25PM.
(4) Director’s Report – Mrs. Choate discussed the increasing pace of the Senior Center, after the usual summer slow-down. Since the Sept./Oct. Newsletter has been received, the numbers of phone calls with inquiries and sign-ups for new Fall programs have increased greatly. Mrs. Choate asked Seniors to be patient because the Senior Center is temporarily understaffed. Nancy LaFauce’s position remains vacant, and there are fewer volunteers for now. Mrs. Choate assured Seniors that all inquiries, etc. would be resolved. Requests for rides also increase at this time. Quincie-Ann becomes much busier. Mrs. Choate reminded Seniors of the policy – three days’ notice to book Scituate rides, and five days’ notice for out-of-town rides.
Mrs. Choate received approval today for all exercise classes to be held at the Pier 44 Community Building. Approval was given for the purchase of a special code lock for the building. This will eliminate trips by Staff to go over to lock/unlock the building.
Fuel Assistance applications and Insurance enrollments/changes will be the focus point for the Staff through December. Norman, our SHINE volunteer and Jenny Gerbis will handle these issues. Mrs. Choate reported that two new positions, paid for through the Formula Grant, need to be filled. A Supervisor for the new pilot program, isolated Seniors (tne hours), and an Assistant Caseworker. These positions are awaiting permission to be posted, leaving Mrs. Choate with difficulty to plan. Norman, our SHINE volunteer, and Jenny Gerbis will present a forum on Medicare positions in October.
Programs - Seniors are signing up for new programs, with positive feedback. Calls regarding Fuel Assistance applications are increasing. The new Regulations become available sometime in October, so no new applications can be processed until then.
September SCOA Board Meeting Minutes
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Only those receiving Fuel Assistance last year can be helped now.
Because some Seniors have questions and concerns about the possibility of a Senior Center at the Gates School in the future, Mrs. Choate e-mailed Patricia Vinchesi, Town Manager. She relayed their request for an informational forum on this proposed plan for a Senior Center. Mrs. Choate attached a copy of the Town Manager’s reply on 9/9/2013. Ms. Vinchesi thinks this request is premature at this time. She stated for the Gates School renovation draft project is still too far away to be brought up at Town Meeting.
Staff Reports – Transportation (Q Cutler) -- 514 Rides, 1,209 miles driven by the van, and 117 volunteer driver hours. Social Services (Jenny Gerbis) -- application assistance – 23 duplicated, 18 unduplicated,; Caregiver resource – 10 duplicated, 7 unduplicated. Case Management/Advocacy –19 duplicated, 15 unduplicated; General Information –
6 duplicated, 6 unduplicated; SHINE – 3 duplicated, 3 unduplicated. Totals for the month of August – 61 duplicated, 49 unduplicated; total number of calls = 110.
(5) Special Reports from Board Members:
SSES – Joan Powers – She updated us on her last meeting. Mrs.Powers discussed SSES’ survey of 100 Meals On Wheels clients regarding their satisfaction, or lack thereof, with the quality of food, etc, by the newly contracted vendor. Overall, the clients were very pleased with the change. Mrs. Powers updated us on the number of clients served by this program in various towns. Mrs. Powers invited everyone to attend the St. Luke’s community dinner on Sunday, Nov. 24th. It will be a tribute dinner to honor Florence Choate. Her retirement date is Dec. 20. Family and friends of all ages are invited to this FREE dinner. (Donations are welcomed!)
Commission on Disabilities – Jerry Fierimonte was absent. No report.
Gates School/Master Plan Committee - Richard Mitchell (also discussed later under New Business). Mr. Mitchell summarized the content of the Committees’s meeting which he attended a couple of weeks ago. There has been a high turnover of their original members. Some Department Heads have yet to be interviewed for their input on the proposed Gates School Renovation. Mrs. Choate, whose knowledge and ideas regarding the Senior Center, has still not been interviewed. Mr. Mitchell told us that the Committee members developed a series of questions, at the request of the town manager, that the public would want answered before decisions are made about investments in public facilities. There was a discussion that the most recent architectural rendering of the Gates re-use allows for a little over 6,00 square feet for a Senior Center. The previous version of the plan, in Feb. 2013, contained over 9,000 sq. feet. This compares to the stand alone Senior Center design from 5-7 years ago of over 11,000 square feet. There is significant concern that most recently proposed Gates plan is inadequate for a Senior Center.
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(6) Old Business – Mrs. Reidy inquired about the status of GATRA for buses/transportation within the town. Mrs. Choate explained that that part of GATRA was not in her “provence”. GATRA for the town’s residents was a Town Administrator issue. GATRA for the Seniors, in use, has saved the town and the SCOA much money.
(7) New Business - Mrs. Choate announced that there will be a Halloween Costume Party, not previously listed in the Newsletter, on Thursday, Oct. 24th. Limit – forty people.She talked about the Matter of Balance program being done by the NNA. Since only fifteen people can participate, it will be offered again in the Spring. Vacant Staff positions were discussed. The Director’s position has gone on-line today. Mrs. Choate met with the Town Administrator today.
Then, there was discussion regarding the proposed Senior Center space within the Gates School; if that plan materializes. It was suggested that Mr. Mitchell and one other Board member meet with the Town Manager to express clearly our views and concerns on the amount of space required for a Senior Center, whether it is a stand alone facility or co-located with other departments within a public facility. A new Senior Center would need to accommodate a greatly increased activity level, as has been experienced in other communities that went from a constrained to an appropriately sized space.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:30PM.
Submitted by: Dale J. Balog