Guess Paper – 2013
Class – X
Time : 2hrs Full Marks : 80
1) Study the survey map 45 D/7 ( ES : 83-92, NS : 90-00) and answer:
a) Calculate the area of the land represented by the map extract?
b) Name two perennial sources of water in the area represented?
c) Define ‘scale’. What is the scale of the map extract?
d) Identify the drainage pattern around Gangudra. Which two rivers drain the area shown in the extract?
e) At what distance is Panswala from Badi(Jhat)?Give the six figure grid reference of the triangulated height 225 seen right in the center of the map extract?
f) Name one man –made one natural feature shown in grid sqare 8496.
g) What is the general land use pattern of the area? Give one reason to justify your answer.
h) Name the man made features on grid 1923 ?
i) Name the different rivers found in the area ?
j) Identify the drainage pattern in 2120 ?
2) Map pointing : ( 1x 10 = 10)
a) Vindhyas
b) The Standard Meridian of india
c) River Ganges
d) Coromandel Coast
e) The Sundarbans
f) The Deccan Plateau
g) The capital city of India
h) A Major port on the Western Coast
i) The Satpura Ranges
j) The direction of Tropical Cyclones over the Bay of Bengal
SECTION : B (10 x 5 = 50)
( Attempt any five questions )
Q3a) Give two reasons as to why Thar is a desert area ? (2)
b) State three charecterstics What are western disturbances ?Name any two areas receiving rains
from them ? (4)
c) What is October Heat ? What is the cause for its occurance ? (2)
d) Corromondel coast receives rainfall twice a year ? Give reasons ? (2)
Q4a) Give two characteristics features of black soil ? (2)
b) Mention two ways soil get nitrogen ? (2)
c) Explain the need for soil conservation in India. (2)
d) State the difference between Khadar and Bhangar soil ? (2)
e) Why Alluvial soil is considered to be imported soil ? (2)
Q5a) What do you mean by watershed management ? (2)
b) What are the advantages of Sprinkler Irrigation ? (2)
c) What are the demerits of Tank irrigation ? (2)
d) Why Multipurpse Projects are considered to be essential ? (2)
e) What are the advantages and disadvantages of tube well ? (2)
Q6a) Teak. Mahogany, Sal (Types of forest) (2)
b) Why are forests grown in and around the iron and steel plant ?(2)
c) Why Deciduous Monsoon forests are found on the eastern part of South India. (2)
d) State two characteristics of Mangrove forest ? (2)
e) Name two regions where the tropical evergreen rain forests are found ?(2)
Q7a) Name any two important centres of bauxite in Orissa .Give reasons.(2)
b) Distinguish between Gondwana and Tertiary coal ? (2)
c) Name the variety of Iron ore found in India ? (2)
d) Distinguish between offshore and onshore oil refinery ? (2)
e) Why Petroleum is considered as liquid gold ? (2)
Q8a) What are the chief characteristics of Extensive and Intensive
agriculture ?
b) Explain the problems and solutions of Indian agriculture ? (3)
c) What are the variety of wheat found in India ? (2)
d) Explain the term : Retting, Withering, lint (3)
Q9a) What do you mean by footloose industry ? (2)
b) What has made Tamil Nadu chief centre of silk industry ? (2)
c) What are reasons for decline of jute industry in Bengal ? (2)
d) Why Mumbai is known as Lanchashire of India ? (2)
e) State the factors for shifting of sugar Industry in Deccan Plateau ? (2)
Q10a) With reference to TISCO steel plant answer :
b) What are the various category of Industry based on raw materials ? (2)
c) Why Bangalore is considered as Silicon Valley of India ? (2)
d) Railway coaches,Automobile,Heavy electrical (3)
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