Supplementary Figure Legends

Supplementary Figure 1

A. TopPredominant p53 ubiquitination in the cytoplasm correlates with differential p53 stability in cytoplasm and nucleus of unstressed cells. p53 has a much shorter half-life in the cytoplasm (20 min), compared to the nucleus (60 min). RKO cells where treated with cycloheximide (CHX) for the indicated times, followed by fractionation and immunoblotting for p53. Bottom Densitometry of immunoblot shown on the left. Hsp90 and HDAC as purity controls of cytoplasmic and nuclear fractions, respectively.

B.Ubiquitination of ectopically expressed p53 occurs predominantly in the cytoplasm, even after nuclear export block induced by LMB treatment. H1299 (p53-/-) cells were transfected with p53 and MDM2, treated with LMB where indicated and fractionated. Equal levels of non-ubiquitinated p53 were loaded to assess p53 ubiquitination.

C. To exclude the possibility that HAUSP is more active in the nucleus than in the cytoplasm, we utilized stable LS126 cells (human colon cancer cells expressing wt p53) with Dox-inducible HAUSP shRNA 10. LS126 cells were grown in the absence or presence of doxycycline. p53 from nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions was normalized for equal amounts of non-ubiquitinated p53 and blotted as indicated. Note that Ub-p53 after HAUSP silencing does not accumulate in the nucleus, indicating that the lack of nuclear Ub-p53 is not due to enhanced de-ubiquitination by nuclear HAUSP.

D. To exclude the possible that ALLN is not sufficient to block the degradation of all nuclear p53, we performed subcellular fractionation experiments in the presence of acocktail of the classic proteasome inhibitors ALLN + MG132. Results are identical to using ALLN alone (see Figure 1F). RKO cells were treated with ALLN + MG132 for 3 hrs, followed by fractionation. Nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions normalized for equal total protein (left) or equal amounts of non-ubiquitinated p53 (right) were immunoblotted. Hsp90 and HDAC as markers for cytoplasmic and nuclear fractions.

Supplementary Figure 2

A. The p53 9R mutant(all Lysines to Arginines in NLS I-III)is ubiquitination-defective. Either wild-type p53 or the 5R and 9R mutants (see Figure 4A) were transfected into H1299 cells along with MDM2 as indicated. After 24 hours cells were subject to nuclear and cytoplasmic fractionation and analyzed by immunoblotting for p53. Loadings were normalized for equal amounts of non-ubiquitinated p53.

B. The p53 3R (all lysines to arginines in NLS I) and 6R mutants (all lysines to arginines in NLS II-III) are ubiquitination-defective. Either wild-type p53 or the 3R and 6R mutants were transfected into H1299 cells along with MDM2 and treated or left untreated with proteasome inhibitor ALLN as indicated. After 24 hours cells were analyzed by immunoblotting for p53. Loadings were normalized for equal amounts of non-ubiquitinated p53.

Supplementary Figure 3

We used 4 nM LMB in all our experiments, since it is the concentration routinely used in the literature to block nuclear export of p53 5. To further ensure that the observed difference in the kinetics of nuclear p53 accumulation after DNA damage stress versus export blockade is not due to suboptimal LMB concentrations (Figure 6A), we ran an additional control experiment in the presence of 15 nM LMB. We find that even 4-fold higher LMB concentration does not accelerate nuclear p53 accumulation (compare to Figure 6A). Thus, 4 nM LMB is sufficient to completely block nuclear export.