Bylaw 14676

Bylaw 14676

Amendment to the Lewis Farms Area Structure Plan.


Toamend the Lewis Farms Area Structure Plan (ASP). The proposed amendment will reduce the number of neighbourhoods in the west half of the ASP from 4 to 2, increase the residential area and population, reconfigure storm ponds and school park sites, change the circulation pattern, and provide policy for improved pedestrian linkages and urban design of key focal points.


Bylaw 14676 is ready for three readings after the public hearing has been held.

If Council wishes to give three readings during a single meeting, then prior to moving third reading, Council must unanimously agree “That Bylaw 14676 be considered for third reading.”

Advertising and Signing

This Bylaw has been advertised in the Edmonton Journal on Friday, August 24, 2007, and Sunday, September 2, 2007. The Bylaw can be signed and thereby passed following third reading.

Position of Administration

Administration supports this Bylaw.

Report Summary

The proposed amendment to the west half of the Lewis Farms ASP will:

-reduce the number of neighbourhoods in this area from 4 to 2;

-reduce the number of school sites from 5 to 4;

-increase the residential area by approximately 39 ha;

-increase the population by approximately 11,000 people;

-reconfigure storm ponds and school park sites;

-change the roadway circulation pattern; and

-provide policy for improved pedestrian linkages and urban design of key focal points.

  • The reduction in the number of neighbourhoods will result in a population of about 14,000 residents per neighbourhood. This is supported by Administration on the basis that 10,000 residents are required to support a neighbourhood elementary school.
  • The amendment to the ASP will result in a low to medium density ratio of 52% low density and 48% multi-family dwelling units.
  • The proposed low to medium density ratio exceeds Council’s approved guideline of 65% low density and 35% multi-family units. The guideline is currently under review by the Administrationand Council haveverbally expressed a desire for increased residential densities in new areas.
  • The ASP has responded to the requirements of the Asset Management and Public Works Department, Parkland Services Branch, to provide one public elementary/junior high school combined with a community league site in each neighbourhood.
  • The ASP has complied with a request from the separate school board to provide an elementary/junior high school site in an early phase of development, and to locate a SeparateHigh School on the DistrictPark site.
  • Parkland Services has required that a 19 ha DistrictPark site be provided in a central location, large enough to accommodate the separate high school and a District Recreation Centre.
  • The requirements and size of the school park sites, in combination with the requirement to accommodate a large district park site within West Lewis Farms, has effectively consumed the City’s total entitlement for Municipal Reserves within west Lewis Farms.
  • The location of the school park sites has been selected to provide some amenity in all parts of the ASP and to avoid locations in proximity to operatingoil and gas wells.
  • The “Inventory of Environmentally Sensitive and Significant Natural Areas” has identified three significant natural areas within the west portion of Lewis Farms, including the Winterburn Natural Area (NW7010), the 215Street Natural Area (NW7021) and the Hillview Natural Area (NW275).
  • The City already owns a portion of the largest area (Winterburn), and the ASP proposes to retain an additional portion of this area to be developed as a natural storm water facility.
  • The ASP does not propose retention of the other two areas, as Municipal Reserve allocation has been fully used to acquire school park sites and the district campus, and funds from the Natural Area fund have been completely allocated to other projects.
  • The ASP proposes to make the remaining natural areas available for purchase by the City, should the City be in position to purchase these areas prior to their development.The ASP also recognizes other potential optionsthat could be negotiated to retain these areas.
  • The proposed land use configuration includes a connected pattern of school park sites and stormwater ponds that will allow the development of a relatively continuous walkway connection throughout the west portion of the ASP.
  • The ASP proposes a major commercial development in the northwest corner of theSecord neighbourhood and provides the option for grade level commercial in the town centre.
  • The west Lewis Farms ASP includes 14 operating oil or gas well sites, including two battery sites, none of which contain sour gas.
  • The ASP proposes to meet all requirements of the Energy and Utilities Board (EUB) with regard to set backs and access to well site.
  • The ASP indicates that future development will comply with the City’s existing and future policy for the Integration of Resource Operations and Urban Development, which may require that any rezoning or subdivision adjacent to an active or suspended well site or pipeline be preceded with an assessment of risk, nuisance or liveability issues.
  • The ASP indicates that the Provincial requirement to provide a 300m set back distance between a reclaimed land fill and any residential land uses or eating and drinking establishments will be upheld, unless exempted by the Province.
  • The ASP has met the requirements of the Transportation Department and the utility agencies with respect to alignment of roadways, treatment along major arterials, access and configuration of land uses, pedestrian connections, and provision of water and sewer and storm infrastructure.

Public Consultation

  • A public meeting was held to discuss amendments to the MDP, the Lewis Farms ASP, and the Secord NSP on January 10, 2006.
  • A number of issues were raised regarding the provision of roadways in the east (unamended) portion of Lewis Farms
  • On November 29, 2006, a second meeting was held to address concerns raised at the initial meeting.
  • Notices were sent to all property owners within the Lewis Farms Area Structure Plan and 60 meters beyond (excepting those property owners in the County of Parkland).
  • The County of Parkland and the EnochNations were included in the administration’s circulation process.
  • Thirty-five people signed in at the second public meeting.
  • Generally, the public was concerned about having roadways built in time to accommodate growth in the area, but there were no outstanding issues or objections to the proposed ASP amendments.


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