Area of Need

Application Form

Area of Need Application Form

The Western Australian (WA) Department of Health’s (the Department) Area of Need (AoN) program enablespublic and private health service providersto meet gaps in service delivery by recruiting suitably qualified international medical graduates (IMGs)[1] to vacant positionswhile not disadvantaging an appropriately experienced Australian-qualified medical practitioner[2].

The AoN Application Form (the form) is for public and private health service providersseeking an AoN declaration for a specific medical service, in a specific location, for the purpose of employing an IMG.

The form is designed to assist the Department in assessing applications against the following criteria:

  • Evidence of a vacant position
  • Evidence of labour market testing (LMT)
  • Evidence of need

It is recommended that applicants refer to the relevant section of theDepartment’s Area of Need Application Guidelineswhen completing this form. (Guidelines are available from

Type of request
1.1 / Is this application to maintain the employment of IMG/suntil achievement of Australian qualifications? / Yes
1.2 / Is this application to employadditionalIMGs? / Yes
Please note:To recruit additional IMGs clear evidence of LMT is required to ensure that no suitable Australian-qualified medical practitioners applied or were able to be recruited prior to applying for an AoN determination. It is recommended to allow approximately six to eight weeks for the recruitment process to occur prior to submitting the AoN application.
Determination details
2.1 / Type of request / General Medical Services (General Practitioner)
Specialist Medical Services, please provide name of medical specialty:……………………………………………………………..
2.2 / Name of applying health service
2.3 / Principallocationoftheposition/s
2.4 / Name of City or Shire
2.5 / Secondary/rotation location/s
If applicable
2.6 / Nearest hospital/health campus
AoN determination history
3.1 / Is there an AoN determination currently in place? / No. Go to question 3.
Yes. If so, please provide the details below.
3.2 / Current determination number
3.3 / Current determination title
3.4 / Expiry date
4. / Details of currently employed IMG/s
4.1 / Name
4.2 / Medical Registration Number
4.3 / Qualification IMG is working towards (i.e: general/specialist/provisional registration or college fellowship)
4.4 / Month and year IMG is expected to achieve qualification
4.5 / Registration expiry date
4.6 / Location/s of practice
Please provide details for each IMG
5. / Evidence of a vacant position/s
5.1 / Position Title/s
5.2 / Required support documentation:
  • Copy of Job Description/s

6. / Evidence of labour market testing
AoN applications require clear evidence of LMT to ensure that no suitable Australian-qualified medical practitioners applied or were able to be recruited prior to applying for an AoN.
We encourage you to send your draft adverts to ior to advertising to ensure they meet the minimum requirements.
The minimum requirements for LMT include:
  • Advertised on three separate forums at both state and national level (One forum must be the relevant medical college)
  • Advertising for a minimum period of four consecutive weeks in the last six months (please provide copies of advertisements [and payment invoices if necessary] which confirm the duration of advertising)
  • You are advised to include location(s), vacant position, hours of work, and primary tasks undertaken.


6.1 / Advertising history
Where advertised / Publication and closing dates of advertisement
Relevant Medical College:
(Please note: this is a pre-requisite)
Required support documentation:
  • Copies of advertisements andevidence of duration of advertising must be provided

6.2 / Recruitment outcomes (Please do not identify individuals by name)
For each position include the following details:
Applications received / Interviews
Total number of applicants:_____
Australian-qualified: _____
IMG/s: _____ / Number of applicants interviewed: _____
Australian-qualified: _____
IMG/s: _____
Number of applications withdrawn / Number of successful applicants
Applications withdrawn :_____
Australian-qualified : _____
IMG/s: _____ / Number of successful applicants : _____
Australian-qualified: _____
IMG/s: _____
7. / Evidence of need
7.1 / Population information (please list the source of information, where applicable)
Population of suburb/s
Population of City/Shire Local Government Authority
7.2 / Health Service information
Trading hours and days
Number of medical practitioners currently employed:
Full time
Part time
Number of medical practitionerscurrently employed:
Patient waitlists
Wait times for patients to get an appointment? Are new patients turned away?
Catchment Area
Which surrounding suburbs do patients travel from to access thehealth service?
Patient profile
E.g. Age, ethnicity, special needs groups etc
7.3 / Impact on service delivery if AoN is not declared
7.4 / District of Workforce Shortage (DWS) status
Is the position located in a DWS? / Yes
Metropolitan Areas Layer
Is the health service location considered Outer or Inner Metropolitan? / Outer
Required support documentation:
  • General medical services (GP) only: a printout of the DoctorConnect map
  • Specialist medical services only: a printout of the DoctorConnect map OR a copy of an email from the Australian Government Department of Health ()

8. / Confirmation of stakeholder support, if available
8.1 / Applicants may provide relevant information to support the application.
Support documentation:
  • Letters of support may be provided by an organisation with a service contract with the health service provider or a specific knowledge of the medical workforce needs of the location to strengthen the application.
  • All general medical services (GP) rural applications must be supported by a letter from Rural Health West

  1. Contact details for application purposes



  1. Employer declaration

I confirm that the information provided above was true and correct at the time of completion.
Chief Executive
Position Title

The completeapplication, includingrelevant supporting documentation should be emailed to or sent to:

Medical Workforce Branch

Department of Health

Level 2, C Block

189 Royal Street

East Perth, WA 6004

If further information is required, please contact Medical Workforce Branchon (08)9222 2476.

AoN application checklist
The application form is complete and has been signedby authorising officer (e.g.,Chief Executive/Practice Manager).
Evidence of a vacant position has been provided:
  • Job Description Form is attached
Evidence of labour market testing has been provided:
  • Copies of advertisements and proof of advertising date and duration are attached.
  • The advertisements meet minimum requirements relating to timing, duration, location and content.
  • Recruitment outcomes are specified, and written evidence is attached if an Australian-qualified medical practitioner was offered the position and withdrew their application.
Evidence of need has been provided:
  • Relevant information and statistics have been included with references, as required.


This document can be made available in alternative formats
on request for a person with a disability.

© Department of Health 2017

Copyright to this material is vested in the State of Western Australia unless otherwise indicated. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced or re-used for any purposes whatsoever without written permission of the State of Western Australia.

[1]A medical practitioner who obtained their primary medical qualification outside an accredited Australian medical school or competent authority country and is applying for registration with the Medical Board of Australia.

[2]A medical practitioner whose training has been recognised by the appropriate Australian medical specialty college, and has general and/or specialist registration with the Medical Board of Australia, or a medical practitioner with provisional registration with the Medical Board of Australia via the competent authority pathway.