Adult drug treatment plan 2010/11
Part 3: Planning grids
Planning grid 1: Commissioning a local drug treatment system
Identification of key priorities following needs assessment relating to commissioning system:
1. Data Quality and systems management-Q1 data to meet data quality and completion targets and accepted by CQC
2. Use of TOPS to inform commissioning activity (reporting meets 80% compliance target) and reduce inequalities in accessing and engaging in effective treatment
3. Outcome based Contracts and service specifications incentivising improvements
4 Workforce development in support of system improvements identified as being required through delivery of Tier 1 &3 training programme, implementation of DIP review and toolkit, ‘Think Family’ toolkit and plan to address issues identified trough the ORC survey
5. Model possible future commissioning plans to reduce investment where costs are higher than average
6. Maintain effective commissioning & management infrastructure
7. Continue to lead commissioning of drug and alcohol treatment, involving and engaging stakeholders to maintain the effective delivery of:
-Harm Reduction Strategy
-Drug Related Death Plan
- Clinical Governance
- Criminal Justice Outcomes Group
- Service Re-deign
-Treatment Task Groups
- Pharmacy and Prescribing Forum
-Needs Assessment Expert Group and process
- Medical Management Group
- Information and communications through service directory and DAAT website and DAAT working groups
8. Ensure Safeguarding requirements are integrated into DAAT commissioning and treatment issues are integrated into Safeguarding processes.
Objective 1 Data Quality and systems management-Q1 data to meet data quality and completion targets and accepted by CQC
Delivery Plan:
Actions and milestones / By when / By whomECMS implementation group meets fortnightly to monitor and evaluate progress against plan (established 0910) and identify actions to improve data quality and migration of data. / Continuous / JCM & DAAT Co-ordinator
Monthly review and report to JCG / April 2010 onwards / JCM
Data accepted by CQC / July 2010 / JCM
Expected outcomes:
Data quality reaches minimum of x quality and completeness and accepted by CQC, providing accurate information for performance review, contract compliance, Outcomes monitoring and needs assessment.
Objective 2 Demonstrating improved outcomes - Use of TOP information to inform commissioning activity (reporting meets 80% compliance target)
Delivery Plan:
Actions and milestones / By when / By whomDAAT Top improvement plan is monitored through Data Quality Forum (identifying steps to continuous improvement) / Quarterly / JCM/DQF
Agencies submit TOP action plans on a monthly basis / End of each month / Agency Managers to JCM
ISDG and JCG receive TOP reports and consider against needs assessment, commissioning plans and contract reviews / Quarterly / JCM & JCG Chair
Baseline in TOP information established / Q1 / JCM & JCG Chair
Targets for improvement against 4 TOP domains identifies, including breakdowns against people identified as possibly not receiving equitable access to provision, including BME people, LGBT, young adults and people, particularly women, in the criminal justice system / November (following half yeardata) / JCG
Improvements meet targets / Q4 data / Service Managers
TOP information is used as part of service reviews, needs assessment process and Re-design process / Quarterly data to each group / JCM
Expected outcomes:
80% compliance at start, review and exit TOP stages
Outcome-focussed performance review and commissioning
Objective 3 Outcome based Contracts and service specifications incentivising improvements
Delivery Plan:
Actions and milestones / By when / By whomContracts and specifications include health, social care, criminal justice and re-integration outcomes required and incentives to improvement.
Areas for improvement and increased provision identified in needs assessment and commissioning priorities are incorporated into specifications (see attached list) / April 2010 / JCM/JCG
Development of new initiatives monitored through Re-design Group with progress reported to ISDG & JCG / Monthly Re-design
Quarterly ISDG / JCM
Performance against outcomes reviewed through quarterly performance data and Half year Reviews (with incentives and improvement plans as required) / JCG / JCM & JCG Chair
Expected outcomes:
Engaging number of DIP referrals into effective treatment to at least the national average from the current low baseline position.
All new referrals into treatment to be offered Hep vaccination.
Improvements across 4 outcome domains
Objective 4 Workforce development in support of system improvements identified as being required through delivery of Tier 1 &3 training programme and plan to address issues identified trough the ORC survey
Delivery Plan:
Actions and milestones / By when / By whom1. Tier 1 Training programme to facilitate access to and engagement in effective treatment for parents who are PDUs, criminal justice referrals, support PDUs in employment and housing and in support of the Naloxone initiative. Quarterly programme delivering to 25 professionals per quarter targeting 25 employment and 75 housing staff. / Continuing programme, reporting quarterly to JCG / SI Lead/JCM
2. Tier 3 Training programme to include:
ITEP tools to increase the range of effective psychosocial intervention tools available
Family Interventions – ‘ThinkFamily’ toolkit
DIP toolkit
Employment and training Initiatives
And be informed by findings of ORC survey / Continuing programme, reporting quarterly to JCG / SI Lead/JCM
3. Overdose preventions and basic life support training for service users and carers delivered once per quarter in each locality to a minimum of 12 service users and carers. / Continuing programme, reporting quarterly to JCG / SI Lead/JCM
4. All staff in DAAT-commissioned services to have completed Safeguarding training. and report to service reviews, JCG and LSCB. / October 2010. / JCM/DAAT Co-odinator
5. All providers required to have system of retraining every two years, and of demonstrating compliance, SLA and Half year review / October 2010 / JCM
Expected outcomes:
Engagement of PDUs who are parents in effective treatment
Further Reduction in drug related deaths
Safeguarding and improving the health and wellbeing of the children of drug using parents
Improved health, crime, social, housing and ETE outcomes for service users and their families
Objective 5. Model possible future commissioning plans to reduce investment where unit costs are higher than average against national benchmarks
Delivery Plan:
Actions and milestones / By when / By whomIdentify and explore commissioning options, making a decision about future plan / September 2010 / JCG
Expected outcomes:
Increase the return for reduced financial investment
Services provide best value for money and meet the benchmark in unit costs
Objective 6. Maintain effective commissioning & management infrastructure
Delivery Plan:
Actions and milestones / By when / By whomDelivering needs assessment, commissioning plans, monitoring and reporting progress against plans, contracting services, contract reviews and performance management, re-design, social inclusion, training, ITEP, clinical governance, contracting, financial management and service improvement.
Communicating achievements and successes. / Half Year Review / JCG
Expected outcomes:
Needs-led and outcome focussed commissioning.
Delivering treatment closer to home and commissioning plans to targets.
Promoting a culture of service improvement.
Objective 7 Continue to lead commissioning of drug and alcohol treatment, involving and engaging all stakeholders, sustaining gains to date, to maintain and improve effective delivery of strategic objectives, including public health and community safety.
Delivery Plan:
Actions and milestones / By when / By whomReview DAAT processes and governance.
Include a recovery and outcome focus in the terms of reference for each DAAT group and process (specifically needs assessment, commissioning group, Re-design, Governance. CJOG and Task Groups) / October 2010
Expected outcomes:
DAAT commissioning embedded in new LSP structures.
Community engagement into drug and alcohol agenda
Clear governance processes
Improved LSP ownership of drug and alcohol commissioning
Delivering improved outcomes for treatment, recovery and re-integration
Plans better reflect the ambitions of service users, families and affected others
Objective 8 Safeguarding Children - Ensure Safeguarding requirements are integrated into DAAT commissioning and treatment issues are integrated into Safeguarding processes to improve the health and wellbeing of children of parents who use drugs.
Delivery Plan:
Actions and milestones / By when / By whom1. Treatment service protocols, pathways, information sharing and confidentiality agreements are approved by LSCB / April 2010 / DAAT Co-ordinator/LSCB Chair
2. Audit of staff training (see above)
3. DAAT Safeguarding Plan approved by DAAT JCG, DAAT Board and LSCB. Progress against plan reports to JCG and LSCB. Formalise the reporting arrangements between the DAAT and LSCB through the DAAT Co-ordinator, who is a member of the LSCB. Regular reports on agenda / Quarterly / DAAT Co-ordinator/LSCB Chair
4. Findings and recommendations from the ‘Hidden Harm’ pilot are considered as part of the needs assessment process and inform commissioning plans for 2011/12. / September, 2010 / HH Lead, Needs Expert Group and JCG
Expected outcomes:
A comprehensive and effective multi-agency approach to safeguarding children and improving the health and wellbeing of children of drug using parents.
Planning grid 2: Access and engagement with the drug treatment system
Please see checklist at Appendix 1 of the 2010/11 plan guidance for possible areas to include within this planning grid
Identification of key priorities following needs assessment relating to access and engagement with the drug treatment system:
1. Increase open access provision with a focus upon improving access to, engagement with and the outcomes of treatment.
2. BBVs – increase rates of Hepatitis B vaccination through interventions in Tier 2 services
3. Review delivery of services in full compliance with the Human Rights Act and covering the 6 strands of equality legislation.
4. Re-tender DIP service to increase capacity available to courts and custody suites
Note: Please cut and paste the objective, actions and milestones boxes, and number objectives to allow for the full range of objectives required for the plan.
Objective 1. Increase open access provision with a focus upon improving access to, engagement with and the outcomes of treatment.
Actions and milestones / By when / By whomIncorporate requirements into specifications for all services
- Family Support
- Mutual Aid and promoting access to advocacy
- Outreach to engage underserved groups and people who dropout
- Stimulant initiative
- Relapse prevention and aftercare programme
- Engagement of DIP referrals, employment service referrals, families and people leaving structured treatment
Developing a monitoring system for brief interventions / Jan 09 / JCM
Maintain the level of homeless PDUs engaging in treatment through the transfer of procurement of the Outreach service to Supporting People / Review at Half year point and through needs assessment process / JCG and Needs Expert Group
Develop screening, assessment and referral processes that better meet the needs of gypsies and travellers / Q1 / Re-design group
Through grant from Migrant Workers Forum, establish means of increasing access and engagement in treatment for migrant workers and successful recovery and outcomes. / October 2010 / SI lead, Needs Expert Group and Re-design
Through CASE studentship, explore the needs of rural sex workers who use drugs / October 2010 / Needs Expert Group
In further consultation with the LGBT network, identifying means of increasing access for LGBT PDUs / June, 2010 / SI lead
Explore needs amongst BME groups and make proposals to increase the accessibility of treatment for PDUs from different ethnicities / October, 2010 / SI lead
Each Locality Team to make a Recovery, re-integration and treatment plan appropriate to the needs of the population in their area. / Q2 / Re-design/JCM
Expected outcomes:
Sustain planned discharge rates within upper quartile nationally
Improve levels of engagement of DIP referrals to at least national average
Increase in Job Centre referrals engaging in treatment
Increase engagement of gypsies and travellers.
Objective 2. BBVs – increase rates of Hepatitis B vaccination through interventions in Tier 2 services
Delivery Plan:
Actions and milestones / By when / By whomReview findings from pilot in West Cornwall implement recommendations for service improvement that result in improvements in take up and completion of Hepatitis B vaccination / Q2 / Re-design Group
Expected outcomes:
Increase in Hepatitis B vaccination and completion rates
Objective 3 Review delivery of services in full compliance with the Human Rights Act and covering the 6 strands of equality legislation.
Delivery Plan:
Actions and milestones / By when / By whomDraft compliance schedule / April / JCM
Consult key stakeholders re:monitoring process and involvement in review / June 2010 / JCM/SI Lead
Review compliance against schedule / October 2010 / JCM/CUF lead/SI lead/representatives of diverse strands
Report to JCG / November 2010 / JCM/SI lead
Any actions agreed as a result of review / November 2010 / JCG/JCM/SI lead
Promote outcomes of reviews with equality representation groups / December 2010 / DAAT staff, CUF and provider leads
Expected outcomes:
Increased accessibility of treatment amongst diverse and underserved groups.
Objective 4. Re-tender DIP service to increase capacity available to courts and custody suites
Delivery Plan:
Actions and milestones / By when / By whomSpecification agreed / February 2010 / CJOG
Tender published / February 2010 / JCM/DAAT Co-ordinator
Contracted awarded / April 2010 / JCG
Expected outcomes:
Increased engagement of DIP referrals and DRR commencements commensurate to at least the national average.
Planning grid 3: Retention in and effectiveness of the drug treatment system
Please see checklist at Appendix 1 of the 2010/11 plan guidance for possible areas to include within this planning grid
Identification of key priorities following needs assessment relating to retention in and effectiveness of the drug treatment system:
1. Increase the capacity of structured treatment to meet the new demands of IDTS referrals, DIP engagement and transition of young adults from Young Peoples’ services by 95 places in Tier 3 and 48 in Tier 4 services
2. Increase the numbers receiving treatment in primary care services (LES and GPwSI) from 60 -70%
3. Deliver individualised treatment packages through introduction of a care co-ordination system across different providers and treatment domains.
4. Care planning facilitates progress through treatment and outcomes.
5. Continue to improve the quality, safety and effectiveness of treatment through a robust system of clinical governance
6. Increase immunisation rates of Hepatitis B for those in structured treatment