President……………..Knarig Khatchadurian-Meyer
President Elect……….Michael Lanni
Vice President………..Evan Ardelle
Secretary……………...Henry Ingrassia
Treasurer……………..Joe Shannon
Sergeant at Arms……...Robert Freudenrich


2014: David Whitlock, Harry Green, Michael Lanni, John E. Clark, Jr.,
Lynn Van Adder
2015: Rick Claydon, Gerald Kallman, Philip Wilson
The Four Way Test
1. Is it the Truth?
2. Is it Fair to All Concerned?
3. Will it Build Good Will & Better Friendships?
4. Will it be Beneficial to All Concerned?
Make-Up Clubs in our Area
Note: Club Name/Restaurant Tel.# listed for each Club
Allendale Sunrise, Nosher-Rye,51 W Allendale Ave, 201-995-1204 8AM (W)
BergHigh/Ramsey,Houlihan’s, 706 Rt. No17,201-995-9333 12:15pm(M)
Fairlawn Sunrise, Panera,20-02 Fairlawn Av, 201-794-7290-7:30am(T)
Fairlawn, 14-19 Parmelee Av, Fairlawn, 201-796-4553 – 12:15 PM (Th)
Englewood,AssemblyRest,495Sylvan Av, Englwd Cliffs 201-568-2616-12:15pm (T)
Hackensack,Hilton, 650 Terrace Av, Hasb. Hghts, 201-967-5617-12:15 pm (Th)
Hawthorne, Stephen’s Chalet-233-235 Diamond Bridge Av,Haw.973-423-5992-12:15 (W)
Northern Valley, Taste of Spain,493 Tappan Rd, Northvale,201-797-8904
1st (W) 6:00 PM, every other (w) 12:15
Oakland/FrankLks,Portobello,155RamapoVal.Rd,201-337-8990-6:30pm (T)
OradellAM,United Water Bldg,700KinderkamackRd,7:30AM(W)
Paramus Sunrise, 65 W. Century Rd, Paramus, 8:00 AM (T)
Paramus PM, Seasons, Wash. Twp,201-646-6141-12:15 pm(Th)
Paramus-Bergen, BergenCommunity College, Paramus, 2:00 PM (W)
Park Ridge, Courtyard by Marriott, Montvale, 201-666-8688-12:15(F)
RidgewoodAM,Fratelli,119 E.Rwd Ave,201-447-9377-7:30am(Th)
Rwd Sunset, Bonefish, 601 From Road, Paramus201-261-2355 6:15(W)
River Edge, Lieto Italia Ristorante,203 Main St, New Milford,201-265-0515-12:15(T)
Rochelle Park, Nanni Rest., 53 W. Passaic St,201-843-1250-12:15(T)
Rutherford, San Carlo, 620 Stuyvesant, Lynd,201-933-3400-12:15(F)
Tenafly, Clinton Inn, 145 Dean St,201-871-3200-12:15 pm (Th)
Wyckoff/MidlandPk,Brickhouse,179Godwin,Wyk 201-848-1211-7:30am(Th)

International and District 7490 Officers 2012-2013

President-Rotary International – Sakuji Tanaka
District Governor – Bonnie F Sirower
District Governor Elect: Len Agrusti
Ass’t. Governor – Gordon Geiger tel: 973-956-8860
Newsletter: Bob Allison tel: 201-261-0685
Make-Up Clubs
Note: Name/Tel.# of Secretary listed for each Club
BergHigh/Ramsey, SpruceStGrill,30NSpruce-Andrea-934-9595-12:15pm(M)
FairLawnSunrise,EmpressDiner,13-48RiverRd- Steven-447-7190-7:30am(T)
Clifton,Villa Romangna, 1014 Main St. Al-973-470-5763-12:15 pm (T)
Englewood, AssemblyRestaurant,EnglewdCliffs,Ken-569-5700-12:15 pm (T)
Fort Lee, Holiday Inn, 2339 Rt.4 East Jerry-346-4013-12:15pm(T)
Oakland, Portobello Rest, RamapoValley Rd-Tom-914-359-7500-6:30pm (T)
Oradell AM, Sony, 630 Kinderkamack Rd. Bill-986-3111-7:30 am (W)
Hawthorne, Rivera’s, 6-18 Maple, Fair Lawn Vic-973-423-9283-12:15 (W)
Rochelle Park, Nanni Rest., 53 W. Passaic St. Kevin-712-0207-12:15(W)
Teaneck,VitalesTrattoria,293QueenAnneRd. Stephanie-343-5001-12:15(W)
Wyckoff/MidlandPark, Brickhouse, 179Godwin, Bob-445-0100-7:30am(Th)
Ridgewood AM, Fratelli, 119 E.Rwd Ave. Anne-445-5575-7:30am(Th)
Hackensack, Waterloo Sues, 774 Main St. Bob-646-4179-12:15 pm (Th)
Tenafly, Clinton Inn, 145 Dean St. Steve-568-7809-12:15 pm (Th)
Paramus PM, Seasons Cafe, Wash. Twp. Bob-261-1576-12:15 pm (Th)
Rutherford, San Carlo, 620 Stuyvesant, Lynd. Bill-933-3333-7:30 am (F)
Park Ridge, WoodcliffLakeHilton, Montvale Steve-666-8400-12:15 pm (F)

International and District 7490 Officers 2000-01

President-Rotary International – Bhichai Rattakul
District Governor – Peter Lefkowitz Tel: 973-839-1400
District Secretary – Judy Montgomery
District Rep – / Ridgewood Rotary Club
PO Box 342
Ridgewood, NJ07450 /
(Serving Ridgewood, Glen Rock, and Ho-Ho-Kus)
Charter Date: March 15, 1924
President: Knarig Khatchadurian-Meyer
July 2, 2013
Dr. Neil Thoman–
“Recognition of Perfect Attendance”
Club Website:
District Website: