UMC Canine PRA researchBreed: ______
Individual Dog Information
Blood – Tissue – other ______Previously sampled - or - New sample?
Registered Name ______Call name ______
Reg# ______Birth Date ______Sex? M – F Neutered/Spayed? Y – N
Sample Submission Date: ______Color ______
Sample submitted for which research project? ____ PRA______
Owner: name ______breeder’s name ______
address ______address ______
phone (day) ______phone ______
phone (eve) ______
e-mail ______e-mail ______
Does this dog exhibit any of the following conditions? (Please attach history for any Yes answer)
Y - NAllergiesY - NDigestive difficulties
Y - NArthritisY - N Heart Problems
Y - NAutoimmune DisordersY - N Hernia (where? ______)
Y - NBite or Tooth AbnormalitiesY - N Reproductive Problems
Y - NCancer / TumorsY - N Seizures
Y - NCataracts / Vision ProblemsY - N Skin / Coat Problems
Y - NDeafness / Hearing ImpairedY - N Skeletal Abnormalities (Hip Dysplasia, etc.)
other (please list):Y - NTemperament Problems (shy, aggressive, etc.)
Testing done on this dog:
CERFY - N (If “Y”, please list all dates tested and results – use back of page if needed)
date:______result:______CERF #______
date:______result:______CERF #______
date:______result:______CERF #______
date:______result:______CERF #______
OFA/PennHip Y - Nage at test: ______result:______#______
ThyroidY - N age last tested:______result:______
other (please list):
See following pages for PRA-specific questions – please complete for ALL sampled dogs.
Please circle your response to the following;
- I am / am not willing to provide additional blood samples if needed for research.
- I will / will not consider donation of a tissue sample upon the death of this dog, and will discuss this decision with my veterinarian so that a notation is placed in my file.
I submit this sample and pedigree for the purpose of DNA research; I understand that the identity of dogs and owners participating in the research will not be revealed; and I have supplied complete and accurate information, to the best of my knowledge.
Signed: ______date ______
Canine PRA-specific Questionaire
Has this dog been diagnosed as affected with Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)?
YesNo(If yes, please include copy of exam report)
Answer the following questions only if you answered “Yes” to the above question:
- Who made the diagnosis of PRA in this dog? (check all that apply)
□ My regular veterinarian
□ A veterinary ophthalmologist
(please list the ophthalmologist ______)
□ Other (please explain) ______
- At what age was visual impairment first noticed? ______
- Was the onset of visual impairment sudden or gradual? ______
- How old was your dog when PRA was diagnosed? ______
- How was the diagnosis made? (check all that apply)
□ History and physical examination
□ Maze-testing
□ Electroretinogram (ERG)
Have any relatives of this dog been diagnosed with PRA?YesNo Don’t Know
If yes, which relatives?Sire Dam Sibling Offspring Other ______
Paternal GrandsirePaternal Grand-damMaternal GrandsireMaternal Grand-dam
When is the best time to reach you by phone? ______
Veterinary Contact Information
Primary CareOphthalmologist
Vet Name ______Name ______
Clinic Name ______Clinic Name ______
Address ______Address ______
City,St,Zip ______City,St,Zip ______
Phone # ______Phone # ______
May we have your permission to contact your veterinarians to request records and discuss your dog’s health history, diagnostic testing, and possible treatment options? Yes No
Signed: ______date: ______
Compare this dog’s current physical activity to its earlier activity and ability. Please circle the correct answer.
If you need additional space to describe changes, please use back of form or attach additional pages.
Normal - or - Degree of ChangeDescribe Changes
- Bumps into objects, clumsynormal mild moderate severe______
- Climbing up or down stairsnormal mild moderate severe______
- Ability to see during the daynormal mild moderate severe______
- Ability to see at night in dim lightnormal mild moderate severe______
- Ability to see moving objectsnormal mild moderate severe______
- Ability to see stationary objectsnormal mild moderate severe______
- Ability to see near objectsnormal mild moderate severe______
- Ability to see far away objectsnormal mild moderate severe______
- Tremors or shakingnormal mild moderate severe______
- Head movementsnormal mild moderate severe______
- Circling, trance, or compulsive behaviornormal mild moderate severe______
- Inappropriate or persistent vocalizationnormal mild moderate severe______
- Appears nervousnormal mild moderate severe______
- Housetrainingnormal mild moderate severe______
- Change in appetitenormal increase decrease ______
- Change in water consumptionnormal increase decrease______
Please describe any other health problems or behavioral abnormalities (use back of page if needed): ______