League of Women Voters of Greater Omaha
Board Meeting Minutes
115 South 49th Avenue, Omaha, NE 68132
Thursday, January 11, 2018, Noon
Executive CommitteeAnn Chalson, President
Anne Starr, Treasurer
Molly Scott, Secretary
Elaine Johnson, Immediate Past President
Directors Linda Duckworth, Membership
Alex Garrison, Membership
Geri Simon, Communications
Maryanne Rouse, Voter Services
Peggy Adair, Public Policy
Others Annette Conser, Nominating Committee
Susan James, Office Administration
Bev Traub, Member
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Ann Chalson at 12:05 pm.
Previous Meeting Minutes: The approval of previous meeting minutes will be delayed until the next meeting. Elaine Johnson will distribute them.
Appointment of Readers: Elaine Johnson and Maryanne Rouse
President’s Report by Ann Chalson:
- Upcoming Events:
- Meet the League at Urban Abbey on 1/17
- Women’s March on the Polls on 1/20
- A non-partisan event focusing on voter engagement and registration
- Headed up by Andrea Talbot
- We should be LWVGO banners!
- Nominal funds thus far
- Deputy Registrar Training at Urban Abbey on 1/23
- Juvenile Justice Forum at UNO/CEC 3/22 from 7-9
- Democratic Primary debate at the Omaha Press Club on 4/19 from 11:30 – 1pm; WOWT will be there
- Legislative Day at the State Capital on 2/20 at 8:30am in room 1023
- Burke Harr will be the luncheon speaker
- If you register, please be sure to include your district # so they can place you accordingly
- Friday 2/9 is the deadline to register; about 64 people max
- $30 for the day / $20 lunch only / $10 morning only
- No update on the 100th Anniversary plans thus far
- The board will have a trial change of the board meeting time and day of the week for the next two months; the next two meetings will be held on Wednesdays, 2/7 and 3/7 at 5pm.
- Ann will get with Rebecca regarding policy, bylaws, and program updates
Treasurer’s Report by Lynne Anderson:
- Anne does not have the report from Lynne yet, but does not believe finances have changed significantly since last month
- The audit report has been received with a satisfactory evaluation, with a few recommendations
Public Policy by Peggy Adair:
- Bills are being prioritized
- See attached report submitted by Peggy
Voter Services by Maryanne Rouse:
- Photos are being requested by Geri Simon, so they can be posted to our various social media sites, from the events we attend (such as Naturalization Ceremonies and the Women’s March)
Membership Recruitment and Retention Report by Alex Garrison:
- Work continues on membership renewals
- Alex also spoke about upcoming events of interest to the League
Communications by Geri Simon:
- See attached report submitted by Geri
Community Relations by Mary Jo Barbush-Weiss:
- Mary Jo is ill; nothing to report this month
Current Business:
- Kathy Dewell is still committed to creating the Voters guide
- News from the Office Administrator:
- The deadline for newsletter entries will be the 15th of every month
- Gsuite (a Google product) allows for an unlimited amount of email recipients and it’s free for non-profit organizations
- Per Annette, the nominating committee has filled 80% of its slots – great news
New Business:
- The league is delighted that the grant has been renewed for the Office Administrator position
- Elaine is re-tooling the Office Administrator job description and has asked that all of us respond to her questionnaire
- The League would like to note in the minutes our sincere appreciation to Susan James for doing a wonderful job fulfilling the role of the Office Administrator and offer our congratulations on her job renewal. Thank you, Susan!
- It was suggested to get our own (free) conference call dial-in # set up so that people can call in to meetings remotely if they are unable to come to the office.
After a discussion about the Women’s March on the Polls (on Saturday, January 20, 2018 at 1pm starting at Gene Leahy mall), their low funds, and the fact that the focus this year is on voter engagement and registration, a motion was made to donate $50.00 to the Omaha Women’s March on the Polls by Geri Simon, it was seconded by Elaine Johnson, and without objections, the motion passed. Molly Scott sent an email to Anne Starr for the donation request, including the mailing address:
Ally Mentoring f.b.o. Omaha Women's March
PO Box 31192
Omaha, NE 68131-0192
The meeting was adjourned at 1:20pm.
Next Meeting: Wednesday February 7 at 5:00pm (note new day of week and time)
Molly Scott,Secretary / Ann Chalson, President______/ ______
The minutes of the Thursday, January 11, 2018 meeting are approved.
Elaine Johnson / Maryanne Rouse______