I. List of items used in the analyses.
Note. All scales ranging from 1 = ‘strongly disagree’ to 6 = ‘strongly agree’.
Connectedness to nature scale (see Mayer & Frantz, 2004)
- I often feel a sense of oneness with the natural world around me.
- I often feel disconnected from nature.
- I have a deep understanding of how my actions affect the natural world.
- I think of the natural world as a community to which I belong.
- When I think of my life, I imagine myself to be part of a larger cyclical process of living.
- When I think of my place on Earth, I consider myself to be a top member of a hierarchy that exists in nature.
- I often feel a kinship with animals and plants.
- I feel as though I belong to the Earth as equally as it belongs to me.
- I often feel part of the web of life.
- I feel that all inhabitants of Earth, human, and nonhuman, share a common ‘life force’.
Emotional reactions
Please think of the environmental damages you just read about when completing the following questions.
- I feel guilt when thinking about the environmental risks I just read about.
- Facing the depicted situation, I feel ashamed.
- I feel anger when thinking about this situation.
- The depicted circumstances sadden me.
- When thinking about the depicted risks, I feel pride.
- The mentioned risks do not affect me emotionally.
Behavioral intentions (see Böhm & Pfister, 2000)
With regard to the situation I just read about,...
- ... I would like to forget everything as soon as possible.
- ... I would sign a petition so that the situation or potential damage gets prevented.
- ... I would like to pour out my heart to a friend.
- ... I would donate money to an environmental organization acting on these issues.
- ... I would help mitigate the harm done.
- ... I would like to be aggressive towards the one who is responsible.
- ... I could cry.
- ... I would take part in a protest so the situation or potential damages are prevented.
- ... I would try to help to reduce or limit damage.
- ... I feel like yelling at the one who is responsible.
- ... I would like to run away.
II. Full factor analysis results of emotional reactions.
Item / Factor 1 / Factor 2I feel guilt when thinking about the environmental risks I just read about. / .971
Facing the depicted situation, I feel ashamed. / .738
I feel anger when thinking about this situation. / .530 / .366
The depicted circumstances sadden me. / .491 / .567
When thinking about the depicted risks, I feel pride.
(reverse-scored) / .531
The mentioned risks do not affect me emotionally.
(reverse-scored) / .769
Rotated sum of squared factor loadings / 35.616% / 22.203%
Note. Maximum likelihood extraction and varimax rotation were used. Loadings < .35 are not displayed