Fundraising Templates

…to build your team

Dear [Name]

I’m excited to announce I’ve stepped up to serve as a Team Captain for Cabin of Dreams to benefit Camp Virginia Jaycee. As a Team Captain, I’m building a team of fundraisers to raise $(insert goal). I need YOU on my team!

Just in case I haven’t told you about the camp, it’s a passion of mine. In 1969, founder Bill Robertson led a campaign to sell Apple Jelly and in ONE DAY the Virginia Jaycees raised $60,000 and Camp Virginia Jaycee was born. Camp Virginia Jaycee offers an outdoor educational and recreational experience for special needs children and adults. Many special needs families struggle with daily expenses and can’t afford the camp experience. That’s why I’m getting involved.

Will you join me? It’s real simple, follow the link to my fundraising page and join my team. Then, you create your own fundraising page and email your friends, family, coworkers – everyone and ask them to support you with a donation. Or, if you want to be a Team Captain that’s fine too – the more the merrier!

Here’s the link to my page: (insert firstgiving link)

Here’s the link with all the details and tools to participate in Cabin of Dreams:

On behalf of the campers, families, and Camp Virginia Jaycee, thank you in advance for your support.


[Your Name]

…to ask for donations

Dear [Name]

I need your help.

You may know that I’m a huge fan of Camp Virginia Jaycee. I’ve committed to raising $(goal) in our first annual Cabin of Dreams campaign. I hope that you might consider helping me by making a contribution at: [Your fundraising page link].

In 1969, founder Bill Robertson spearheaded Apple Jelly Sunday and raised $60,000 and Camp Virginia Jaycee was born. Camp Virginia Jaycee offers an outdoor educational and recreational experience for special needs children and adults. Today, our Cabin of Dreams campaign to fill the 8 cabins will require $112,000 for a one week session.

Many special needs family struggle with daily expenses and can’t afford the camp experience. I’m not a ‘fundraiser’ and asking for money isn’t something I normally do, but hundreds of us have volunteered to make this happen. I am hoping that you will help me raise $700 to fill at least one bed. Whatever you can afford is appreciated by not only me but by the family of each camper.

Please help me fulfill a dream by making a donation on my personal, secure fundraising page at: [Your fundraising page link]. If we each give up one night out this month, we can make fill a Cabin of Dreams!

On behalf of the campers, families, and Camp Virginia Jaycee, thank you in advance for your support.


[Your Name]

to thank supporters

Dear [Name]

Thank you so much for your support!

With your help, we are one step closer to filling the Cabin of Dreams. As we fill each bed at the camp, a special needs family is changed forever. Dreams can come true when people care and come together to make it happen.

(insert your personal success or team success and how the funds that you raised will make a difference)

On behalf of the campers, families, and Camp Virginia Jaycee, thank you for your support.


[Your Name]