Please match the sentence to the correct attitude

  1. To thank everything that we have and receive everyday is the meaning of this virtue. What is it called?GRATITUDE
  2. I practice WISDOMwhen I can distinguish what is right from what is wrong.
  3. I practice GENEROSITYwhen I share my chocolate with my colleague; or I practice GENEROSITYwhen I let my friends play with my toys.
  4. I talk to my colleagues with KINDNESS; or I talk to my parents with KINDNESS
  5. I practice TOLERANCEwhen I see someone is having difficulty to finish their activity at school; or I practice my TOLERANCEwith elderly people.
  6. I practice FORGIVENESS When one person offends me but I decide not to take on revenge; or I practice FORGIVENESSwhen my little brother breaks my toy but I know he didn’t mean to it and forgive him.
  7. I am working on my RENOUNCEMENTwhen I want a new toy now, but I know I need to wait for the time my parents are able to buy; if it’s really necessary for me; or Jesus practiced RENOUNCEMENTfor our good, since He wants us, his brothers and sisters, to progress by learning from his teachings.
  8. To wait for our time and don't be angry when some things are late. What's the name of this virtue? Or I have PATIENCE with elderly people.
  9. To care and to like is part of a feeling that make life worthy. It is calledLOVE. I LOVEmy family, God, Jesus and the nature.
  10. I need to practice VIGILANCEin regards my thoughts and attitudes; or I need to work on my VIGILANCEnot to hurt anyone saying harsh words.
  11. I work with DEDICATION to enable me to study in and out of the spiritist centre; or If my mother asks my help, I will help her with DEDICATION
  12. Accepting a challenge or solving a problem. Who has this virtue does not fear the difficulties. What is it?COURAGE
  13. Who cares and helps those who are in need practices this virtue. What is it?CHARITY




Name: ______

Ativdade enviada por Carolina von Scharten, London

Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.