Personal Details
Title (Mr/Ms/Miss/Mrs)
First Name ……………………………….. Surname …………………………………………………
Certificate Name/Full Name ……………………………………………………………………………………..
Home Address
Tel No (including STD/Area Code)…………….……………………. Mobile.………………….………………
Primary Email Address......
Please ensure the email address you provide above is your most frequently used as all correspondence will go to this address
Firm Details
Firm Name …………………………….……………………………………………………………………………
Firm Address
Postcode………………….….. VAT Number (required if paying by invoice) ………………….…..………
Tel No (including STD/Area Code)…………………………….. Fax No ……………………………………….
E-Mail Address (required)………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Training Contract Details
Start Date of Training Contract:......
(Note that unless you are exempted by the Solicitors Regulation Authority you cannot undertake the PSC unless you are in a training contract).
Date of Admission as a Solicitor:......
Name of Training Partner:......
Date/Expected Date of Completion of LPC:……………………......
Please state who will be paying the fees:………………………......
Signature of fee payer:…………………………….………......
Special Requirements
Please state if you have any special needs/requirements for the examination or any course
Are you entitled to any exemptions by the Solicitors Regulation Authority? If yes, please give full details
If you think you might be eligible for exemptions from the Solicitors Regulation Authority the number to call is 0870 606 2555 (inside the UK), 09.00 to 17.00, Monday to Friday or visit their website at
Course Details
Core Modules
Please select your first and second choice of dates for each of the following core modules from the enclosed timetable.
First Choice Group / Second Choice GroupAdvocacy (3 days) / …………………….. / ……………………….
Client Care & Professional Standards *
(2 days) / …………………….. / ……………………….
Financial & Business Skills (3 days + exam) / …………………….. / ……………………….
Electives **
Please select your first six choices of electives and first and second choice of dates for each course. (Please note that you only have to complete 4 electives).
First Choice Group / Second Choice Group1. …………………………………………... / …………………….. / ……………………….
2. …………………………………………... / …………………….. / ……………………….
3. …………………………………………... / …………………….. / ……………………….
4. …………………………………………... / …………………….. / ……………………….
5. …………………………………………... / ……………………... / ……………………….
6. …………………………………………... / ……………………… / ……………………….
* The Client Care and Professional Standards module must not be completed until a trainee has served at least six months full time or full-time equivalent in a training contract.
** It is advisable that the Electives are undertaken once the Core Modules have been completed.
Terms & Conditions
1. Northumbria University Reserves the right to cancel or change any courses
2. This course is subject to validation by the Solicitors Regulation Authority and to a condition that minimum numbers are enrolled.
3. An administration charge of £25.00 will be levied for cancellation, unless written notice is received at least 6 weeks before the course (except in exceptional circumstances).
4. Lunch, travel & accommodation are not included in the price of the course.
5. The Client Care and Professional Standards module must not be completed until a trainee has served at least six months full time or full-time equivalent in a training contract.
6. Unless you are exempted by the Solicitors Regulation Authority you cannot undertake the PSC unless you are in a training contract
7. Full payment must be made before the course commences
I accept the terms and condition above.
Signature ……………………………………… Date……………………………………
Payment Details
The cost of the elements taken separately is Advocacy £450, Financial and Business Skills £375, Client Care and Professional Standards £275, all 3 core modules £950, Electives £150 (each), £450 (all 4).
A trainee who enrols for the whole course may pay the discounted price of £1,200. This is payable before the course begins.
£ I enclose a cheque for £ ………….. made payable to Northumbria University
£ Please invoice myself/my firm for £ ………….. once the booking form is received
(Please note invoices can only be raised in the amount of £500+ and can only be raised for full course fees or the package of all 3 core modules)
£ I wish to pay £ ………….. by Credit/Debit card
£ Visa £ MasterCard £ Switch
Card Number ………………………………………………………………………………..
Valid From ……………. Expiry Date …………… Issue No (Switch Only) …………..
3 Digit Security Number …......
Cardholder Name (as it appears on card) ………………………………………………..
Signed……………………………………………… Date …………………………………
£ I wish to pay online:
Follow the links on the left hand side to the Professional Skills Course page, followed by Professional Skills Course Online Booking.
Order reference number……………………..
Please return your completed form to:
Adam Suleiman
Enterprise Unit
Northumbria University
School of Law CCE1-419
Newcastle upon Tyne
Tel: (0191) 243 7587
Fax: (0191) 243 7506