Discussion Paper
ParentsNext National Expansion

Frequently Asked Questions

Updated 26 October 2017

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Commonwealth of Australia 2017
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Discussion Paper ParentsNext National Expansion FAQsPage | 1


Date / Comments
12 September 2017 / Initial Release
28 September 2017 / Added questions from Consultation Sessions.
26 October 2017 / Added questions 2.18, 2.19 and 2.20 from the final Consultation Session.

Table of Contents

1.Questions on Providing Feedback

2.General Questions

Discussion Paper ParentsNext National Expansion FAQsPage | 1

1.Questions on Providing Feedback

1.1What is the purpose of the Discussion Paper?[added 12 September 2017]

The Discussion Paper is an opportunity for you to provide the Department of Employment feedback to inform the design of the ParentsNextNational Expansion.

The Department welcomes any and all feedback on the Discussion Paper, but is particularly interested in:

  • gaining input that may improve the delivery and outcomes of the program
  • involving Indigenous communities in the design of ParentsNext, and
  • identifying any barriers to effective implementation of the national expansion of ParentsNext.

Feedback provided will contribute to the final design and implementation of the program.

1.2I want to provide feedback on the Discussion Paper. How do I do this?[added 12 September 2017]

Feedback can be provided in writing before 5.00pm (Canberra time),5 October 2017,by email to .

The Department will also hold consultation sessions in various locations across Australia in lateSeptember and early October 2017, and hold two consultation webinars. Information on the consultation sessions and webinarscan be found on the Employment Services PurchasingInformation website (

If you have a question about, or want to seek clarification on, the Discussion Paper,you can contact the Employment Services Purchasing Hotline on 1300 733 514(Monday to Friday, 9.00 am to 5.00 pm Canberratime) or email .

1.3What type of feedback is the Department looking for?[added 12 September 2017]

The Department has providedguiding questions in the Discussion Paper to help frame feedback. However, we welcome feedback on any matter relevant to the program’s design and implementation.

1.4Can I view responses to questions, or requests for clarification, from other stakeholders?[added 12 September 2017]

Responses to questions or requests for clarification may be published for the benefit of all interested stakeholders without identifying the source of the question or request for clarification. Please monitor the Employment Services Purchasing Information website( for updated information.

1.5Who is the Department seeking feedback from?[added 12 September 2017]

The Department invites feedback from all sectors of the Australian population—particularlyIndigenous and non-Indigenous parents and potential ParentsNext providers. Feedback provided will contribute to the final design and implementation of the program.

1.6Will feedback be published and can I comment on other people’s feedback?[added 12 September 2017]

The Department does not intend to publish written submissions.

There will be an opportunity to ask questions and to interact with other interested stakeholders at consultation sessions held across Australia in late September and early October 2017. Information on the consultation sessions can be found on the Employment Services Purchasing Information website (

1.7I am a current ParentsNext provider or employment services provider. Can I provide feedback?[added 12 September 2017]

ParentsNext providers and employment services providers are able to provide feedback by email or by attending a consultation session or webinar. Employment services providers can also provide feedback to their Account Manager before5.00 pm (Canberra time) on 5 October 2017.

1.8How do I register for the consultation sessions?[added 12 September 2017]

Register your interest to attend a consultation session or webinar online(

2.General Questions

2.1How does the ParentsNext Expansion differ from the current ParentsNext program?[added 12 September 2017]

ParentsNexthas operated in 10locations across Australia since April2016. To build upon the achievements of ParentsNext, the Government hasinvested $263million to expand ParentsNext nationally from 1July2018. Expanding the program will enable around 68,000parents to benefit annually.

There are a range of differences between the current ParentsNext program and the ParentsNext expansion. In general, these include the introduction of two streams of delivery with differing eligibility criteria and service offerings:

  • The targeted stream of the ParentsNextnational expansion is similar to the current ParentsNext program with some changes to eligibility.
  • The intensive stream of the ParentsNextnational expansion is more employment-focused. It will offer the same services as the current program, but also include access to Outcome Fees, a Participation Fund, Wage Subsidies and Relocation Assistance to Take up a Job.

Unlike the current program, the ParentsNextnational expansion isnot a grant program.

Please refer to the Discussion Paper for a detailed description of the ParentsNextnationalexpansion.

2.2What are the two streams being delivered in the ParentsNextnational expansion?[added 12 September 2017]

Intensive Stream

This stream provides a more intensive ParentsNext service in 30 locations—10where the program is currently delivered and a further 20 where there is a high proportion of Indigenous Parenting Payment recipients.

As the intensive stream caseloads will include a higher proportion of Indigenous parents,ParentsNext providers will be expected to deliver appropriately tailored assistance, including a high level of Indigenous community engagement for Indigenous parents.

Providers delivering services in the intensive stream will have access to additional support to help parents prepare for employment and gain employment. This will include:

  • funds to assist parents to pay for services such as mentoring, training, post-placement support, work-related assistance and non-vocational assistance
  • outcome payments when a parent completes an education course or gains sustainable employment, and
  • access to Wage Subsidies and Relocation Assistance to Take up a Job.

Providers will be eligible for education and/or employment outcome payments when a parent completes education courses or gains sustainable employment.

Targeted Stream

The targeted stream will provide parents of young children with all the key features of ParentsNext to improve their work readiness by the time their children start school.

This ParentsNextstream will be delivered to eligible disadvantaged parents with young children who live in the areas of the 51 Employment Regions which are not part of the intensive stream.

These parents will receive tailored assistance to identify education and employment goals, develop a pathway to reach those goals, and connect with services in their local community.

Providers servicing the targeted stream of ParentsNext will not have access to funds through the Participation Fund, outcome payments, Wage Subsidies or Relocation Assistance.

2.3What are the 30 intensive stream locations?[added 12 September 2017]

The 30 intensive stream locations are:

NSW:Bankstown*, Wyong*, Shellharbour*, Dubbo, Inner Sydney, Mid Coast, Orange, North Coast and Tamworth

NT:Darwin-Palmerston and Alice Springs

SA:Port Augusta & Whyalla, Playford* and Port Adelaide,

QLD:Cairns, Logan*, Rockhampton*, Toowoomba, Mackay and Townsville

WA:Kwinana*, Perth-South, Perth-East, Geraldton and Broome

Tas:Burnie* and Brighton

Vic:Greater Shepparton*, Hume* and Mildura.

*Denotes current 10locations.

2.4What are the targeted ParentsNext locations?[added 12 September 2017]

The targeted stream will be delivered in all 51 Employment Regions where the intensive steam is not operating. Additional information on Employment Regions can be found at Labour Market Information Portal(

2.5Who participates inParentsNext?[added 12 September 2017]

The eligibility criteria for ParentsNext will differ between the intensive stream and the targeted stream.

Compulsory participantsmusthave been receiving Parenting Payment for the last six months;had no earnings during this period;have a child aged under six years;as well as meet specific eligibility criteria.

Where a parent does not meet the compulsory eligibility criteria and resides in an intensive stream location, they may be able to enter the program voluntarily.

Please refer to the Discussion Paper for a more detailed description of eligibility criteria.

2.6What will happen to participants who are part of the current ParentsNext program?[added 12 September 2017]

All participants commenced in thecurrent programwill be transitioned to the new program, provided they are eligible.

The 10 locations that are part of the current program will form part of the intensive stream in the new program.

2.7What types of organisations will be eligible to apply to deliver the ParentsNext National Expansion?[added 12 September 2017]

The Department is seeking to engage organisations who can offer assistance to parents, including those who can service Indigenous parents. These organisations can be existing providers of employment services including, but not limited to, those that currently deliver ParentsNext, jobactive, Transition to Work, the Community Development Programme and Disability Employment Services; not-for-profit and for-profit organisations; and non-government organisations.

Further information on eligibility requirements will be included in the ParentsNextnational expansion Request for Proposal, once available.

2.8Is the Department looking for specialist Indigenous providers?[added 12 September 2017]

The Department will be looking for providersable to strongly engage with local and Indigenous communities and that demonstrate the capability to service the specific needs of Indigenous parents as well as non-Indigenous parents. The Department aims to create opportunities for Indigenous Australians to deliver the program and attract providers who specialise in working with Indigenous Australians.

2.9When will the Request for Tenderbe released? How long will the Request for Tenderbe open for?[added 12 September 2017]

At this stage, the Department intends to release the ParentsNext Request for Tender in November 2017. Further questions in relation to the ParentsNext procurement must be directed to the Employment Services Purchasing Hotline on 1300 733 514 or via email at . The hotline is the single point of contact for questions in relation to the purchasing activity.

2.10Will Providers have a caseload from Day 1 and will there be a transition phase?[added 28 September 2017]

Transition arrangements from the current contract to the new program are being developed and ParentsNext Project providers and Participants will be advised in the lead up to 1 July 2018.

Details on expected Day 1 caseloads will be provided to successful tenderers prior to 1 July 2018.

2.11Will Providers be required to be IT accredited?[added 28 September 2017]

All ParentsNext Providers will need to meet certain requirements in relation to IT accreditation. Further information regarding the accreditation process will be included in the draft Deed (available with the release of the Request for Tender).

2.12How does the Participation Plan work?[added 28 September 2017]

AParticipationPlansetsoutaParticipant’sEducationandEmploymentrelatedgoals and appointmentsand activitiestheParticipantwillundertakeontheirpathwaytoachievingthosegoals. The Participation Plan is developed by the Provider together with the Participant and is regularly reviewed and updated whenever a Participant’s circumstances change.

2.13Will Providers have access to detailed localised and Indigenous data and maps of Employment Regions?[added 28 September 2017]

More detailed data and maps will be provided by the Department closer to the Procurement process. This will include more localised data and expected Indigenous Participant numbers. A detailed map of all Employment Regions is available on the Department of Employment’s Labour Market Information Portal(http:/lmip.gov.au/maps.aspx).

2.14Why is the National Expansion of ParentsNext focusing on urban and regional areas?[added 28 September 2017]

The Australian Government recognises that different service delivery models are required to cater to the differing needs between remote areas and urban and regional areas of Australia. This is a preexisting distinction in Employment Services policy and is being continued through the implementation of ParentsNext.

2.15What are the eligibility criteria for voluntary Participants?[added 28 September 2017]

To clarify the description in the Discussion Paper,parents may volunteer to participate in ParentsNext if they reside in an intensive stream location, have a child under the age of six and are in receipt of Parenting Payment.

2.16Is the Participation Fund a pool that can be spent flexibly across parents? What happens with the funding if a Participant changes Providers?[added 28 September 2017]

The Participation Fund is pooled funding, meaning the funds can be spent across different parents in the intensive stream. Forexample, although the funding is provided at $1200 per Participant, a Provider with two Participants may use its discretion to spend $400 on one Participant and $2000 on another.

Policy regarding the Participation Fund when Participant transfers to another Provider will be made available in program Guidelines.

2.17What is the reason for ParentsNext not operating in remote areas?[added 28 September 2017]

Remote Australia is a different environment and a different cohort. The Department considers the service offer would need to be different to the current ParentsNext program.

2.18Are the payments specified in the Discussion Paper GST inclusive or exclusive?[added 26 October 2017]

All payments in the Discussion Paper are GST inclusive.

2.19The Discussion Paper states that under the new compliance framework parents will generally have to miss a minimum of five appointments in six months without an acceptable reason before their income support payments are reduced (page 18). How will a parent’s income support payments be reduced if they are only required to meet with their provider on a quarterly basis?[added 26 October 2017]

Under the new compliance framework, ParentsNext Participants will have their income support payment suspended each time they fail to meet a compulsory requirement. Where the Participant meets re-engagement requirements, their payment will be restored with full back-pay. Participants who are persistently non-compliant with their requirements will be subject to escalating reductions in their income support payments. A Participant will lose money after five instances of non-compliance.

Compulsory requirements include attending appointments, compulsory activities and signing a Participation Plan. Although it is currently proposed that Participants will only need to attend appointments on a quarterly basis, in practice it is likely that appointments will occur more frequently, with each scheduled appointment compulsory for the Participant to attend.

For example, a parent would lose money if they failed to meet five or more compulsory requirements (failure to attend an appointment or compulsory activity, sign their Participation Plan and meet any re-engagement requirements) over a six month period.

2.20What are the evidence requirements for employment outcomes?[added 26 October 2017]

There are two ways that Outcomes can be verified—by information from the Department of Human Services (DHS) or by Documentary Evidence (Pay Slip Verified Outcome Payment).

Further evidence requirements for employment outcomes will be set out in the program Guidelines.

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