Deadline: January31, 2017
Please send this form (Microsoft Word) to your main supervisor, and its C.C. to the Student Affairs Officebye-mail.
for the Academic year 2016
Submitted on (date) :
Name of the student:
Name of the main supervisor:
Comprehensive List of Publications, Oral Presentations and Activities
Required to Gain Credits for Guided Research on Southeast Asian/African/Global Area Studies (I, II and III)
Please provide the relevant information under the followingheadings:
1. Books (single or joint authorship)
2. Edited books
3. Translated texts
4. Articles (in peer-reviewed journals)
5. Articles (in edited volumes)
6. Articles (others)
7. Book reviews
8. Short reports, miscellanies etc.
9. Invited lectures at international academic conferences
10. Invited lectures at domestic academic conferences and symposiums
11. Presentations at international academic conferences (oral or poster)
12. Presentations at domestic academic conferences and symposiums
13. Other lectures or presentations (at academic workshops or open seminars)
14. Other academic activities (including internship activities)
15. Theses and dissertations
(1) The number of credits awarded for Guided Research on Southeast Asian/African/Global Area Studies (stages I, II and III) are 2 for each stage and are given to your work toward the completion of pre-doctoral/doctoral dissertations under supervision. Stage I is for the second semester of the second year, Stage II is for the following year, and Stage III is for the year when you graduate with a Ph.D. or upon confirmation of the completion of the supervised period of study. These credits will be given only after you submit this list.
(2) To obtain these credits, please submit this list every year by the end of January.
(3) A publication must contain the following information: Co-authors, if any; the title of your article/book; the name of the journal, or the book, if you have contributed the article to an edited book (with the name of the editor(s)); the name of the publisher; Vol., No., and pages.
(4) An oral presentation must contain the following information: Co-presenters, if any; the title of your presentation; the title, organizer(s), place and date of the meeting.If the presentation is published in a proceedings:
a)If published as a full paper, list it in “4. Articles (in peer-reviewed journals”;
b)If published only as an abstract, list it in “8. Short reports, miscellanies etc.”
(5) Each year’s list should be a comprehensive one that contains all the publications and oral presentations from the time you have enrolled in the ASAFAS program.
(6) You can list works that will be published later, if you wish. For example, if you have an article already submitted to a journal but it is still under review, or if you are writing one currently, or if you have a plan to write something, you can mention them along with some clarification as to what stage it is at the level of the submission.