Our fees:
- Business Immigration
Services: / Start
(350 еuro) / Basic
(500 еuro) / Exclusive
(1000 еuro)
Business registration / + / + / +
Payment of government fees/taxes / + / + / +
Registration withtaxationagency, and other governmentalagencies. / + / + / +
Establishment of an businessaddress / + / + / +
Obtaining a corporate seal / + / +
Airport transfer upon arrival in Montenegro / + / +
Purchase of a SIM card for a mobile phone with a balance of 10 euros / +
Assistance with business operation in Montenegro during the first 90 days (obtaining business licenses, permits, and other services) / +
Basic language course (10 hours)at our office location / +
Additional expenses:
- Travelto Montenegro;
- Preparation of documentsto apply for the temporaryresidencypermit (300 euro/person);
- Depositing the funds into the business bank account – at least 1 euro;
- Depositing the funds into the personal bank account – at least 300 euro per person. These are not expenses, but rather a formal requirementfor applying for the temporary residency permit;
- Fees for translation and notarization of documents;
- Medical Insurance;
- Obtaining a corporate seal (if not included in selected service package)
Additional Services*:
- Accounting/bookkeeping;
- Assistance in finding the accommodations for rent or purchase;
- Airport transferupon arrival in Montenegro(if not included in selected service package);
- AssistanceinobtainingMontenegrobusinesslicensesandpermits (if not included in selected service package);
* feesforadditionalserviceswillbediscussedonan individualbasis
- Property services:
- Consultationson all matters related to the purchase and registration of property;
- Consultationson selecting the region for property purchase;
- Propertyselectionandvisits;
- Assistance in negotiations with the seller or seller’s agent (translation services, if needed);
- Assessment ofthe property condition and estimate of renovation costs;
- Propertyevaluation (overallcondition, market value, legaldocuments), preparation of documents, signing the contract;
- Execution of the property purchase.
- Assistancewithpropertysale (market value evaluation, preparationof property forsale, repair and renovation if needed, notarization of documentation);
- Propertymanagement for customers interested in leasing their property.
- Assistancewithpropertyappraisal, examinationofproperty’spriorownership;
- Correctionofproblemsthatmayhave been foundduringtheappraisalprocess(e.g. encumbrances andboundaries, error in calculated total area, omittedobjects);
- Preparation of documents for property purchase and registration,registrationofproperty under construction; registration of land for future construction;
- Representation and oversight of your case in Montenegro courts;
- ConsultationonMontenegrinlegislation;
- Preparationandsubmission of various legal documents;
- Preparation of statutory documents, registration of legal entities, all forms of ownership;
- Assistance inobtaininglicenses, certifications, permits, and their modifications/amendments.
Fees for basic property services
Selection, examination and ownership registration for a property under 50,000 euro / 4% commission
Selection, examination and ownership registration for a property above50,000 euro / 3% commission
Property management (lease) / 1-10% of the lease price
Meeting in airport / 30 euro or more
Selection of language courses / free
Hotel booking / free
Apartment selection & booking / varying fee
Other services / varying fee
- Notarization feeis 11 euro;
- Registrationinproperty inventory book and certification of receipts of money – 10-20 euro.
III. Accounting and financial services:
- Consultations and recommendations on the Montenegrin tax system;
- Complete cashflow cycledocumentation (taxes and accounting, audit);
- Accounting renewal;
- Services to establish the business infrastructure;
- Ongoing legalservices (development of contractual schemes, conflictresolution).
*Accountingfees willdependofyou’re the scale and duration of your cashflowcycle.Fora smallcompany,basic accountingisabout 100-250 europer month.
Important: our lawyers have many years of experience and established contacts in government, and our accountants speak Russian fluently.
IV. Additional Services:
- Meetingattheairport, transfertothepointofinterestandback – feevarieswithdistance;
- Hotel/ apartmentreservation – hotel: free of charge and apartment : 100 euro;
- Documenttranslation– 15 europerpage
- Languagecourse selection– free;
- Registration of insurance policies;
- Otherservicesby mutualagreement.
V. Wedding tours:
More information is available onthissite: