September 6, 2016

Dear Students,

Welcome to science class!!! I’m excited about sharing new experiences with you and anticipate a year packed with learning and fun for all of us.

All students will be required to bring the following to class each day:

-  science textbook

-  planner

-  science notebook (ISN)

-  pencil (all assignments are to be completed in pencil)

-  pen for corrections (red, blue or black)

-  these supplies you should have in your locker (calculator, colored pencils, markers, metric ruler)


(Unless I give them, and then they don’t leave the room!!!!)

Science Notebook:

Each student will be required keep an interactive science notebook (ISN). We will create our notebook using a composition type notebook. I will demonstrate how to assemble the ISN and there will also be directions linked on my website. If absent, it is the student’s responsibility to consult my website or meet with me after school to make sure your ISN is up to date. The ISN will be graded at the end of each unit.


Completion of homework is very important, and a requirement of the class. Each homework assignment will be worth anywhere from 5 to 35 points (please remember to take pride in your work – if I can’t read it. . . it’s wrong). Late assignments WILL be accepted however points will be deducted. When absent, it is the student’s responsibility to consult my website to determine what was missed. The number of days absent dictates the number of days a student has to turn in the assignment. If a student is absent on the due date of a pre-assigned assignment, it is due on the day they return. Papers turned in without names will be considered late.


All labs must be completed and formal lab reports will be required on certain labs. Safety guidelines and the format for lab reports will be discussed before the first lab. Each lab will be worth from 10 to 50 points.


Tests will be given covering material from the text, class discussions, notes, homework, labs, and quizzes. Each Test will be worth 75 to 100 points.


May or May not be announced. Each quiz is worth 10 to 50 points.

Warm Up Questions:

Warm up questions will be an important tool in our science classroom. How you answer these questions will help you discover how well you understand the material. All students will be expected to respond to each “W.U.Q.”. The “W.U.Q.” page will be graded on a periodic basis, and counted as a homework or quiz grade.


Will be done on a total point system (# of points a students has earned ¸ by the total points possible).


Occasionally students will have permission to use personal technology (aka smart devices) within the class. It is expected that all rules regarding technology discussed in the Pierce code of conduct will be followed. Use of technology will never be “required” to complete a lesson or assignment. There are many opportunities for students to access school computers during lunch or after school (please see media specialist in the library for further details).

It is easy for students (and parents) to stay informed regarding their (their child’s) science grade. Science grades can be viewed through Pinnacle (if you do not have internet access, I will be happy to print out a hard copy of your grade).

In order to promote a classroom atmosphere where each student has the opportunity to achieve their personal best, the following behaviors are expected:

-  class participation is required in all labs, discussions, group activities, etc.

-  be in class on time (you should be in your seat when the bell rings, with class materials on your desk)

-  respect your classmate’s ideas, opinions, and rights

-  all property belonging to the lab/classroom, teacher, and fellow classmates should be respected and handled in an appropriate manner

Please refer to the student code of conduct for further guidelines on student behavior.

It is a priority of mine to be available for my students (and their families) whenever the need arises. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments. My email address is:

If for any reason you are not able to bring in the suggested supplies, please speak with me and I will provide you with the recommended materials.

Student signature ______Date: ______

Parent signature______Date: ______

Please return this signed paper by Friday September 9th, 2016.

Thank you,

Mrs. Michelle Kenny