Ashleworth Parish Council
Clerk: Nicky Hill
Orchard Cottage
Hill Farm Lane
Tel: 01452 781028 Email: /

Minutes of the Meeting of 15th March 2016

Councillors Present / In attendance
Mike Fellows (MF) Chairman / 1 members of the public
Tony Eardley (TE) Vice Chairman / Councillor Philip Awford (PA)
Caroline Saunders (CS) / Grant Elliot (GE) Neighbourhood Watch representative.
Derek Collier (DC) / Clerk: Nicky Hill (NH)
Minute No. / Item
471/0316 / Chairman MF welcomed everyone to the meeting.
The disused red phone box next to the Post Office ownership was raised, NH will find out. It was suggested that it could do with a repaint and maybe some ideas for its use.
It was noted that the track re-surfacing around the village green was awaiting action from the residents.
472/0316 / Apologies for absence.
473/0316 / Declaration of Interests:
TE declared an interest on minute No 477/0316 as he lives on the village green.
474/0316 / To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting:
12th January 2016
No amendments were necessary and the minutes were agreed and signed.
475/0316 / Matters arising /review of actions from the last meeting not on the agenda.
No matters arising.
476/0316 / Planning decisions since January meeting.
15/01281/FUL Demolition of existing two-storey rear extension, and erection of two-storey rear and side extension, and rear deck/terrace area, removal of bay window on front elevation of existing dwelling and installation of replacement windows in existing dwelling (revised scheme) Foxhollow, The Stream, Ashleworth
477/0316 / Proposals for boundary posts on the village green.
Following on from the last meeting, it was agreed that timber verge posts be erected along the grass edge to help prevent further damage. DC and TE felt that the quote that had been obtained was unsuitable and had re measured the area. With a 69 metre length and spacing of 3 metres apart, there should be approx. 24 posts. MF will ask some local contractors to provide quotes. MF thanked Jim Senior for erecting temporary posts.
478/0316 / Damaged footpath bridge near Kingstanding
NH reported that PROW have inspected the bridge and have agreed to arrange for repairs to be carried out in the early spring and into the new financial year. The landowner has been informed of the update and will advise APC when the work takes place.
479/0316 / Reports from invited speakers on relevant items
GE reported:
·  Recovery room fraud. Advance fees.
·  Vehicles being stolen following burglaries - keep keys safe
·  Customs holding counterfeit parcel addressed to you - click link to find out more - installs malicious spyware
·  Generator theft from Waggoners Lane. Since been visited again!
·  High specification websites selling electrical goods. Sites have (false) trusted trader certification. When checking out - card payment is currently not working, so bank transfer is your only option. The goods do not exist and your money will disappear.
·  Good citizen award - typically worth £8000 - just need to pay a release fee.
·  Two local notifications of suspicious behaviour within the village. One turned out to be a 'legitimate' door to door salesman. The other on Sunday was reports of two gentlemen looking around the back of properties at Nup end lane/Foscombe lane junction, when challenged they claimed to have just bought a nearby property and are looking for the shop...
PA reported:
·  The increase of 2.5% to the council tax had been implemented.
·  An ongoing project was in place to provide small services ie: road sign cleaning/gully cleaning. PA requested that anyone contact him if there is anything ‘small and annoying’ that needs doing.
·  The construction of the new swimming pool in Tewkesbury is on time and on budget and it is likely to open in June.
·  It was noted that the school pitch water is a problem and that PA and Richard Waters from Highways will be inspecting the site.
·  The A417 at Maisemore had reported issues during recent flooding. There are ongoing discussions in addressing the situations that occur in times of flooding.
480/0316 / Proposed Hasfield Broiler.
There is a proposed development of 2 large broiler houses in Upper Hasfield but as yet there is no confirmation of a planning application. It was agreed that as this may impact on such things as traffic around the Ashleworth area, the item will be added to the next meeting’s agenda. TE noted that there is an action group and that the clerk of Hasfield Parish Council had been in contact with other Parish Councils to inform of any updates.
481/0316 / Councillor attendance at/feedback from relevant events/meetings.
482/0316 / Highways.
NH reported that the drainage/ditches issue on Broad Street/Longridge Lane had been reported to Highways, but no response as yet.
483/0316 / AED demo.
MF reported that there was no progress in finding someone to provide a demonstration. CS will laminate the sign on the AED unit.
484/0316 / Himalayan Balsam review.
MF reported that he will liaise with the local warden from the Wildlife trust to arrange a working party to hand pull the HB from the ditches around Stonebow in late spring.
485/0316 / Village green bench.
NH reported that the WI had been in contact regarding the re-staining of the bench in order to protect it. MF has sourced the product that was used originally and will look at finding a volunteer to help.
486/0316 / Annual Parish Meeting arrangements.
NH noted that the meeting was scheduled for Tuesday 19th April at 7.30pm in the main hall. NH will send out invitations and make the necessary arrangements for the evening.
It was agreed to place a note about becoming a councillor in the APM WoSN article.
487/0316 / Finance:
a)  Agree Budget 2016/2017 - Agreed
NH to attach to minutes and website as per the Transparency Code.
b)  To approve accounts for payment.
·  Clerk wages Jan/Feb - £137.76, £137.76 approved
·  Memorial Hall hire - £ 28.00 approved
·  GRCC housing needs survey postage - £69.48 approved
·  GAPTC renewal - £145.04 approved
·  GAPTC audit renewal letter - approved
d) To agree the bank reconciliation payments and receipts. Circulated and agreed
e) Expenditure to date against budget. Circulated and agreed
f) To agree budget priorities. It was agreed that the Parish Council would contribute funding towards the Village Green matters raised in minute No 477/0316 and also contribute towards the Ashleworth village sign repair.
488/0316 / To agree agenda items for next meeting.
·  Village Green update
·  Hasfield Broiler proposal
·  Phone Box
·  Highways
·  Damaged footpath bridge
·  Finance
·  Budget Priorities
·  Audit
·  Meeting dates for 2016
489/0316 / To confirm date of next meeting as Tuesday 17th May 2016
490/0316 / Date for forthcoming meetings: 2016
Tuesday 19th April (APM)
Tuesday 17th May
Hall booked for above dates.
Meeting closed at 8.40pm


